"But now it's owned by adults, but Liang Ming will never give up. Now that you are in the auction hall, he doesn't dare to make a mistake, but if you go out..."

Wen Jinkui hesitated for a moment, then whispered: "God knows what strange things his master gave him, so you should be careful! In fact, if you don't mind it, you can stay in my auction hall and wait for a few days before the spotlight is over! "

Wen Jinkui's retention and warning are really from the heart, because he knows Liang Ming, and naturally knows Liang Ming's character, so he said so.

However, Xue an just laughed after hearing this, and then said faintly, "OK, I know. Thank you for your kindness, but I really want to see the means of Liang Ming!"

After that, Xue an did not hesitate to leave the backstage.

Wen Jinkui looked at his far away back, sighed, and then shook his head. His opponent whispered: "pay attention to the changes around, and let me know if there is any situation."


At this time, the venue is still very lively, many people did not leave.

So when I saw Xue an stride out of the backstage, many people's faces became very strange.

Xue an turned a blind eye to this and went straight to the front seat. At this time, Zhuang Linyan was also ready and stood up to meet him.

"My Lord!"

Xue an nodded. "It's all done. Let's go."


After that, Xue an turned and went out.

Zhuang Linyan was slightly stunned. Obviously, she didn't expect Xue an to leave so cleanly. However, after she was distracted, she immediately caught up with her.

At the same time, people in the field looked at Xue an's back, and the voice of discussion was rampant.

"Tut, what a fool! Is it a long life to leave at this time instead of avoiding the limelight? " Someone sneered.

"Yes! I don't know how to die when I'm carrying heavy treasure but I don't know how to do it! " There's someone on the side.

"And it's not just the alchemist. I don't know how many people in the meeting room have already moved their minds."

Sure enough!

When Xue an turns to leave.

A lot of people got up and left the meeting room without moving.

Such a scene naturally fell into the eyes of Liu Zhang in the box.

In fact, after Xue an came out from the backstage, Liu Zhang's sight did not leave him.

Especially when he saw Zhuang Linyan follow suit and leave with Xue an, he could not help but flash a chill in his eyes.

Through the information provided by his daughter Liu Jingyi, Liu Zhang already knew that Xue an was with Zhuang Linyan.

But before combining with the sudden changes in the outer city, Xue an's identity immediately became very suspicious.

In particular, Liu Jingyi also said that Xue an was a violent villain, which confirmed Liu Zhang's conjecture.

No wonder that Zhuang Linyan, who has been at a disadvantage, will suddenly turn the tables!

It turned out to be a strong aid!

It's a pity that you need help this time!

In particular, this guy didn't know how to hide his talent and keep a low profile after he got a heavy treasure. Instead, he left carelessly in front of the public.

This naturally made Liu Zhang sneer.

Suddenly, Liu Zhang drank the wine in the cup, stood up and drank in a deep voice: "has everything been arranged?"

"Go home, it's all arranged!"

"Go! I'd like to see what he can do to make a mess of the outer city


But when Liu Zhang's people heard the wind and moved, there was a dark shadow quietly following up at the entrance of the venue.

This shadow is Liu Jingyi, who should have been sent back to the Liu family.

At the moment, she looks uneasy, full of ominous premonition in her heart.

She's not a fool.

Before in the narrative with her father, she noticed the flash of killing intention in Liu Zhang's eyes.

This kind of feeling makes her feel like a needle on a needle. She is afraid that she will hurt her good friend Zhuang Linyan again.

So she did not leave, but hid in a corner of the entrance to the meeting.

When she saw her father leading a group of people out of the meeting, she carefully followed up.

Hope that everything is their own random guess, their good sister Lin Yan can do nothing!

Outside the venue at the moment, on the mid day of the moon, the crimson light sprinkled all over the earth, and covered everything with a hazy veil.

The people who came out of the auction hall followed Xue an and Zhuang Lin Yan in silence.

They are all waiting for the moment.

But at this time, Liu Zhang led a group of people to catch up.Many people can't help hesitating.

Liu Zhang was very powerful, and they did not want to establish a strong enemy, so many people began to withdraw gradually.

But there are still many people who persevere in following, just like a snake in the dark, watching the opportunity.

So the moon night under the blue stone inner city will appear such a spectacle.

A man and a woman were walking ahead.

Not far behind, a group of silent people followed closely.

The atmosphere became more and more dignified. In the dark, only the sound of people's disorderly footsteps echoed.

Zhuang Linyan's face turned white gradually. She couldn't help walking quickly. She came to Xue an's side and said in a low voice, "my Lord, behind..."

Xue an smile, but did not look back, just a light way: "the moon is so good, there are so many people willing to accompany us for a walk, it is also good!"

Zhuang Linyan was stunned and nodded.


And then it went a little further.

Just as the following crowd began to agitate gradually, from a distance came a dense sound of footsteps.

Then, in the dark, the figures began to emerge.

After seeing the visitors, Zhuang Linyan's expression is a song.

Because it was her people who had occupied the whole street.

"Sister Zhuang, sir!" The men in Green said in succession.

This kind of momentum, of course, also makes many people who follow it turn pale.

Soon, many people withdrew from the chase.

Only Liu Zhang remained silent, stopped in the distance in the dark, quietly watching.

At this time, Xue an glanced at the crowd and then gave Zhuang Linyan a faint smile.

"You arranged it all?"

Zhuang Linyan nodded his head and said, "yes!"

Although Xue an stopped to look around in the dark, he just looked around.

"Don't worry. You have to stutter and kill people one by one."

After that, Xue an raised his head and looked at the ruins of the high-rise building which had been collapsed for the most part, but was still towering.

"Come out! It's a good place to kill people

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