Words fall.

I heard a cold hum in the dark.

"Hum, boy, you really have some strength. You can see through my disguise!"

As he spoke, he saw a surge in the dark, and then Liang Ming stepped on a strange shaped aircraft, but there was no sound, appeared in the sky.


Liang Ming's face is full of cold and murderous intent, and gives Xue an a cold smile.

"What's more, what you said just now is a good place to kill people!"

When Liang Ming appeared, people who had been chasing Xue an retreated in horror.

Only Liu Zhang stepped back a few steps with a sneer on his face.

Because he had expected it for a long time.

The reason why he followed him was not mainly for the alchemy armor, but more importantly, he hoped that the young man in white who came out of nowhere would die as soon as possible.

After all, his appearance has broken the balance of the outer city and indirectly threatened his own security.

And he is also very clear, this Liang Ming certainly will not give up.

Therefore, he just wants to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight.

Of course, if you happen to get that treasure again, it would be more perfect.

At the same time.

Xue an looks at Liang Ming and suddenly laughs.

"And then?"

Somehow, when he saw the smile on xue'an's face, Liang Ming felt numb on his scalp and his hair stood on end.

But soon, this feeling was drowned by greater anger, because he felt as if he had been ridiculed by the young man in white.

Therefore, he roared, "don't make a mystery, hand over the alchemy armor and those seal characters. I can spare your life, or..."

Before Liang Ming finished speaking about these scenes, Xue an waved his hand and said, "let's do it!"

"Well?" Liang Ming was stunned.

"I said," do it! After all, everyone is very busy, so don't talk much nonsense. Just do it as soon as possible, so that I can go home and go to bed Xue an said lazily.

This attitude immediately angered Liang Ming.

"Well, since you are in such a hurry, I will send you on the road!" Liang Ming roared and waved his hand.

The moon, which had been reflected in the sky, suddenly disappeared, and then a mist completely covered the whole block.

They were all stunned and didn't understand what had happened.

Zhuang Linyan was shocked to find that Xue Anye, who was still standing in front of her body, had disappeared.

Zhuang Linyan was shocked.

At this time, Liang Ming walked out of the fog, his face full of complacency and ridicule.

"What a man who doesn't know the height of the earth! But it's your honor to die under my master's skill! "

At this time, the fog around the crowd began to retreat behind Liang Ming.

In an instant, everything around him reappears, but the street behind Liang Ming is still blocked by a dense and murderous fog.

Until then, someone just shuddered and cried, "war beast Battle beast fog! It's the fog of war beasts

The voice was full of panic.

Liang Ming's face became more and more satisfied. He nodded and said with a smile: "yes, it's the fog of war animals."

Speaking of this, Liang Ming's face showed the color of fanatical worship, "only the unparalleled master in the world can develop such power! And this guy is looking for death if he wants to fight against me

"What have you done to my adult?" Until then, Zhuang Linyan woke up from the shock and roared.

Liang Ming glanced at Zhuang Linyan coldly, then sneered, "your family adult? Oh, you mean that teenager? It's a pity that if you're right, he's dead now! "

"No impossible! The Lord will not die! " Zhuang Linyan looks pale and whispers to herself.

"Ha ha, do you think that if you enter into the fog of my master's war beasts, will there be anyone alive?" Liang Ming's face was full of sarcasm.

Zhuang Linyan's heart gradually sank.

She knew, of course, that Xue an was very good.

But this time he was confronted with an alchemist with a very strong background!

In particular, the fog of war animals is a legendary existence.

At this moment.

From the fog behind Liang Ming, there was a burst of suppressed roar and a sound of flesh and blood being torn.

This sound vibrates the earth to tremble slightly, also lets everybody's complexion pale.

However, Liang Ming burst into laughter.

"Do you hear me? That's my warbeast is biting this guy's body. Soon, he will be the food in the beast's stomach, and this will be his greatest contribution! Ha ha ha ha haIn the sound of laughter, the fog suddenly came a burst of screams filled with infinite fear, the ground also followed the tremor more and more intense.

It's like something is struggling with extreme fear.

The smile on Liang Ming's face became more and more serious! This is the end of the fight against me. I guess this guy has been scared to cry now

But as soon as his voice fell, something flew out of the fog behind him, and then it clattered down on the ground, making a metallic echo.

People watched.

On the ground, there is a huge claw made of metal.

There was a broken arm attached to the giant claw.

The shape of the whole remnant arm and the giant claw is very strange, just like being held by someone and twisted once. There is a shocking finger print on it.

Liang Ming, who had just been very proud of his broken arm, turned pale at the moment.

The whole body is beginning to tremble slightly.

Naturally, he recognized the remnant arm, which was clearly the component of the war beast that the master gave him.

But the problem is How could it be here?

Just as he was full of doubts, the ground began to shake violently again.

The tremor was so great that the fog that covered the whole street began to shake.

At this time, only to hear someone with a startled voice cry: "there is Someone

The crowd looked up one after another.

Sure enough!

A figure gradually emerged from the mist.

The figure walked slowly, and it seemed to drag something on his hand.

Therefore, every step he took, the ground would tremble.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

With a few shocking noises, the fog of war beasts suddenly began to shrink.

Then, you can see a figure in white walking out slowly with a huge tail in his hand.

This is a huge mechanical warfare beast, but at the moment it looks miserable.

The whole body is covered with deep fist marks, and many components have been destroyed by life, and thick oil is flowing out.

The war beast had already died, only its tail was held by Xue an, and it was dragged out step by step, leaving a deep dent on the ground.


Xue an walks into the field, throws away the tail in his hand, claps his hands, and then smiles at Liang Ming, who is so numb.

"Is there anything like that? If there are some, let's go together. It's fun to play with

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