Liang Ming looked at the fragmented war beasts on the ground, and his face was at a loss.


Master, you have devoted all your life to the development of the ancient war beast. How could you die?

How could that be possible?

You know, a war beast is powerful enough to kill a city.

It was only a quarter of an hour before the boy reappeared.

If this is true, how strong should this teenager be?

This makes him excited to fight a cold shiver, wake up from the confusion, and then look at Xue an with a complex look.

"Who are you?"

This question is also a common question in the minds of all the audience.

Xue an laughs when he hears the speech.

"Don't you think it's too late to ask who I am now?"

Liang Ming took a deep breath, took a deep look at Xue an, and finally lowered his head.

"I lost, but remember, it doesn't mean that master's mechanical warfare beast is not your opponent, it's just my carelessness! So... "

Liang Ming raised his head and said with excitement on his face: "no matter who you are, I will report this matter to my master when I go back. When that happens, I will explain it to you."

After that, Liang Ming turned around and left.

Xue an said slowly: "wait a minute!"

Liang Ming's body stopped abruptly, then slowly turned around and looked at Xue an coldly, "what? Anything else? "

Xue an broke his fingers and made a crackling sound. He said in a leisurely tone: "after playing for a long time, I even wanted to kill me even though I wanted to use war animals. Now I want to go so lightly?"

"What do you mean? What else do you want? Haven't I all given up? " Liang Ming's face was livid, and he said excitedly.

"Give up? Hehe... " Xue an coldly smiles, Huoran raises the eye, the eye is full of indifferent color.

"Who do you think you are and deserve to give up with me?"

Liang Ming laughed angrily. His laughter was full of resentment. "Boy, I admit you have some strength, but don't forget that I am an official alchemist in the truth tower, and my master is an alchemist. You..."

Xue an interrupted him directly, "alchemist? Is it good? "

"Of course Liang Ming looked arrogant. "My master is a scholar of heaven and man. He is a unique king in the field of alchemy. Even the war beast was developed by his old man himself. Do you think it's powerful or not?"

Xue an took a look at the corpse of the war beast on the ground, and suddenly laughed, "what's more, what do you mean that you made it yourself?"

"What do you say?" Liang Ming was furious.

But as soon as the words fell, Xue an appeared in front of him. Then he raised his hand and grabbed his neck. Shengsheng lifted it into the air.

This series of changes happened very quickly. Many people felt that they had just seen a flower in front of them, and then they were shocked to find that Liang Ming, who had just been arrogant, had been held by the young man in white and lifted into the air.

Liang Ming couldn't believe it. He wanted to struggle, but only then did he find that the white boy's hand was so good that no struggle could shake him.

On the contrary, it's getting tighter and tighter.

In the end, even Liang Ming's face turned purple sauce.

This also makes Liang Ming's eyes appear a trace of real fear.

Even if he lost, he had never been so panicked before.

For he has been arrogant, no one has ever dared to attack him.

Because, standing behind him is an alchemist!

But I never thought that the boy in white didn't play cards according to the routine.

So when he faced Xue an's calm eyes, his hair stood up and he could only make gurgling noises when he wanted to say something.

Xue an said indifferently: "I don't care who your master is. Since you killed me before, I'm sorry. I can only send you on the road! Because I'm a man who has a clear sense of gratitude and resentment. "

Liang Ming's eyes are protruding because of the huge pressure between his neck. Like a toad, his eyes are covered with blood. He looks at Xue an with infinite horror.

Xue an smiles, "by the way, and your master! Since he connives at you to be so arrogant, then he naturally also dies! So don't worry, I will send you master and apprentice together soon! Goodbye

Before Liang Ming could react, Xue an's fingers jerked.


Liang Ming is like an open can of meat. His head is squeezed open under great pressure.

Then Xue an released his hand.

The body fell to the ground with a dull thud.

The blood flowed soundlessly. Under the reflection of the scarlet moonlight, it gave out a kind of confused brilliance.Everyone's eyes became dull.

Liang Ming is dead!

The boy in white actually killed him?

Doesn't he know what the consequences are?

A lot of people are scared and frightened, only one thought in their mind.

It's a big deal!

After all, the master alchemist was extremely protective in rumors. If he knew that his successor had been killed, he would not know how crazy he would be!

There will be endless killing!

After finishing all this, Xue an still wins the snow in white, without even a trace of blood stains on her body.

He clapped his hands lightly, and then raised his head to smile at the shivering crowd hiding in the dark corner.

"Nice picture, isn't it?"

When facing Xue an's smile, everyone felt that his hair was straight and the whole person was stiff because of fear.

"I know why you are here. In fact, there is nothing wrong with desire, but if you don't know awe, it's stupid greed. Do you understand that?"

No one dares to speak, all of them listen in silence. Many people's faces have been covered with cold sweat.

Some people hiding in the shadow want to leave, but then they are frightened to find that they have been unable to move.

All people are like the prey that natural enemies stare at, standing in the same place, waiting for the arrival of the final fate.

Liu Zhang is no exception, even because he stands in front of him, the fear from his heart is even stronger.

This makes his eyes show the color of infinite panic, and he prays secretly in his heart, hoping that the young man in white can ignore his existence.

Unfortunately, the God he believed in knew that the other side was xue'an, he had not hesitated to abandon him!

Xue an looked around the whole scene, and finally stopped his eyes in the corner where Liu Zhang was, and then gave a smile.

"Master Liu, I didn't die in Liang Ming's hands as you wish. Are you disappointed about this?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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