At the moment when snow green, the heart is full of shock and confusion.

Xue an has given her too much surprise.

It's terrible enough to kill all the disciples at the meeting.

But I didn't expect that even a big school like Wangyue pavilion was completely destroyed by Xue an.

When I think of Xueqing, I feel very complicated.

She is a very delicate person, naturally can guess from the clues, can let Xue an so furious, must be a woman.

I don't know who can be so lucky to make men like Xue an crazy.

Shi Xueqing is admiring and sighing. Yu Lang's words wake her up.

When Xueqing shook her head, "I don't know! But Mr. Yu, I advise you not to look for him, because Mr. Xue is like a dragon in the nine heavens, and he can't be speculated by common sense. "

Yu Lang slightly color change, and then also nodded, "when Miss said good!"

At this time, someone came in flustered.

"Master, something happened to the rain temple!"

"Oh? What's the matter? " Yu Lang stands up.

The reason why he is so nervous.

It is also because they are afraid that other sects will be angry at the Yu family.

"You'd better go and have a look." The messenger's face was full of fear.

When we come to the rain temple.

Yu Lang can't help but be shocked.

A huge sword mark directly split the whole rain temple in two.

In the deep ditch cut by the sword spirit, there was a body in two.

When Xueqing lost his voice and exclaimed, "child ghost cut, this guy is the H country that demon knife big and small gold receives place!"

Time back two hours ago.

Jin chengsuo went into the main hall of the rain temple.

As soon as he came in, the statues in the hall began to shake slightly.

Jin chengsuo looked up at the statue, greedily licked his lips, and grinned grimly, "little God, don't be so afraid. I'm here to take you back to h country for a few days."

With that, Jin chengsuo slowly pulled out the demon knife!

It's a ghost of a child.

It is said to be a magic sword that has been handed down for thousands of years.

The strong evil spirit diffused in the hall.

The statue trembled more and more.

Jin chengsuo said with a sneer, "don't struggle. I'm very curious. How can you survive to the present with such a weak God?"

After that, Jin Cheng cut the sword he raised.

But in the middle of the sword, a sword suddenly appeared between the eyebrows of the statue.

A very sharp sword!

The whole hall seemed to be frozen.

Jin Cheng's face changed greatly, and he turned to run.

But it's too late.

This sword cut down like the heaven and earth, and directly split him in two.

Not only that, the sword did not disappear, but also split the whole rain temple into two sections before it gradually dispersed.

And so on the rain Temple of the goddess heard the noise after running out, they saw this almost miraculous scene.

At that time, many people knelt on the ground and kowtowed, thinking it was the God of rain!

When Yu Ming also heard the news, he leaned down and looked at it for a moment, then he got up dignified.

"It's Mr. Xue's sword idea!"

Yu Lang breathed a sigh of relief.

"I think so, but I'm not sure! That's why I asked you to come and have a look

Yu Ming's face showed admiration.


Xue an killed the ancestor of the Yu family, but it was in a decent fight.

Skills are not as good as people, there is nothing to say.

At the Xianmen meeting, Xue an said a few words, which made Yu Ming win.

This makes Yu Ming even more shocked.

Now, Yu Ming has nothing to say except awe!

He knows that in his life, he can only look up to his back!

And when snow green is to see crazy.

With only a sword left behind, he killed a famous son of Xianmen.

This Xue an How high is the cultivation?

It's when there's a lot of noise out there for xue'an.

Xue an, however, lived a sweet life with his wife in Beijiang.


Both daughters have gone to bed.

Xue an and an Yan sit on the balcony and look at the stars.

The stars are shining in the night sky. Xue an tells the story of three thousand years. When it comes to happiness, an Yan laughs, and when it comes to thrilling places, Anyan's face is white.

In the end, Xue an said softly: "when I was the ultimate preacher, I was haunted by the evil spirit in my heart, and I lost my body. As a result, I returned to the earth. That's what happened

Although know Xue an is safe and sound, can an Yan still hold Xue an's hand, eyes full of worry.Xue an smile, and then said: "now tell me about you, how can you run to the moon pavilion?"

An Yan lowered his head and kept silent.

Xue an's hand gently stroked her hair, "don't say it if you don't want to. It's OK! I'm here

Anyan whispered: "after giving birth to two children, I was forced to return to Zhongdu. At that time, my family gave me a foot ban, so I couldn't go out. After a year or so, Anqing secretly told me that my family was going to marry me out."

Xue an's eyes were cold, but still smiling.

An Yan light voice way: "I certainly will not, later or an Qing secretly sent me out of Zhongdu, after I began to escape by myself."

Speaking of this, an Yan seems to recall those days of fear, the body is slightly shaking.

Xue'an was distressed. "No more, no more. Let's talk about something else."

An Yan shook his head, "later, I met the music matchless, she said I have excellent qualifications, so she took me back to the moon Pavilion!"

Xue an nodded. "What's the seal on you? Have you ever met any strange people? "

Anyan tilted his head to think about it, then shook his head, "never met! Le Wushuang once thought of a way to remove the seal for me, but there was no effect in the back. She

"What's wrong with her?"

An Yan lowered her head. "She even planned to give me to other people in the clan later..."

Xue an's eyes are full of killing.

To other families?

This is taking an Yan as a gift!

It's killing!



"Is the seal on me very difficult?" An Yan asked seriously.

Xue an smiles, "if I say it's not difficult, won't you believe it?"

Anyan said sadly, "I will believe what you say. Even if the seal can't be opened, as long as I can accompany you and my daughter through this hundred years, I'm also very satisfied!"

Xue an ha ha smile, rubs disorderly an Yan's hair, "little fool! Your husband, I'm xianzun! Although the strength has not recovered, can there be anything in the world that can defeat me? "

"I'm just worried that breaking the seal by force will damage your bones and body, but it doesn't mean that you can't get rid of it in the future, for example, after entering Changsheng!" Xue an said, with a strong self-confidence on her face.

Anyan nodded, she is a very traditional girl, since with Xue an, as long as it is Xue an said, she will obey unconditionally.

"Besides, after a few days, we will return to Zhongdu."

"Back to Zhongdu?" An Yan Dao.

"Yes Xue settled down, his eyes twinkled with cold, "go to Zhongdu, and take back some accounts that should have been recovered for a long time." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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