Tang xuan'er led Xiao Sha out of the hospital gate and stood on the side of the road waiting for the bus.

There is a stall selling sausages on the side of the road.

The strong smell of meat made Xiaosha look at it straightly, and his mouth was about to flow out.

Tang xuan'er shook her head and chuckled helplessly. She knew the details of Xiaosha.

So whenever she saw it rolling for delicious food, Tang Xuaner thought that picture was just too weird.

Tang xuan'er squatted down and said in a low voice, "well, you are also a dragon. Can you pay attention to your image a little bit?"

Small sand some aggrieved low head, heart abdominal Fei.

He is really a dragon, but in the hundreds of years of heishuitan, what do you eat all day!

Either raw fish or hare!

Not even salt.

You can imagine what it tastes like.

Now it's so easy to come to this colorful world and taste all kinds of delicious food. Don't you allow yourself to eat more?

Looking at Xiao Sha's appearance, Tang xuan'er is distressed and funny.

"All right, all right! This is it

Then Tang xuan'er came to the stall and said, "come Twenty sausages

When the peddler saw that it was Tang xuan'er, she couldn't help laughing, "Miss Tang, did you buy the dog again? If you want me to tell you, Miss Tang, you can't be too used to this Beijing bus. If you keep eating like this, you'll get fat sooner or later! "

If Tang xuan'er is not present, I will tear your mouth into pieces.

But when the hot sausage reached the mouth, the resentment disappeared.

When Xiaosha was having a good time, a man and a woman came across the road.

The men and women were about fifty years old, and their faces were acrimonious.

As soon as I saw Tang Xuaner standing by the road, the couple was very bright and waved quickly.

"Xuan'er! Xuan'er! It's us

Tang xuan'er looked up when she heard the cry. When she saw the couple, her face turned white.

At this time, the two men crossed the road and came to Tang xuan'er.

The fat woman first bared her teeth and began to laugh, "xuan'er, I haven't seen her for several years. Is she so beautiful?"

There was a flash of anger in Tang xuan'er's eyes, but she took a deep breath and said in a low voice, "aunt!"

"Ah! Hey, xuan'er, today your uncle and I have come to see you

"To me?" Tang xuan'er frowned.

The couple here are really Tang Xuaner's uncle Jiao Ying and aunt Zhu Feng.

But Tang xuan'er was not good to them.

In particular, a few years ago, after the accidental death of Tang Xuaner's parents, the couple used all kinds of inferior means to seize all the property that should belong to Tang Xuaner.

At that time, Tang Xuaner was still young and did not understand this.

After that, Tang xuan'er understood the truth and was too lazy to deal with such people.

At this time, Jiao Ying said with a smile: "xuan'er, you are also my niece. Uncle, I have been worried about you. You say that you are too old now, and you should find a good family..."

Zhu Feng then said, "your uncle is right. This is not The company where your uncle works is very interested in you after seeing your photos! "

Jiao Ying said, "Hey, this man is not ordinary. He is from the Deng family in Beijiang. Do you know that Deng family? Most of the 4S shops in Beijiang are owned by others! Assets are in billions of dollars

Tang xuan'er finally understood that her two relatives were here to talk to her!

Tang xuan'er was so angry that her lips turned pale.

After so many years of indifference to yourself, now it seems like goods that you want to sell yourself?

"I'm sorry, I'm not interested in what you're talking about Deng's family!" Tang xuan'er said coldly.

Jiao Ying is stunned, but Zhu Feng is thick skinned enough to ignore these cold words. Instead, she says with a sad face.

"Xuan'er, I know that it was me and your uncle who did something wrong and hurt your heart. We have been full of guilt for the past two years. We have taken good care of the property left by your parents, and we will return it after you get married."

Tang xuan'er is stunned, "big aunt..."

Zhu Feng's tears all fell down. "Xuan'er, don't be angry with us. This blind date is also because your uncle thinks you're wandering outside. It's really hard to find a good family for you!"

Tang xuan'er shook her head. "Thank you for your kindness, but I won't go."


Tang xuan'er bit her silver teeth and said, "there's nothing why, but I don't want to go on a blind date now."

Zhu Feng and Jiao Ying looked at each other, their faces full of disappointment and resentment.

"Well, if you don't want to go outside, let's meet at home. What do you think?" Zhu Feng turned her eyes and said.

"At home?""Yes! How about where you live now? My uncle and I will go with you, that is, we can meet each other simply. Deng Shao said that if we can't, we should make friends. "

Tang xuan'er still wants to refuse. Zhu Feng can't help but push Tang xuan'er to go home.

Small sand see shape, the mouth of the sausage swallow, suddenly rushed over.

In its opinion, Tang Xuaner feeds herself every day, and she is so familiar with her boss that if anyone dares to bully her, he has to let him know the power of the Dragon King!

"Little sand! No Tang xuan'er called out quickly.

If this happens, Zhu Feng will be seriously injured if he does not die.

Small sand helpless landing, maliciously glared at these two people.

Zhu Feng spat darkly, in the heart did not take this Peking bus seriously.

"Xuan'er, you should have pity on both of us. Deng Shao is the top boss of your uncle's work unit, that is to say, if you don't want to, turn around and leave, OK?" Zhu Feng put on a poor look.

After all, Tang xuan'er was soft hearted, so she nodded helplessly, "OK, let's meet at home."

"OK!" Zhu Feng and Jiao Ying laughed happily.

Tang xuan'er calls Xiao Sha to come over, and she has the bottom of her heart.

As long as Xiao Sha follows himself, safety is guaranteed.

Of course, you can't go to Villa Tianzi No.1. After thinking about it, Tang xuan'er decides to go back to the community first.

After all, Xue an is not in Beijiang now. It is still empty.

Making up her mind, Tang xuan'er got into her uncle's car and drove to the community.

When Deng Mao received the wechat sent by Jiao Ying, he couldn't help getting excited.

Zhu Feng didn't tell the truth.

Deng Mao didn't see Tang Xuaner in the picture. He happened to see Tang Xuaner when he visited a patient in the hospital a few days ago.

At that time, Deng Mao was astonished by nature. When he came back, he began to inquire about Tang Xuaner's details. Then he found out unexpectedly that Tang Xuaner's uncle actually worked in his own company.

This can not help but let Deng Mao overjoyed, quickly find Jiao Ying, asked in detail.

Jiao Ying is so happy that her nose is about to come out. Has Deng family taken a fancy to her niece?

This is a great good thing!

When he went back to talk to his wife, the couple immediately made up their mind to come to Tang xuan'er.

Now that it's done, Deng Mao is naturally happy.

Deng Mao looked at himself in the mirror, who was dressed up in a smooth way, and couldn't help but smile.

Little beauty, wait, I'm coming!

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