"Let you go?" Xue an laughed. "Are you talking to me about terms?"

"Of course Speaking of this, Liu Zhang's eyes flashed a cruel color, holding Lei's hand gently closed.

"This Thunderball has been bound to me. As soon as I die, it will explode! And it's powerful enough to blow everyone to pieces, including you, of course. So if you're wise, let me go now. I promise I won't hurt Zhuang Linyan. What do you think? "

"Yes, I can!" Xue an nodded with a smile.

But before Liu Zhang showed his ecstasy, Xue an raised his hand and pointed to Liu Jingyi, who was standing on the side. "Are you sure you're going alone? You know, if you leave like this, your daughter's fate will be very miserable! "

Liu Zhang did not even hesitate for a moment, "as long as I can let go, what can a daughter do?"

"Jingyi, you are a good boy, so don't blame your father for his ruthlessness. He has no choice but to do so."

Liu Jingyi's face was as pale as paper, and she felt that something in her heart had collapsed at the moment.

Just then, a soft clap of the high five came.

Xue pacified Zhang and exclaimed: "in order to survive, even your own daughter can sell and give up. Liu, you really have the appearance of a hero!"

"Don't talk nonsense, Xue. I'm talking to you about terms now. Will you let me go?" Liu Zhang roared with a ferocious look on his face.

But as soon as his voice fell, he saw a wisp of sword darting through Liu Zhang's eyebrows and rushed out from behind his head.

The splashed blood even stained Zhuang Linyan's face.

Liu Zhang's eyes congealed in an instant, but the remaining consciousness made him subconsciously look at the Lei Baozhu in his hands.

Just at the moment of breaking out of the sword, the thunder beads showed gorgeous thunder lines and began to expand a little bit.

Liu Zhang's mouth showed a trace of grim smile, very good, all die!

But at this time, a slender hand suddenly appeared in the field of vision, and then the cloud light breeze will be about to detonate the Thunderball to grasp in the palm.

At the moment of clapping hands, the thunderbolt exploded completely.

But the power to destroy a few blocks failed to shake the palm of this jade carving.

Even at this time, the palm of the hand suddenly is a grip.

With a dull bang.

All the power of the explosion was contained by life, turned into a wisp of curly green smoke, which turned into nothing.

Seeing this scene, Liu Zhang's pupil was instantly diffused by the remaining consciousness.

Originally, all his threats are just the arrogance of the frog in the well!

Liu Zhang grinned bitterly for a while, and then he completely slipped into the bottomless dark abyss.


Liu Zhang's body fell to the ground.

There was a dead silence.

No one dares to make a sound.

In the shock of the whole scene, Xue an lightly patted his palm and said lightly: "do you want to talk with me about this power?"

He called Lei Baozhu so Point power???

Many people's minds come up with question marks one by one.

Some even suspect that what they are facing is not a person, but a Tyrannosaurus Rex hidden in the human shell.

Otherwise, how can the mortal body be born with the explosion of thunder and beads?

At this time, Xue an turned her head and looked at Zhuang Linyan and Liu Jingyi with a blank face, and said faintly.

"Sorry, I seem to have killed your brother and enemy!"

Zhuang Linyan shivered all over, but soon bowed down to speak.

"You're joking, Lin Yan can live, but also thank you for saving your life!"

Xue an gave a noncommittal smile, and then looked up to see the scarlet moon which was gradually falling to the West.

"Well, enough people have died tonight, so I won't care about the mistakes you people have committed. Go away!"

"Yes, yes! Thank you for your life

After hearing Xue an's words, the rest of the people, as if granted amnesty, quickly turned around and ran away.

In an instant, the field became quiet.

And Xue an laughed and said, "well, it's all over, I should go too!"

"My Lord! Where are you going? " Zhuang Linyan was surprised and asked in a hurry.

Xue an looked down at the huge corpse of the war beast on the ground, and said faintly, "if you beat your apprentice, master will not give up. But I happen to be a person who is afraid of trouble. So I will simply solve all the problems tonight."

With that, Xue an reached out and lifted the body of the war beast to Shengsheng, and then nodded to Zhuang Linyan."Goodbye!"

After that, Xue an sprang up and flew into the air with the corpse of the war beast. Several times later, he disappeared into the sky.

Zhuang Linyan looked at Xue Anyuan's back, her face full of confusion and consternation.

He Just go away?

The meaning of his words seems to be to go to Liang Ming's master, the alchemist?

Thinking of this, Zhuang Linyan suddenly shuddered.

Because she suddenly found that this Mr. Xue is more mysterious and powerful than she imagined!

As for Liu Jingyi, she was looking at her father's body on the ground with tears streaming down her face.

Who would have thought that this auction would end in such a way!

In the auction hall, Wen Jinkui was also shocked after listening to the story told by his subordinates.

"What? Liu Zhang is dead, too? What's more, this adult has saved all the people by holding the Thunderball in his hand? "

"Yes! This is what my subordinates have seen with their own eyes in the distance! " This subordinate also full of shock said.

"Where is the Lord now?"

"His subordinates only saw him grab the body of a war beast, rise from the ground and fly away!"

Flying away with the corpses of war beasts? Is it possible that.

Wen Jinkui's face suddenly became solemn.

If that's the case, it's big enough to shock the whole alchemy world!

But things Is it really going to be that smooth?

In Wen Jinkui's eyes, there is a flash of doubt.

At the same time.

There are a lot of people in bluestone holding the same doubts.

This night, it is destined that many people will be hard to sleep.

Tens of thousands of miles to the West from the bluestone wilderness, they entered the most prosperous area in the territory of hundreds of thousands of miles.

There are many high-rise towers, and huge gold refining machinery scattered everywhere. While discharging huge amounts of pollution, it is also creating amazing wealth.

Here is the core of the whole territory and the location of Yujin city.

In the eastern part of Yujin City, there is an absolute forbidden area.

No one dares to pass here privately. Even if they pass in front of the forbidden area, they have to walk in a hurry with their heads down.

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