Because this is where Duan Fuxian, the master alchemist, lived.


In the middle of the forbidden area, above the towering tower, Duan Fu raised his head with satisfaction and stretched out a long stretch.

There is a housekeeper waiting on the side, see the situation immediately put on a cup of steaming refreshing fruit.

I'll take the drink and put it on the side of the warehouse! I remember to choose some superior goods from the dungeon later. Today, I feel that I am in good condition, and it is possible to produce some more excellent products! "

"Yes! Master The housekeeper hears the speech to answer a, and then toward a few servants in the distance a hand.

These people rushed forward, took a beautiful sculpture off the wall, and carefully carried it away.

However, judging from the shape and texture of this carved product full of embellishments, it is just like a piece of Human skin!

During this period, Fu Xian drank a hot drink and said, "is there any news from Liang Ming?"

"My Lord, not yet! However, judging from the current time, it is estimated that the auction on the other side of Qingshi city has just finished! "

Duan Fu nodded first, and then his face showed a look of pride, "in fact, this so-called auction is just a walk in the street! Do you dare to rob me of what I want? What's more, even if someone wants to rob me, I have to have the financial resources. Ha ha ha ha

With that, Duan Fu burst out laughing.

The housekeeper also echoed with a smile.

"All right! I'm going to practice some of the amulets. I'll use them as soon as I can



A servant pushed several cages covered with black cloth into the study.

When the black cloth was uncovered, there were several young girls in the cage who shrank in the corner, full of despair.

Duan Fu stood up first, went to the cage, bent down to examine carefully for a long time, then nodded with satisfaction.

"It's not bad. The quality of these products is really high. Only with such delicate and tight skin can we perfectly simulate the appearance of carving talismans!"

The housekeeper looked happy, "thank you for your praise! To tell you the truth, I have tried my best to screen out these goods in order to live up to the expectations of the master

Between words, these two people completely take these girls in the cage as goods.

After a good deal of flattery, Duan Fu began to pace back and forth in front of several cages.

All the women were shaking as far as they could see.


Duan Fu stood in front of a cage, raised his hand and pointed, "it's her!"

At the command, the girl gave a shrill cry.

But soon, a servant came forward to open the cage, covered the woman's mouth skillfully, and dragged it out of the cage.

"Tied to that desk, I first enjoy this full of youthful vitality of the body, so as to make her more desperate, only in this way, her skin will be completely tight!" Duan Fu ordered.

Several servants are very agile will girl firmly tied on a desk, and then get up to leave.

When she released her hand covering her mouth, the girl immediately howled.

But Duan Fu Xian didn't mean to stop him. Instead, he looked at him with a smile.

Until after a while, the girl's voice gradually weakened, he said with a proud face.

Why don't you go on? hey! To tell you the truth, this is my alchemy tower, so if you call a broken throat, no one will hear it! Even if you hear it, no one will dare to save you! "

The girl's face was white and almost transparent, and she cried out with tears on her face: "my Lord, please let me go! Please... "

Duan Fu shook his head first, "it's useless. I won't let you go!"

With that, Duan Fuxian's fingers glided gently over the girl's face, and then he said with enjoyment: "it's really young skin. Unfortunately, it's almost hot! So... "

Duan Fuxian suddenly said: "don't you cry quickly? Or I will kill you now and peel off your skin

"Ah, ah, ah!" The girl screamed hysterically again because of her excessive fear.

In the cry, Duan Fu first laughed, "yes! this is it! The more you say that, the more excited I am

The women in the other cages were scared to death.

On the contrary, the servants and the housekeeper were not surprised.

Because it's become a routine.

Can be in Duan Fuxian very excited waiting for the "heat" in place.Suddenly.

Just listen to a very cold voice in everyone's ears.

"Treat the despair of others as a game and use their bodies as tools. Is that your alchemy?"

"Who! Who is talking? " Duan Fu was furious. Huoran stood up, glanced around and roared.

And the study public, also is all color change.

"Who? He he, the one who killed you

After that, a streamer came straight from the distant sky and came to the sky above the tower in an instant.

When the streamer stops, the people in the study are all one of the coagulation.

For standing in the void is a young man in white.

And in the youth's behind, also drags a huge war animal corpse.

When he saw the fragmented body of the war beast, Duan Fuxian's pupils were locked.

"This war beast What have you done to my apprentice? " Duan Fuxian's face was black and blue.

Naturally, it was Xue an.

His eyes swept over the poor girls in the cage, especially when he saw the blood stained desk and wall, his eyes could not help flashing a touch of boiling anger.

It's not that he hasn't seen a murderer before.

However, it is rare for Duan Fu Xian to regard other people's life as a tool.

Therefore, after hearing Duan Fuxian's question, Xue an just raised his mouth and showed a cold smile.

Then he said faintly, "your apprentice Liang Ming is dead, and now it's your turn!"

Duan Fuxian was furious at the speech, "arrogant child, do you know how I am? How dare you talk to me like that and kill him

As he said this, he saw many figures rushing out, all of them mechanical puppets refined by Duan Fuxian himself.

But it was just when these mechanical puppets were on their way.

Xue an sneered, "so dirty, so Go to hell

With one arm, Xue an suddenly picked up the huge corpse of the war beast behind him, and with the power of fury, he directly smashed into the alchemy tower.


These mechanical puppets were blown away by the violent air flow, and then the corpse of the war beast was like a huge weapon, crashing down on the alchemy tower. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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