
The towering alchemy tower let out a groan of unbearable burden, then the upper part of the tower slowly fell down, and finally hung there at an extremely dangerous angle.

And the power of this blow also made Duan Fu's face change suddenly.

"I dare you

With this roar, a little black light suddenly appeared on Duan Fuxian's body, and then ran over his whole body like water.

With the sound of cogging gears turning, Duan Fuxian's whole body was shrouded in a cold and dark armor. On the chest of this armor, there was a huge snake's head.

The eyes of the snake head are extremely cold, which makes people shudder at a glance.

Seeing this, Xue an was slightly stunned, and then said with a smile: "alchemy armor? Tut Tut, I didn't expect such unexpected joy

"Stop talking nonsense and die for me!" Duan Fu first roared, squatted slightly, and suddenly jumped up. The whole man ran straight to xue'an like a shell.

The speed is so fast that the rumbling sound makes the whole Yujin City vibrate.

Countless people looked up, and their eyes were filled with infinite horror.

"What's the matter? Who made master Duan so angry? "

"My God, look at the alchemy tower in the forbidden area!"

There were shouts of panic.

At the same time.

Duan Fu Xian ye had already rushed to Xue an, and he was hit in the face.

Quan Wei brings up the gust of Yin wind, sending out a smelly atmosphere.

There is no doubt that even a little bit of this punch will be extremely poisonous.

This is also the reason why Duan Fu had been in Yujin city for many years and killed countless people, but his position still remained unchanged.

With such an alchemy armor, you can kill the strong at the same level.

A sneer appeared on Duan Fuxian's face.

This young man in white obviously has a long history, and his disciple Liang Ming died in his hands, which means that the alchemy armor at the auction should be on him at the moment.

I can be so powerful with only one piece of ancient armor. If I can get another one, will it be unique in the world and even have a chance to be promoted to the realm of creator?

Thinking of this, Duan Fuxian's heart became more and more hot.

But at the moment when his fist could be blasted to xue'an, xue'an said faintly: "it's a waste to wear such armor on you!"

With that, Xue an put out his hand and grasped Duan Fuxian's wrist.

Duan Fu was stunned.

What's going on? How could this teenager grab his fist with a meat paw?

But why isn't he poisoned?

Is he immune?

These ideas just rose in Duan Fu Xian's heart, Xue an Chong He Sen ran a smile.

"Are you ready? The show is on

After that, Xue an, with one arm, threw Duan Fu up first and then smashed him to the tower in the distance.

This scene also fell in the eyes of most of the people in Yujin city.

All people's mouths were then opened, and then one voice of exclamation.

Because in the eyes of many people in Yujin City, Duan Fuxian seems to have been an irresistible existence and a God on the top.

I didn't expect to see a defeated boy in the hands of the gods.

At the same time.

I heard a loud bang.

Duan Fu, like a shell, smashed in from one side of the tower, and then penetrated through layers of hard walls and came out from the other side of the tower.

In this way, the rest of his potential was still not declining until he hit the ground and bounced several times in succession. Duan Fuxian barely controlled his figure.

But at the moment, he was more embarrassed than just now.

The armor, which had just been shining brilliantly, has become a lot dimmer now.

The corner of the mouth is slowly oozing a trace of blood.

And in his eyes, also rise to have never had dignified and cool.

After staring at Xue an in the air for a while, he suddenly wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and hissed.

"Who are you, my friend?"

Xue an Ju Gao Lin looked at Duan Fu Xian, a faint smile, "why do you all like to ask this question?"

Duan Fu took a deep breath and tried his best to suppress the boiling Qi and blood in his body. He said in a deep voice: "my friend, your strength is not ordinary people, so I think there should be some misunderstanding between us."

Under a blow, Duan Fuxian, who was just aggressive and vowed to avenge his apprentice, changed his words directly into a misunderstanding.

"Misunderstanding? If so, is it a misunderstanding that I killed your apprentice? " Xue an asked with a smile.Duan Fu said with a smile, "with your strength as a friend, my apprentice will die when he dies. How can we talk about any misunderstanding and no misunderstanding?"

The smile on Xue an's face gradually converged, and he looked at Duan Fuxian deeply, "what you said is quite reasonable."

Duan Fuxian secretly relieved and put on a smile. He just wanted to say something.

Did not expect Xue an to go on to say: "that with my strength, kill you also need not care what misunderstanding does not misunderstand?"

As soon as he said this, Duan Fu's heart was full of alarm bells, and his whole body subconsciously wanted to dodge.

It's a pity.

It's too late.

Xue an, who was originally standing in the sky, did not know when he had appeared behind Duan Fuxian, and then gave a slap lightly.


This slap directly hit Duan Fuxian's shoulder, and even aroused the self-defense of the alchemy armor.

However, seeing countless scallops crazily surging up the shoulder, layer by layer superposition, this can be regarded as blocking Xue an's power of the palm.

But although the physical injury was avoided as much as possible, the violent force still smashed Mr. Duan Fu into the ground, leaving only a human shaped hole on the ground.

The cave is so deep that I don't know how far it was smashed into.

But the shock wave brought by it made the whole Yujin City tremble three times.

As for the broken cracks on the ground, they are stretching for miles.

"What the hell! Is this still a fight between mortals? Are you sure it's not a war? " Someone exclaimed.

At the same time.

Xue an stood in the cave and said, "this is just a warm-up. Give full play to your strength. Let me see how much power you can play with this alchemy armor!"

The voice has just dropped.

There was a roar of wild animals coming from the ground.

Then the ground began to tremble violently, and then a giant python suddenly emerged from the ground. Its high body was even higher than that of the alchemy tower.

On top of the huge snake head, Duan Fuxian was most impressive.

But Duan Fuxian, the whole body has been integrated with this python.

Only the head appeared in the middle of the snake's head, and he was looking at Xue an with a cold face. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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