Seeing this extremely terrible scene, the whole Yujin city was almost boiling for it.

Countless people's faces changed wildly. Some of them even knelt down to the ground and worshipped the python.

Because in their minds, this is the Supreme God.

Xue an looked at the python, which was made of metal, and then sighed: "it seems that I have not guessed wrong. Your war beast is made through this alchemy armor."

"Haha! So what? Boy, it's enough for you to show me this ultimate form! " Duan Fu Xian Jie sneered.

At the moment, his eyes have also turned into the triangle eyes of snake and insect, full of gloomy light of choosing people.

Ordinary people don't talk about war. Even if they see this pair of eyes, they will collapse and die.

Because the image is as if it was made out of the deepest nightmare of the human heart, full of fear.

Xue an chuckled at the speech, "the ultimate form?"

Said, Xue an raised a finger to point to this python, "you call this the ultimate form?"

Duan Fuxian was stunned, "what do you mean?"

"Ha ha, you are insidious and greedy for power. You think you have found the ultimate form of this armor, but you don't know that you have fallen into other ways. Just like you are now, you are not controlled by people, but are firmly controlled by the armor and trapped in it, unable to extricate themselves!"

Xue an stood with his hands down and talked freely. His voice was clear and loud, which shocked the world.

And his words also aroused Duan Fuxian's violent reaction.

See the whole Python crazily wriggling, Duan Fuxian's face also flashed crazy and tyrannical state.

"Nonsense, I am not on the wrong path, because I am so powerful now! This is the essence of power, you die for me

It seems that the snake's speed is as fast as that of the snake.

But it's just a cold smile.

"No? Well, today I'll show you what the real ultimate form of this armor is

As soon as Xue an stepped on his toes, the ground fell into a big pit with a bang, and Xue an's whole person, like an arrow from the string, went straight through the layers of the Python's blockade, and instantly came to the front of the snake's head.

Duan Fuxian has fallen into madness at the moment, frantically venting his violent power to the outside world.

But Xue an did not have the slightest touch, and took a step.

This is a step without a trace of smoke and anger, let him straight across the layers of barriers, to the giant python head.

Then Xue an slowly raised his hand and pressed it directly on the Python's head.


After a light sound, we can see that the wild Python suddenly calms down.

Duan Fuxian was also stunned, then his head went out of his head and roared hysterically: "kill him for me, ah ah ah!"

It's a pity that the whole Python seems to have been given a set body curse, and there is no movement at all.

Then, I heard the sound of gear rotation coming from the python, and then the Python's body began to change wildly.


Duan Fuxian was the first to be excluded.

If Duan Fuxian had not carried with him a protective animal, he might have been killed.

But even so, Duan Fu at the moment is not comfortable.

I saw him standing in the distance, looking at the Python's armor which was constantly changing its shape. He didn't understand what was going on.

But soon.

He and a lot of people in the city saw an impressive scene.

But before seeing the python, who was still very powerful, after a crazy change of body shape, he changed back to the appearance of armor, and then rushed to Xue an's arm like a tide.

Where he passed, the armor appeared.

But it's just the beginning.

As soon as the snake shaped armor surged up xue'an's arm, the gold token he had carried before and the mouse token he had bought at the auction were shocked at the same time, and then they began to change their forms at the same time.

But see dazzling golden light for it flicker, and in which is constantly come the sound of mechanical change.


When the golden light is gone.

What appeared before the crowd was a jaw dropping scene.

And he saw Xue an standing in the void, surrounded by layers of armor.

This piece of armor is exquisite and perfect, which is beyond the limit of human power. Especially when it is worn on xue'an, it looks like a God coming down to earth.

What's more, there is a pair of huge metal wings behind xue'an. However, there are only four feathers on the wings, which symbolize sheep, tiger, mouse and snake. The remaining eight holes are free.But even so, the prestige of this armor has already oppressed many people who can't breathe.

Duan Fuxian, in particular, was staring at this scene, his face was blue and white for a while, and his mouth was whispering in a trembling voice.

"This Is this armor a fit? "

Duan Fuxian only saw the fitting armor once in a while in alchemy books handed down from ancient times.

Even in the heyday of alchemy, it was an extremely rare armor.

Because if you want to forge this kind of armor, you must have the ability of a creator.

And what level is the creator?

Let's say it!

The hierarchy of alchemy civilization is divided into low-level alchemist, senior alchemist, alchemist, great alchemist, creator, great Creator!

But because of the decline of civilization, there is no great Creator in the world now.

Once you reach the realm of great creation, it means that you can create spiritual alchemy items on your own!

This is also the origin of the name of the great creator.

But the God maker is still on the great creator. Once he reaches this level, he will enter the realm of God. All the things forged will have their own talent and consciousness, and even can create alchemy life.

But it also means that there are very few creationists. In fact, there are only three creationists in the whole history of alchemy civilization!

Therefore, when Duan Fu first saw the background of the armor, he would be so frightened.

At this time, Xue an turned his head, the armor on his face suddenly parted on both sides, and then gave him a smile.

"Can you see clearly now? This It's the ultimate form of this alchemy armor! "

Duan Fu trembled all over, and then he knelt down without hesitation, "my Lord, I know I'm wrong! Please spare your life

Duan Fu thought very clearly that he had no chance to escape in front of Xue an, who had such armor.

So if he wants to live, he can only hope that Xue an will spare him this time.

And his kneeling also made the whole city of Yu Jin a stir. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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