
In the eyes of all the people, this high alchemy tower was pulled out of the ground by Xue an.

In the dust, there was only a deep pit where the gold tower was located.

It is as good as a tower standing on the sky.

The power of God!

All those who have witnessed this scene have only these four words in their minds.

Only these four words can describe this scene.

At this time, standing in the sky, Xue an looked down at the people at his feet, and his face showed a faint smile.

"Sorry to disturb you."

After that, Xue an raised his hand to carry one end of the tower on his shoulder, raised his eyes and looked at the direction. Then, as soon as he exerted himself at his feet, his whole body flashed, and he carried the huge tower with a height of ten thousand feet and flew to the eastern sky.

The whole process is no more than a breath, and then the field becomes empty. Except for the big pit on the ground, there is no trace of the tower.

Many people look dazed, and some even think that they are dreaming. Until they pinch themselves, they are sure that everything just happened is true.

Then the whole Yujin city then set off a great disturbance.

"My God, Duan Fuxian is dead! Ha ha ha ha ha, God has eyes

"Who's the man in gold armor? Why is it so powerful? "

"The direction he flies away seems to be the headquarters of the truth tower."

These excited comments came and went.

At this time, the people rescued from the tower by Xue an all knelt down to the ground in the direction of Xue an's departure, their faces full of excitement.

Because they know that if there is no Xue an, their final fate is likely to become Duan Fuxian's exquisite collection.

So naturally they were very grateful to xue'an.

At the same time.

With the special weapon of "flying to the headquarters of Xue Wangen".

In the past, the dark clouds receded and the sun and the moon gave in.

And this scene naturally attracted the attention of many people on the ground. They looked up and gaped at a half tall tower whistling across the sky.

There are a lot of people in that moment think they did not wake up, is in a dream!

And in the place where people have been shocked by this scene of skeptical life.

In the eastern sea area hundreds of thousands of miles away from Yujin City, there stands a thousand feet high island.

The whole island is made of metal, which is extremely exaggerated and full of Steampunk style.

This is where the famous truth tower is located.


In the tower in the middle of the island, the speakers of the truth tower all looked at each other.

The silence in the room was terrible.

Those who can appear here are the elites of the whole truth tower.

All of us here are the great alchemists' accomplishments, and any one of them is enough to frighten one side.

But at the moment, the speakers were all silent and focused on the three people in the middle of the room.

The three men, two men and one woman, were all dressed in red robes with a metal bird standing on one foot embroidered with gold.

And this It is the symbol of the realm of the creator in the tower of truth.

That's right.

These three people are the only three creators in the truth tower, and they are also the three speakers of the truth tower.

The older man, named Tao Chengde, is one of the most powerful creators. He is also Duan Fuxian's master.

The younger man, named an guocong, has good strength, and he is the only one to follow Tao Chengde.

As for the woman, she was the only woman alchemist left in the tower of truth, whose name was Heino.


Tao Chengde is holding a connector which has been broken by a huge sound, and his face looks very ugly.

Seeing this, an guocong whispered: "elder martial brother, what did that guy do in the end? Why is there such a loud noise? "

Tao Chengde looked gloomy and shook his head. "I don't know, but it's certain that this guy is definitely not an ordinary person."

An guocong's eyes showed a cruel color, and said with a grim smile: "what can you do if you are not ordinary people? How dare you fight against our truth tower? I'm looking for death! Why don't I take someone over now and see what's going on? "

Tao Chengde's eyes are also filled with endless killing intention.

Xue an's rebuke of the truth tower and the noise behind it made him feel a great threat.

Therefore, in order to get rid of them quickly, it is obviously the fastest way to send people to the past.

But he was just about to nod.

He Yinuo suddenly raised his eyes and looked out of the window. There was a trace of haze that was not easy to be detected in his eyebrows and eyes. Then he said coldly, "don't go. I can feel that this man is coming to us!""What?" Tao Chengde's face changed.

Although he didn't agree with him, he also knew that the most powerful thing about him was her ability to perceive terror, so he didn't dare to be careless and asked in a deep voice.

"How many?"

He Yinuo shook his head. "Judging from what I feel at present, he is the only one!"

"What? Is this guy a lunatic

"Yes, he dares to come to our truth tower alone. Is he here to die?"

The laughter and sarcasm rang through the room in an instant.

Even an guocong couldn't help laughing: "so arrogant? Do you really think it's great to kill an alchemist? I'll teach him how to be a man when he comes

When these people put Jue Ci, he Yinuo took out a silver ball with a dignified face and pressed it fiercely.

The silver ball quickly deforms and turns into an aircraft the size of a palm. Then it turns into a streamer and rushes out of the window and disappears into the sky.

Seeing this scene, an guocong sneered, "why don't you make a fuss about using your own secret silver unmanned aerial vehicle for the sake of a boy who doesn't know where to jump out?"

He Yinuo didn't pay attention to an guocong's ridicule at all, just waited quietly with his eyes closed.

Finally, a moment later, she was slightly shaken, then raised her hand and unfolded a small scroll.

On the scroll, the light floats, and soon a picture emerges.

At first, the picture was still a little rough and shaking, but soon, the picture became clear.

When seeing the scene in the picture, all the people who just uttered their words and looked scornful were shocked, and then they were all dumbfounded.

In the picture, a man in golden armor is carrying a half of the tower, which is ten thousand feet long, in a hurry.

As if feeling the prying, the man slowly raised his head, the armor on his face suddenly separated, showing a calm face, and then smiling at the picture, his lips moved.

"Don't worry. Get ready. I'll be there in a minute."

The cold sound spread through the picture to everyone's ears.

Then I heard Peng's voice, and the picture burst and the scroll was smashed.

He Yinuo snorted slightly.

And the whole scene was shrouded in a cold and dead silence. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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