"Open up, Chengdao!" yelled Tao Bende! Monitor the whereabouts of this guy

At the command, the whole island will be boiling.

As the base of the truth tower, this island is carved with countless talismans. Once opened, it will form a solid defense array.

Moreover, when the defense array is opened, the monitoring points buried in the whole continent will also be opened, and then the whole continent will be monitored in an all-round way.

This is similar to the radar on earth, which is the assassin's mace specially used to deal with the strong.

At this moment, when the whole island is shocked and covered by a light blue curtain.

In the middle of this hall also emerged a light curtain.

There are so many bright spots on the light screen, just like stars all over the sky. That is the strong people under monitoring.

But at the moment, no one is going to take care of this, because in the light spots on the screen, there is a light with a long tail coming towards the direction of the truth tower at a terrible speed.

Even if it is separated by a layer of light curtain, you can still feel the strong power contained in the brilliance.

This also made the atmosphere of the whole venue instantly condensed to freezing point.

He Yinuo looked at the light screen seriously and said in a deep voice: "at this speed, at most five gear scales, this man will come to our truth Tower!"

All people's eyes converged on the speaker Tao Chengde.

Tao Chengde was livid, staring at the light spot on the screen of light, and burst out a few words from his teeth.

"Send out the strategic mechanical angel to block this man out of the Zhenli Tower!"

Hearing the words "strategic mechanical angel", there was a slight commotion.

Many people's faces were awed by it.

Because these short words represent a kind of combat power that is powerful enough to frighten the forces of all sides and dare not move.

It is also the fruit of thousands of years' hard work of the truth tower.

soon, an guocong brought his own exquisite suitcase. After opening it, there was a red button.

"Elder martial brother!"

Tao Chengde nodded, raised his hand and pressed down heavily.


With a clear mechanical sound, a silver needle suddenly rises from the button, stabs directly into Tao Chengde's finger, takes out a little blood, and then comes the hum of validity in the suitcase.

"The identity verification is complete, your honor, will you start the strategic mechanical angel now?"

A mechanical, mechanical voice came from the suitcase.

Tao Chengde did not hesitate to shout: "yes!"

"As you wish!"

As soon as the sound of the last word was heard, the people felt that the land under their feet was shaking violently. Then, in the middle of the island, the ground cracked and a deep hole appeared.

Then, a little dangerous red awn appeared in the cave.

The air began to fill with a strange smell of scorch, the smell of dangerous charges escaping from the cave.

Close to some people will feel the scalp root and root, the whole body is more by the electric light thorn's whole body uncomfortable.

Then, we can see that the red awn in the cave is suddenly full, and a red light rises to the sky, which breaks out a big hole in the clouds all over the sky, and then in the big hole, a highly exquisite mechanical warrior emerges.

The whole body of this mechanical warrior exudes silvery white luster. Under the streamlined body, it seems that there is enough power to destroy the heaven and earth. It is chilling.

Seeing this scene, Tao Chengde showed a trace of complacent smile.

This is the unique killing tool developed by many alchemists of the truth tower after thousands of years of painstaking efforts.

When he saw the strategic mechanical angel, Tao Chengde's originally flustered heart calmed down and nodded slightly to the mechanical soldier.

The red light in the eyes of the mechanical soldier flashed, then turned around and disappeared in place.

"Ha ha! Now, I see how arrogant this guy is! " An guocong couldn't help laughing.

The crowd was relieved.

Only he Yinuo frowned and did not speak.

And at the moment when the strategic mechanical angel of the truth tower solemnly appeared.

All sides of the continent felt the difference almost at the same time.

"What's the matter? What the hell are the guys in truth tower doing? Why did you suddenly release the assassin's mace? " In the headquarters of the auction alliance, many members of Parliament and elders exclaimed in succession.

When the whole scene was boiling and many people were panicked, a calm female voice came from behind the bead curtain.

"Immediately open the highest level of defense, and closely observe the whereabouts of this mechanical angel!"It is such a simple command, the original noisy scene instantly quiet down, and then have to answer the way.


Soon, the auction alliance opened the highest level of defense, and the movement of this mechanical angel was presented at the first time.

As the existence of the tower of truth, its strength is no less than that of the truth tower.

In addition, the mechanical Angel did not hide its tracks, so it was soon to find out its movement thoroughly.

When the mechanical Angel did not come to the auction Union, all the audience were relieved.

Anyway, as long as it's not targeted at the auction Federation.

But immediately, a bigger question hung over everyone's mind.

Because in the east of the curtain of light, there is a very bright brilliance which is advancing rapidly.

And the mechanical angel sent by the truth tower is obviously facing the light.

At the same time, after the bead curtain, a young girl looked at the movement of the light curtain, and her eyebrows gradually wrinkled.

Truth tower what the hell is this?

What's the Guanghua Road from the east?

Thinking of this, the girl suddenly clenched her teeth and said in a deep voice: "immediately calculate the speed of the two, and then order the nearby auction hall to release the detection aircraft. No matter what the cost, I will see what happened!"


As soon as the order is given, this huge auction alliance is like a precision weapon that pulls the trigger, and starts to operate crazily.

At the same time, the hunter guild, which was in charge of all wild hunters on the whole continent, noticed the difference and issued similar orders at the same time.

In the nearby wilderness, the hunters began to gather in the past place.

And it's not just them, the mob gangster alliance, the pharmacists' Union and so on, who were awakened by the sudden action of the truth tower, and then quickly moved on to find out what was going on!

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