
It seems that this Gatling deity is also infuriated by Xue an's performance. The legs and arms of the original fall start to change, and then a cold gun emerges from it. The muzzle of the gun is aimed at xue'an, and the wheel turns, and it fires xue'an again.

This time, the barrage was countless times denser than before.

If the previous barrage seemed like a gust of wind and rain, today's Barrage is like a steel wall composed of bullets, which is pounding at xue'an with a gesture of annihilation.

This power also made all the people who witnessed this scene pale and shocked.

But Xue an just laughed at this, and then stretched out his leisure and said faintly: "big guy, you've been fighting for a long time. It's enough to have fun, so next It's my turn! "

With the words, Xue an's armor wings behind him suddenly opened. Although there were only four feathers, once spread out, they still had a dazzling beauty.

A moment later, Xue an's body disappeared.

Just at this time, the steel wall of bullets roared past the place where Xue Angang had just stood.

The difference between the front and back is only the scene of the finger flick.

What about others?

All of them were puzzled, including the Gatling deity who stopped firing, and the muzzle of the gun was swinging around, looking for Xue an's figure.

"Hey, big man, you can't find me!" A voice with a few banter came from the head of the Lord Gatling.

Without hesitation, Gatling's muzzle stood upright and began to fire wildly in the direction of the sound.

But all this was too slow for xue'an, and a touch of gold swayed back and forth in the dense but windless shrapnel, as if in a deserted land, and gradually flew to the top of the Gatling statue.

But at this time, there was a huge sound of gears turning in the head of Gatling, and then the majestic face suddenly split apart. In the middle of the five senses, a black cannon barrel with the caliber of a room appeared.

When the gun barrel appeared at the moment, and did not wait for people to react, a huge shell rushed out of it.

When the shell appeared, the whole world was quiet.

A faint glow lingered over the shell.

Heaven and earth, only the wind in the low howling, as if in crying.

Crying for the coming catastrophe.

Then, saw a huge wave swept out, powerful, and even the entire sea has set off a storm.

"The cannon of destruction!" In the auction Union, the girl screamed, and then screamed hysterically, "what are the guys in the truth tower thinking about? Don't they know that such shells can destroy a city? Once out of control, the whole continent is in danger of capsizing. Do they want to die together? "

Not only he, the hunter guild, the pharmacist alliance, the trail diggers guild and other major forces all roared with fear and gave their best wishes to the people in the truth tower.

But this time they really wronged the truth tower, especially those alchemists headed by Tao Chengde.

Because at the moment, Tao Chengde looks so gray that his whole body is shaking like a swing. He looks at the shell in horror and murmurs to himself.

"Why What's going on? Isn't it that this Gatling God has no extermination cannon? "

As he spoke, his eyes showed a look of infinite fear.

He is a master of Alchemist's power.

Once the explosion breaks out, the creatures within a radius of ten thousand miles will be thoroughly cleaned, everything within a thousand miles will be smoothed by life, and everything within a hundred miles will be completely vaporized.

As for the vicinity of the explosion center There will be nothing left!

And after the explosion, there will be an amazing amount of toxin left in the scope of the explosion, and there will be no grass in a thousand years.

Because of its huge and terrifying power, the gun was a taboo weapon even in the heyday of ancient civilization.

So at the moment, Tao Chengde has only one idea in his mind, that is Big game!

As for Xue an.

No one cares about his life or death.

Because no one thought he could survive this powerful explosion.

Even if he was wearing ancient armor!

But when all of us were shaking and despairing.

Xue an laughed, "is this the product of the peak of alchemy civilization? It's really extraordinary! It's even a little bit of a rule! "

The girl in the auction union gradually opened her eyes and shook her head.

"This guy I'm afraid I'm scared, right? At this time, the power of the comments

But at this time, only listen to Xue an continue to say: "but that's all. If only rely on this strength, then I'm a little disappointed with your alchemy civilization!"With the words, the shell had already rushed to the front, and the faint glow above it was so faint that it could not be seen.

As long as this layer of bondage disappears completely, the power contained in it will be completely released.

But at this time, Xue an raised his hand, the armor on the arm instantly faded, revealing a white arm.

What is he trying to do?

Seeing this, everyone was stunned.

Then Xue an unfolded his slender fingers and shook them violently.


Xue Ansheng held the front part of the shell in his hand.

All people's hearts also with this sound and violent tremor for a while.

But unexpectedly, the shells did not explode.

At the same time.

Xue an smiles at the Gatling statue.

"Big guy, I'll give it back to you!"

With that, xue'an suddenly appeared in front of Gatling with the shell, then raised one arm and hurled it down.

The shell was cut into the gap in Gatling's face by Xue Ansheng.

Then Xue an raised his fist and smashed it down.


The shell was so raw that it fell into the belly of the statue of Gatling.

Then there was a dull explosion coming from the inside of the statue of Gatling.

The gun that originally shot the bullet wildly for a moment, then began to spray smoke from each crack.

Even the eyes of the Lord Gatling darkened, and there was a roar of danger.


A series of terrible cracks began to appear on the surface of Gatling, and then in a moment, they collapsed.

In an instant.

The statue of Gatling, which had just been standing on the sea, was in vain.

And together with the vanishing shell.

The sea quickly filled the void after the statue disappeared.

Everything returned to calm.

But everyone was speechless, for at this moment, all eyes were focused on the young man in armor standing in the void. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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