The world is silent, only the waves remain.

The island where the headquarters of the truth tower is located is shrouded in an ominous silence.

When Xue an turned to look at the moment here.

The protective light curtain that had covered the island finally came to an end and broke apart with a light bang.

The cold sea breeze poured back into every alchemist, making them shiver and paler.

Even before that, their faces were ugly enough.

Xue an's eyes showed a funny smile, stepped into the void, slowly came to the island, looked down at the people, just to say something.

An guocong suddenly rushed out of the crowd and fell to his knees with a flop. Then he said with flattery: "the tower of truth sins against the people. Guocong has met adults!"

Through the broadcast, the various forces have clearly seen this scene, many people all showed contempt.

The girl in the auction union is no exception, but after a cold hum, she looks at Xue an in the picture with her eyes full of interest.

I don't know what the mysterious teenager will do next?

Is it killing all the alchemists in the tower of truth?

Or is it to take this opportunity to convince people to take the truth as their own?

Not only she, but also the leaders of many forces have raised the same question.

After all, Xue an's strength before is really too appalling, the key is that he was born in the sky, and people don't know anything about him.

Even people don't know why he conflicts with the tower of truth!

In this case, Xue an's next reaction is enough to attract people's attention.

At the same time.

After seeing many alchemists' actions in Guojin tower.

You know, before the most fierce clamor is this an guocong, but now the first to kneel down on the ground, also known as adults is him.

This kind of 180 degree big change simply makes people dumbfounded and breathtaking.

Seeing this, Tao Chengde was even more livid. He could not help but roar, "an guocong, what do you want to do?"

"What are you doing? Naturally, it is to welcome the arrival of adults! " With that, an guocong smiles at Xue an with flattery on his face.

Xue an was indifferent, just stood in the air and watched until a moment later.

"Oh? Welcome me? "

"Yes, my Lord! To tell you the truth, Tao Chengde did everything to deal with you. It has nothing to do with me at all. But I always want to welcome your arrival. "

Seeing Xue an smile at himself, an guocong's flattery is more intense, and the flattery in his words is disgusting.

When he said this, Tao Chengde was shocked and exclaimed in disbelief: "an guocong, what do you say?"

"Am I not right! And in front of the adults, surnamed Tao, you'd better pay attention to the key points, and don't shout about it here! " An guocong said sarcastically.

Tao Chengde was almost mad.

To know that the past an guocong can be said to follow his words, no matter what he is asked to do, he will not hesitate to implement.

I didn't expect that at this time, it suddenly turned back.

"An guocong, you shameless villain

Tao Chengde roared, then opened his mouth and spat out a large mouthful of blood. His face was extremely gray and his body was even more precarious.

He was seriously injured when he was forced to summon the God Gatlin. Now, seeing an guocong suddenly rebellious, his anger ran out and his lamp dried up.

But in the face of Tao Chengde's criticism, an guocong did not have the slightest sense of guilt, even sneered.

"Mr. Tao, don't do this. You've done a lot of bad things over the years. I'm just giving up the secret! What's the villain to say? "

After that, an guocong turned to Xue an with a smile, "my Lord, do you think I'm right?"

Xue an took a deep look at him, then nodded, "that's good!"

An guocong's face suddenly released light, and his heart was full of joy and pride.

Damn it, it seems that I have taken the right step!

Even if it's more powerful, what can it do? Isn't it the same that I'm playing with?

The girl in the auction union can't help shaking her head.

As expected, it is still too young! Don't you see the obvious trap?

But at this time, Xue an slowly fell to the ground and stood in front of an guocong, who was kneeling. He said indifferently: "according to what you say, you will listen to what I say?"

An guocong said with a flattering smile, "of course! It's an honor for a villain to serve you. I'm... "

Before he finished speaking, Xue an had already waved his hand and interrupted his words. He said faintly, "since this is the case, then you can end up with yourself."The smile on an guocong's face solidified instantly, and he looked up at Xue an with his head up.

Xue an slightly raised his eyebrows, "eh? Didn't you hear that? "

An guocong shivered all over his body, and immediately squeezed out a smile that was even worse than crying on his face.

"Big My Lord, you You're joking, aren't you? Ha ha ha, I know, it must be like this! Your honor, you are so humorous... "

"Are you kidding?" She shook her head. "Of course not! I just happen to see you a little bit unpleasant, so I want you to die! And you just said that you would listen to me? Then do it

An guocong's face turned pale at the speed visible to the naked eye. His eyes were full of infinite panic, and sweat dripped out from his forehead, "but But... "

Xue an nodded. "Oh, I see! You don't want to die, so you lied to me, right? "

An guocong shuddered at his speech and just wanted to say something.

Xue an's mouth appeared a faint smile, "in this case, I'll do it for you!"

"No!" An guocong was not a fool. Of course, he understood what Xue an meant by this, so he screamed, and the whole person rolled on the ground, then got up and ran.

But he couldn't run three steps. Xue an raised his hand and flicked his finger.

The armor on the palm of his hand suddenly extended a ray of golden light, and stabbed an guocong's back with lightning speed, and then came out of his former heart.


The golden light withdraws, the blood splashes, and then an guocong's body just falls to the ground with unwilling face.

In fact, from xue'an's landing on the island to an guocong's death, there was only a few breaths.

But it was in such a short time that Xue an killed the second leader of the truth tower on the spot.

Such determination alone is daunting, to say nothing else.

And the alchemists of zhenlita were shaking more and more. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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