When he stepped off the aircraft and set foot on the island where Zhenli tower is located, Nalan Viola saw many familiar faces.

In fact, although there are still three days to go before the full moon, the island is already overcrowded.

Only by name, Nalan Zhongqin found that there were pharmacists' alliance, mob gangster guild, Hunter guild and other forces.

As for those small forces whose names are unknown, there are so many.

This Nalan viola is also very surprised.

What does this Xue an want?

After informing the major forces, why are even these small guilds invited?

If we can't do enough to open the ancient ruins and need to seek help from the outside world, these small forces can't help at all?

What did he think, or What on earth is he planning?

Nalan Viola once again fell into deep doubts.

Just then, a voice came from behind her.

"Miss Nalan came so early

Nalan Zhongqin turns around and sees Yan Zhong who has just stepped off the aircraft and is smiling at her.

Nalan's Viola faintly fell into a trance of God, and immediately showed a smile, "Yan Huichang has come too!"

"Of course! How can such a grand gathering be less than our Pathfinder guild! After all That's an ancient relic Yan Zhong said solemnly.

Because of the special nature of the trail diggers Association, there has been a good cooperative relationship between them and the auction alliance.

After all, for those who are obsessed with digging up relics, it's obviously a good deal to sell things that are temporarily unavailable for wealth.

And auction alliance is also very important to this big client.

Nothing is more suitable as a bond of friendship than common interests.

The relationship between the auction alliance and the trail diggers' Association has been very good under the condition of the same interests of both parties.

This time is no exception. Nalan Zhongqin and Yan Zhong walked together, chatting and laughing, to the tower in the middle of the island.

Until the mottled base of the tower appeared in front of and behind the two people, Yan Zhong sighed slightly.

"The last time I came here, it was Tao Chengde who came out to welcome me! I didn't expect that time has changed. Now the truth tower has changed

For these exclamations, Nalan Zhongqin is not interested at all. Her only interest is the confidence revealed in Yan Zhong's words.

"Oh? Did Yan Huichang come to the truth tower? "

Yan Zhong smelled a wry smile, "yes! At that time, I was invited by Tao Chengde, so I had to come here! "

Nalan Viola won't believe those lies. It's hard to be gracious?

Ha ha! It is estimated that Tao Chengde offered a price that Yan Zhong could not refuse!

As for what a speaker of the truth tower invited to do for the president of the Pathfinder guild!

Just think about the information on that note.

After all In the excavation of relics, the association of trace diggers is professional!

Sure enough.

Yan Zhong's face showed a look of remorse. "At that time, Tao Chengde asked me how to enter the site without disturbing the protective equipment. I also talked to him for a long time!"

"Hateful, at that time, I didn't expect this guy to hold an ancient relic in his hand!"

Speaking of this, Yan Zhong shook his head and sighed.

Nalan Chinese zither is very indifferent to say: "even if you know at that time, what can you do?"

This sentence let Yan Zhong's expression on the face suddenly solidified.

"Can you step down the truth tower and enter the ruins? Don't think about it. It's impossible to do it with the strength of your Pathfinder guild! "

After that, Nalan Zhongqin stepped forward, leaving only Yan Zhong standing in the same place.

"Yes! What if I knew that? If you don't have that strength, how can you hold such ancient relics? " Yan Zhong murmured to himself, and finally shook his head with a wry smile, and walked with him.

Under the great disturbance that swept the whole world, all forces scrambled to get on the Shanghai Island, for fear that they might miss something.

Even if many of them are only worthy of playing soy sauce on the side, it does not hinder their enthusiasm.

So the whole island is filled with a fanatical atmosphere, and this atmosphere also rose to the peak on the day of the full scarlet moon.

When the day of light gradually falls to the west, the eastern sky, a crimson full moon can not wait to appear.

But originally noisy Island, also at this moment gradually quiet down.

Everyone is waiting quietly.


When the day of light completely sinks into the western sky, the crimson moon fills the world.Under the action of gravity, the whole sea area began to rage.

The huge tidal force pulls the sea water surging, and the waves slap on the island, splashing layers of water mist.

This kind of scene, also lets everybody color change.

Only when you face the power of heaven and earth can you feel your own insignificance.

The complexion of Nalan viola is very pale. For her who had drowned in the water in her childhood, facing the turbulent sea dyed crimson by the moonlight, her feeling is obviously not so good.

Especially the violent waves, it seems that everything will be involved in the sea bottom.

Standing aside, Yan Zhong noticed the abnormality of Nalan's Viola and couldn't help asking, "Miss Nalan, are you ok?"

Nalan's Viola shook his head. "It's OK."

"It's hard to imagine an ancient relic sleeping under such a violent sea water. If someone else said that to me, I would spit on his face and laugh at him for not waking up!" Yan Zhong sighed.

"Hidden under the sea Is it difficult? " Nalan asked suddenly.

Yan Zhong nodded with awe, "of course it's hard! In fact, I can't imagine how this can be done! Because, according to common sense, it should have been impossible! "

"How do you think he would open this ancient relic?" Nalan asked again.

Yan Zhong showed a wry smile, "how do I know! Maybe We'll see a miracle tonight

In the end, Yan Zhong's tone is a little uncertain.

Nalan Zhongqin turned her head and looked at the black tower and whispered: "miracle?"

The crimson moon slowly across the sky, and finally came to the position of mid sky.

At the same time, the effect of tidal gravity has been magnified to the extreme.

The surging waves were even bigger than the island, and they were pounding wildly and finally breaking into countless foam.

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