At this time, the top of the tower in the middle of the island suddenly glowed with light.

Then the glow spread downward, lighting the whole tower into a huge candle.

Just as the whole sky was illuminated by this glow, a figure stepped out of the top of the tower and slowly walked into the sea.

Nalan Viola lips slightly pursed, staring at the figure in the sky.

Xue an's walking speed seems slow, but in fact, he is extremely fast.

But in a moment, he had come to the sea, and then stopped and stood in silence.

The wind was blowing, the sea was boiling, and a crimson moon hung over his head.

All this makes up a very strange but very harmonious picture.

The whole scene was silent, and everyone held their breath and watched quietly.


Xue an slowly raised his head and flashed a complex light in his eyes, including joy and nostalgia.

But then he sighed.

"So it is

What do you mean?

What does it mean to be like this?

Nalan Viola's mind just floated these questions, the next scene let her completely stunned.

Not only her, but all the people were stupid.

Because at this moment, Xue an, standing in the sky, slowly raised his hand, squeezed out a strange seal, and then quietly drank out a word: "stop!"


With his command, the sea breeze, which was so cold between heaven and earth, suddenly stopped.

All this is so sudden, just blowing face pain wind suddenly stopped.

Heaven and earth in a moment of silence can only hear the sound of sea water shaking.

At an order, the sea breeze stops!

This strange scene makes everyone's eyes open to the limit.

But it's just the beginning.

See Xue an's hand to press down abruptly, the essence in the eye twinkles, light drinks a sound, "cent!"


Everyone felt that heaven and earth seemed to shake because of Xue an's voice.

Then the boiling sea suddenly calmed down, as if there was an invisible and omnipresent force exerted on every part of the sea at the same time.

The whole sea surface is directly flattened.

In the blink of an eye, the whole sea became smooth as a mirror, without any wrinkles.

But the vision vanished in a flash.

And then there is a huge crack in the middle of the jelly like ocean.

After a few breaths, a huge gap appears, dividing the sea area into two parts.

But that's not enough. The sea, which is divided into two parts, retreats rapidly on both sides, exposing the seabed below.

The other end of the Gulf is connected to the island.

Everyone was staring at it.

No one dares to speak.

Even the breath seemed to stop at this moment.

"The gear God is on, this Is that true? " Yan Zhong looks dull and whispers to himself.

Nalan's Viola is no better than that. Her eyes are full of shock at the huge building that has collapsed in the middle of the sea bed. There is only one idea in her mind.

How strong is this teenager?

But to say who is the most shocking in the scene, he Yinuo.

At the moment, she was shocked to have lost the ability to think, until a long time later, she gradually regained consciousness.

Then he looked at Xue an in awe.

Before that, she thought Xue an would step by step follow Tao Chengde's method and enter the ruins through the secret way.

But who would have thought that Xue an would use this kind of almost miraculous power to separate the sea and directly expose the ancient ruins below.

Xue an, standing in the void, took a deep look at the huge building standing on the sea floor, flashed a touch of inexplicable brilliance in his eyes, and then said faintly: "if you want to see what you really want, come with me!"

Said, Xue an a flash, the whole person will go straight to the seabed ruins and go.

Nalan Viola saw the situation and said in a deep voice, "you wait here and wait!"

Then he urged the alchemy aircraft that he carried with him and followed him.

Her move, the rest of the people wake up like a dream, have to follow up.

But there are also many people who look frightened and can only stand on the island waiting.

At the same time, Xue an was the first to break into the building.

Although in the bottom of the sea, has been immersed in the sea for countless years, but when we are close, we can still see the exquisite patterns carved on the huge pillars.The whole building is like a temple, emitting a gloomy and sacred atmosphere.

The perfect combination of these two distinct temperament makes people feel an impulse to worship even standing in front of it.

Xue an stood in front of the temple and looked at it quietly.

At this time, Nalan Zhongqin and others just rushed over, and then they were all shocked by the magnificence of the temple.

"It's incredible that this pattern is obviously some kind of nameless talisman, but how did they do it? How can it still be so clear after such a long time? " Nalan whispered softly.

"It's very simple. Time has no effect on these tattoos. This temple It's independent of time! " Xue an also does not return to the words, tone with a few praise.

Nalan's eyes showed an indescribable look, which was obviously beyond her understanding.

At this time, Xue an turned his head and looked at the people who came up with him, and then with a faint smile, "can you keep up?"

No one spoke, and all nodded in awe.

"Good, then come with me."

After that, Xue an took the lead and rushed directly to the temple in front of him.

After that, she bit her middle teeth and follows her.

On the contrary, Yan Zhong was hesitant.

"Just go up there? This is an ancient relic! God knows what kind of defenses there will be! "

But even so, when he saw Xue an's back flying to the temple, he still stamped his feet with hatred.

"Damn it, I must be crazy to get close to the ruins without investigation!"

As he spoke, he followed with hatred.

Surprisingly, at least when approaching the site, there was no danger.

After passing through the huge pillars outside, there is a huge stone gate that has collapsed.

There was no pause in Xue an's figure, but a flash in his eyes, and the debris in front of him exploded into powder.

Then a group of people directly broke into the ruins.

When stepping into the moment, everyone felt that the scene in front of them suddenly changed, and then they all stood in the same place, with all kinds of complicated looks on their faces.

As you can see, everyone's view is quite different. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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