Hearing these three words, Xue an was suddenly shocked, and his eyes showed a trace of surprise, but soon recovered his calm.

"So it is. No wonder that ye hanshang can build such a magnificent creation as tiewangshan. If I guess correctly, he should have got your help."

Wan Han nodded, "yes! But in fact, this is not a very difficult thing, because the first ghost world was built by our alchemy civilization, so if you want to build those creations, you only need to drive the origin of alchemy through some small means! "

Xue an nodded. "I know all this!"

The woman was stunned, "you all know?"

"Yes! What do you think I came to this alchemy civilization for? "

"For what?"

"I had come to ask for help, because there was a problem in the origin of the alchemy of the ghost world, which needs to be solved urgently. But when I came here, I found that you were too busy with yourself!" Xue an sighed.

The woman was silent for a while and then asked softly, "can I ask what's wrong?"

"Of course Then Xue an will tell the story of the story.

After hearing this, Wan Han showed a wry smile, "it's so! What are you going to do now

Xue an said faintly: "don't say what I plan to do? What I'm curious about now is why you are like this! What about the statues in the temple? "

Wan Han is silent for a moment and finally sighs.

"You are very powerful, even more powerful than ye hanshang! But the question you ask, I can only say... " Wan Han shows a wry smile.

"Do it yourself!"

"Oh?" Xue an slightly raised eyebrows, "how do you say this?"

Wan Han said softly: "I don't know if you know the history of our alchemy civilization, but I can tell you responsibly that a long time ago, the alchemy civilization once spread all over the sky, oppressed the group of immortals, and had no influence."

Xue an nodded. "I've heard about it!"

"But later, for various reasons, our alchemy civilization began to decline gradually, and finally retreated to a corner of this space, but even so, we were still very strong at that time!" Speaking of this, Wan Han's face appears proud.

"Is that when ye hanshang came to you?" Asked Xue an.

Wan Han nodded, "yes! But then Something happened

"What happens when a civilization begins to decline? Some people say there will be evil spirits, others say there will be natural disasters and man-made disasters. And the alchemy civilization at that time was obviously different from these. "

"We were destroyed by our own arrogance." Wan Han said with a bitter smile.

"Arrogance..." Xue an whispered softly.

"Yes, arrogance! At that time, although we lost the glory of our ancestors, we were still extremely conceited, and the fuse leading to our final destruction also came from this! "

Speaking of this, Wan Han asked, "did you see those statues in the temple outside?"

"Of course

"Those are the masterpieces of our time! At that time, we were obsessed with the creation, crazy pursuit of the creator's pleasure, and finally developed those alchemy creations with self-consciousness and self evolution! "

"As a result, everything is out of control!"

Xue an listens quietly and doesn't speak.

It wasn't until after a long time that Wan Han regained his calm and went on to say, "it was an indescribable war. In order to be independent, these created lives began to resist crazily, and we finally tasted the evil results we planted ourselves!"

"Countless excellent alchemists have died, and our glory has been swallowed back, and we are finally buried by what we have made ourselves!"

Speaking of this, Wan Han's voice has brought a trace of crying.

Xue an was silent for a moment, then asked, "and then?"

"At the last moment, in order to completely destroy these alchemy creations and prevent them from spreading to the heavens, my brother, a greater creator, resolutely sacrificed himself and finally destroyed all the alchemy creations!"

"Your brother?" Asked Xue an.

"Yes! After that, there were three creationists born in the alchemy civilization. My brother and I are one of them

"And one more?"

Hearing Xue an's question, Wan Han's eyes suddenly showed a crazy color, "yes! Yes, there is another one! What's more, he is the real culprit. He has made these intelligent alchemy products without authorization

"But when the war is over, he disappears!"

Speaking of this, Wan Han's virtual images are shaking because they are too excited, "ridiculous? The puddle is dry, but the fish that dries it has left! "

Xue an was silent again.The whole room was silent.

Don't know how long, Wan Han suddenly chuckled, "sorry, think of a lot of things before, some too excited!"

Xue an sighed, "you can understand! In fact, I have the same trouble as you! Even the hatred on your shoulders is much deeper than yours

Wan Han said with a wry smile, "hate or not, after so many years, I have been indifferent to it! It's just that I'm not willing to

"Speaking of, there is a problem in the origin of the alchemy of the ghost world. How do you plan to solve it?" Wan Han asked.

Xue an was silent for a moment, then suddenly waved his hand and passed a divine thought.

After receiving it, Wan Han looks at it carefully, and then he looks stunned.

"Oh, my God, it's such an idea. It's a genius idea..."

After a long time, Wan Han woke up from the shock, and then said to Xue an, "it's undeniable that your idea is too shocking, but it's very difficult to realize it. At least it's far from what you imagine a great creator can do. Even as a divine creator, I can't do it!"

"Oh? What if I were added? " Xue an said with a smile.

Wan Han was stunned and then took a deep look at Xue an. "I don't know, but if I can, I'll say thank you for the lost alchemy civilization."

"Thank you. Let's talk about the moment first."

"Do you mean those who come with you? Don't worry, when they come in, I have already let them into their own trial fantasy, and I will try my best to teach them everything I know! "

"Xue Yi," you threatened Are you going? "

Wan Han laughed and said, "yes! I've been here for so long, and now I've got a chance to free myself! "

"But before I leave, I have a few things to ask you!"

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