With the voice, a series of silk stripes appeared in the air, and then these silk stripes gathered together, just like the screen connected to the power supply. In front of Xue an, a slowly rotating magic cube appeared out of thin air.

This cube is much larger than the one with xue'an, and the structure is obviously more sophisticated.

When it's floating there, everything seems to be at a standstill.

Xue an slightly raised eyebrows, "what is this?"

"Key!" Wan Han looks complex at the cube and whispers.


"Yes, it's the key of this world. It's the same tool as the cube that you brought. The difference is that the cube you brought here has much lower authority than this cube."

Xue an showed a thoughtful look.

Wan Han sighed, "in other words, the Rubik's cube that you brought here only opened the visitor mode, and had no right to interfere with the world. However, the magic cube opened the administrator mode, which has the highest authority in the world, that is to say, with it, you have the whole world!"

Xue an's face showed a look of surprise, "I'm very strange, why do you want to give this thing to me, not ye hanshang that guy!"

Wan Han showed a wry smile, "do you think he will forgive me?"

Xue an was asked, after a long time, he said softly: "I feel that there should be some misunderstanding between you."

"That doesn't matter anymore!" Wan Han said softly: "actually, from the moment you appear in this world with the magic cube, my life has entered the countdown state! So everything is doomed. What's more, I see something unusual in you. It's a better choice to give you this dying alchemy civilization! "

Xue an is silent for a moment, and finally slowly reaches out his hand and touches the cube in front of him.

Rubik's cube instantly convergence, and then fell into the hands of Xue an, into a delicate and small Rubik's cube.

"I can't promise you more, but at least I will do my best to protect this last flame of alchemy from being blown out!"

Wan Han laughed, "thank you! But in fact, you don't have to be too persistent, because in my feeling, there should be more than one puddle! "

Xue an slightly raised his eyebrows. "Do you mean that there is alchemy civilization besides you in the heavens?"

"Or beyond the heavens! Who knows exactly! "

Beyond the heavens!

Hearing these four words, Xue an's heart moved.

When he was a celestial being, he tried to explore the traces beyond the heavens, but for various reasons, he did not achieve any results in the end.

When Xue an was in deep thought, Wan Han continued: "I have instilled for you those people outside. They will be the seeds of this restart, and they can be regarded as my last help to you!"

When talking about this, Wan Han's virtual image is more and more weak, but she is still calm as water, her eyes swept from Xue an's body, and then whispered.

"Can I feel the smell of that alchemy armor you're wearing, can I show it?"

Xue'an nodded, and the token that had been integrated in his waist suddenly trembled, and then the armor spread over xue'an's body like water.

When the complete form of the armor is revealed before and after Wan Han's face, her look becomes a little excited.

"It's true! It's a perfect means of creation. It's hard to imagine how powerful the people who forged it were! "

Xue an slightly raised eyebrows, "you also can't see the origin of this armor?"

Wan Han shook his head, "can't see through! Because when the alchemy civilization was still prosperous, these armours already existed! But they didn't attract much attention at that time, because when they exist alone, their power is not too strong! "

"Until later, under a chance chance, my brother collected several pieces of armor and successfully integrated them into one. It was found that each piece of armor would increase its power exponentially, which aroused his great interest. He had studied for a long time, forgetting to eat and sleep for a long time."

"And the result?" Asked Xue an.

Wan Han shook his head. "As a result, no achievements were achieved. All the imitations failed. The only thing that can be confirmed is that the source of these armor is obviously not so simple, because the technology contained in them could not be done even when the alchemy civilization was in full swing all over the world!"

Xue an was surprised again. He thought he could solve the mystery of these alchemy armor after he came to the alchemy civilization, but he didn't even know Wan Han.

At this time, Wan Han, who has become more and more weak, whispered: "Xiaobang, Xiaomian, you two go and take out the things!"

The two little animals seem to feel something wrong with Wan Han. Their big eyes are full of tears. They nod their heads and turn away.

After a while, two small animals came over carrying a small box."Take it up. This is my last gift for you!"

Xue an took over the small box. There was a button on it. When it was pressed, only the sound of gear rotation was heard. Then the box began to increase. When it reached the size of a table, with a slight click, the box was opened.

There are five colorful tokens in it.

Xue an was stunned and said, "this is..."

"Yes, this is the five pieces of body armor that my brother collected at the beginning! They are cattle, rabbits, horses, dogs and pigs! Add in all your four armor, and now you have nine! Let me have a look at it, please

Xue an was silent for a moment, then picked up the five tokens.

At the moment when they were put into the palm, the five tokens flowed into Xue an's armor like water.

After that, the whole armor began to change wildly, and the golden light twisted. Behind Xue an, a larger wing began to take shape, and then nine feathers appeared on the wings.

When the change finally stopped, Xue an was floating in the air. His armor was like a perfect handicraft, which was dazzling.

Xue an can feel that, regardless of his own accomplishments, the strength contained in this armor is enough to easily kill ordinary darao strongmen.

The power is amazing.

Wan Han is no exception. She looks at the armor with horror in her eyes, and then her face gradually shows the color of remembrance.

"What a perfect alchemy armor! And I can feel that this is the real direction of alchemy civilization, not indulging in creation

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