Rongyang's lips moved and wanted to continue to say something, but he didn't open his mouth.

Because at this moment, a streamer flew to the platform. After showing her figure, it was Meng Yao.

At the sight of her, Rongyang's look could not help but become a little strange.

In the past, he had a great admiration for Meng Yao, but Meng Yao always used words to express his feelings.

I thought that after practicing Buddhism, these things had already been put down.

But when I see Meng Yao again, Rongyang's heart is still one of the shocks.

She Seems to be thin!

This scene also falls into Jin Jue's eyes. He shakes his head and suddenly thinks of his elder martial brother, who is also amazing, but fell into the devil's way because of a word of love.

You know, it's an invisible Bodhisattva!

Is this love word really so powerful?

Jin Jue sighed.

At the moment, Meng Yao didn't notice the strange things around her. She looked at the high platform in the distance, her eyes moved, and her hands were unconsciously clenched together.

My Lord, he You should have received your own wine! Don't you know if he's satisfied?

At the same time.

The whole scene is also a burst of boiling.

"Well, how do you think the two adults, Mingjun and Guizun, intend to rescue our ghost world this time?"

"Who knows! But I think with the strength of these two adults, there should be a way! "

"Ha ha, I don't think so. It's obvious that there is a big problem in the ghost world now. It can't be saved by manpower. I'd better move out of the ghost world as soon as possible."

In a word, there is everything.

At a time when the voice of discussion was rampant, two figures came from afar in the void. The speed seemed slow and fast, and they appeared on the high platform in an instant.

It was Xue an and ye hanshang.

When they saw both of them, there was a moment of silence.

Whether it is hope or disdain for this matter, at the moment, all shut their mouths and watch quietly.

Ye hanshang was the first to speak. He looked around the audience. Then he said in a loud voice: "if you are invited to come here today, you must have known what happened. I don't want to talk nonsense. The situation we are facing is really serious, because the origin of the ghost world has been severely damaged!"

With that, ye hanshang waved his hand, and a huge light curtain appeared in front of the public. It was the appearance of the original source of the ghost world after suffering heavy damage.

But seeing this behind the scenes, there was an uproar.

"What am I saying? The origin of the ghost world has been cut off. How can I save it?" Someone sneered.

There are still many people who are livid and despairing.

Now, if it's dead, it's just a ghost.

At this time, floating on the platform in the air, the crowd is also a commotion.

Rong Yang suddenly turned pale and exclaimed, "master, something happened to the ghost world! What shall we do? "

However, Jin Jue did not have the slightest anxious color, but looked at the scene on the light curtain meaningfully and said faintly: "don't worry, and look at it first!"

As for Meng Yao, she has been looking at Xue an quietly since she came out. As for the rest, she did not pay attention to it.

Xue an seems to have noticed her eyes and turned her head slightly to look at Meng Yao.

Two people's line of sight to be together, Meng Yao whole body trembles, the face turns white gradually.

Xue an is a smile, gently nodded at her, and then stepped forward, looking around the audience.

As far as the eyes could reach, the restless crowd was instantly calm.

The whole scene also quieted down.

Meng Yao took a deep breath and forced herself to calm down.


Then Xue an said in a calm tone: "I know you all have a lot of doubts, and I don't have much to explain, because since I have gathered all of you together, there is naturally a way to solve this dilemma in front of you."

As soon as this was said, the whole audience was shocked.

The bold man called out, "Lord ghost, I don't know what way you want to solve this problem?"

"Yes! You can explain it to us! "

Shouts came and went, and there was no lack of well intentioned incitement.

Xue an was very calm about this, but said faintly: "explain? I don't need it, because now I have basically solved the problem! "


This is not only the agitators who are shocked, but also Jin Jue and others.


Are you kidding?

Is it that simple?

As if aware of people's doubts, Xue an laughed and waved.A new curtain of light appeared.

In the light curtain, the source of the ghost world, which had been extremely dilapidated before, had changed its appearance.

See he Yinuo and others keep busy, every second, the ghost world in the picture will recover a trace.

The whole picture is in a fast forward posture.

And it can be seen that the work is coming to an end.

All the people's mouths were open, and no one dared to speak.

Finally, everything in the picture stops. He Yinuo and others have completed their work completely, and then they stand together.

Behind them is the origin of a new ghost world.

"My Lord, we are lucky to live up to our lives. The origin of the ghost world has been restored." He Yinuo and Nalan Zhongqin and others cried out.

The sound came out through the light curtain, which made the whole audience agitated.

Xue an nodded. "Good! You step back, and then It's my turn! "


He Yinuo and others left the origin of the ghost world through the channel.

The whole scene was so quiet that everyone focused on Xue an and wanted to know what he was going to do next.

Xue an's mouth outlined a faint smile, and then a magic cube appeared in front of him, and began to rotate rapidly.

Rubik's cube turns, the source of the ghost world in the light curtain also becomes bright.

Everyone felt the ground trembling under their feet, and the clouds in the sky receded.

It's a vision that scares everyone.

At the same time, Xue an raised his eyes and looked at Jin Jue in the distance, and gave a big drink.

"Monk, what is your Buddha's wish?"

The whole audience's eyes instantly converge on Jin Jue.

Jin Jue was stunned and immediately understood something. He had a smile on his face. Then he put his palms together and said, "hell is not empty. I will never become a Buddha."

These eight words, the earth trembled, lotus flowers flowed to the ground, and gold rain floated in the sky.

One side of Rongyang is more excited, teeth are chattering.

Xue an was stunned when he heard the speech, but he even laughed, "well, it's a hell, and I'll give you another chance!"

With these words, Xue an stepped forward, all the men raised their eyebrows, and cried out in a loud voice: "alchemy and recast, hell will come into being, and you and other great wishes should be stored in the earth!"

After saying this, Jin Jue's whole body emits billions of millionths of light to illuminate the whole world, but it makes people feel happy.

Jin Jue's body is completely recast by the golden light, and the previous obstacle disappears. The whole person completely steps into the invisible and the incarnation is complete and unimpeded.

"If you don't return, when will you wait?" Xue an's eyes showed a trace of a smile and spoke in a loud voice.

"Good!" Jin Jue's palms closed, and he was elated and praised. Then he flew into the sky, and the Golden Wheel appeared behind his head, shining through the heaven and earth. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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