Now, the whole audience was shocked.

Even ye Hanchang couldn't help being stunned. Then he looked at the scene in front of him with consternation on his face, and whispered in his mouth, "I *"! Lao Xue, I finally understand what the great idea you said before is. I have to say, you are a real cow

Xue an did not respond to ye hanshang's words, because for him, all this It's just the beginning.

But seeing Xue an turn his head and look at the direction of Meng Yao and others, he shouts in a loud voice: "where is Meng Yao?"

Meng Yao's whole body is shocked, and her face looks dazed. Obviously, she doesn't understand why Xue an calls herself at this time, but she still subconsciously flies up and comes to the public, bows her hands and talks.

"My Lord, Meng Yao is here!"

Xue an gave Meng Yao a deep look, and then said in a loud voice: "Meng Yao, now hell is about to be recast, and all the life and soul in the future should be included in it. And you can make spirit wine that can wash the spirit soul and make people forget the past, which can be regarded as meritorious!"

"Therefore, I have ordered you to take charge of the drive forgetting stage, specializing in the training of the memory of the soul. Would you like to

Hearing Xue an's words, the whole audience was quiet at first, and then there was a low uproar.

"What? What is this ghost Lord doing? " Someone's face is full of disbelief.

"Oh, look, it's more and more interesting!" Someone sneered.

But at the same time, there are countless envious eyes converging on Meng Yao.

Meng Yao's complexion Shua turned pale as paper, and her whole body was shaking slightly.

Because she didn't expect it to happen.

He just brewed out a kind of wine, but the adults let him take charge of the company?

I don't know what this company does, but it sounds very important.

Can we carry this burden on our own?

Meng Yao's heart surging with thousands of worries, can't help but look up to Xue an.

Just at this time, Xue an also looked at her, when the two people's eyes converged, Xue an gave her a smile, and then nodded gently.

Somehow, Meng Yao, who was full of worries, suddenly calmed down after seeing Xue an's smile. At the same time, a great courage appeared in her heart.

Driven by this courage, she took a deep breath and nodded solemnly.

"Meng Yao I'm willing to take on this responsibility! "

"Good!" Xue an's eyes showed a touch of praise, "in this case, the director general of the drive forgetting Meng Yao returns to his position!"

Words down, suspended in front of Xue an, is constantly rotating in the Rubik's cube, suddenly separated a ray of light, reflected on Meng Yao.

Meng Yao's whole body was shocked. She felt that a great fortune suddenly fell on her body, and the whole person was shining with golden light. Then she could not help but soar up and return to the bottom of Jin Jue.

Heaven and earth is a violent tremor, the face of many strong people become more and more dignified.

Because they can clearly feel that the world is undergoing an unprecedented great change.

As for whether this great change is a blessing or a disaster, it is still unknown.

But Xue an obviously won't stop.

After Meng Yao returned to the throne, Xue an raised his eyes abruptly and said in a loud voice, "where is the master of the ten directions hall?"

In the ghost world, there are indeed ten hall masters, who are powerful in charge of one side. For example, Rongyang, the master of lava, is one of the ten hall masters.

Although several Temple masters died before the Emperor Ming was hidden, after such a long time, naturally, there were new powerful ghosts who took over the position of the temple master.

Therefore, when Xue an gave an order, the ten hall masters, including Rongyang, were shocked. Then they felt that an invisible force suddenly came and lifted them into the air.

Xue an's eyes were like iron. He swept over the ten hall masters, and then slowly said, "you, no matter good or bad, are the strong ones in this world. With the great change of heaven and earth, and the reopening of the underworld, I ordered you to divide the ten territories to protect the peace of the ghost world. There must be no mistake!"

This time, Xue an had no room for discussion and made a decision directly.

And after he said that, the cube will fly out of the ten wisps of subtle light, reflected in each of the hall Lord's body.

With a small sound, the ten hall masters changed their forms at the same time, whether they wanted to or not. However, they all rose up and came to Meng Yao.

However, there is another exception, that is, Rong Yang, the master of lava. Because he believes in Buddhism and worships Jinjue as his teacher, after he became the leader of the ten directions hall, he also had a faint light wheel in his mind.

This also made him a little higher than the other halls.

Therefore, he also attracted a lot of red eyes.

Xue an didn't pay attention to these. At the moment, his face became more and more dignified, but he still spoke slowly."Where's the little side?"

At an order, ye hanshang was stunned.

Why are there any other things about these two little animals?

But of course, he wanted to support Xue an unconditionally, so with a wave of his hand, the two small beasts flew into the air.

"Hell is reborn, and there are many souls. As alchemy life, you can be the soul arresting emissary, one left and one right, and protect the Dharma of this realm!"


When Guanghua reflected on the two small animals.

The two small beasts raised their heads to the sky and let out a long roar, and then their bodies began to increase sharply.

In the blink of an eye, the two small animals changed from the size of a poodle to a giant beast with a height of 100 Zhang, and their shapes changed greatly.

It has two horns on its head. Its body is as strong as an ox, and its whole body is blue. Its joints are connected by gears and other objects, giving people a sense of ferocity.

Small noodles are as long as horses, and the whole body is white, giving people a sense of joy and kindness.

They also flew up and came to the ten sides of the hall.

Just for a while.

Then Xue an successively sealed down all kinds of people.

At the moment, the sky is shining, and Jinjue is on top of it, followed by Meng Yao. The head of the ten square hall is waiting again, and the ox head and horse face are on both sides.

Under the gathering of several parties, the momentum became very strong and powerful, and even the oppressed people in the audience were a little out of breath.

Therefore, whether it is optimistic about Xue an or not, the look at the moment has become extremely dignified.

Because people want to know, what is Xue an going to do next after so much trouble?

Is it just that some people were sealed off?

Although the momentum is quite shocking, everyone can feel that nothing has fundamentally changed.

The ghost world is still dying.

If this doesn't change, it's all illusory.

In this situation, Xue quietly made a silent inscription, then raised his head, took a deep breath, and slowly spoke.

"It's time!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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