There was a burst of silence, and then Xia Qi said awkwardly, "my Lord, you What are you going to do to paradise lost

But Xue an didn't smile for a second.

Xia Qi understood all of a sudden, and quickly explained: "adult, don't misunderstand me. I don't mean anything else!"

You know, in this place, it is extremely taboo to inquire about the origin of people.

Because those who can come here have no way out. In this case, no one is willing to mention their past.

Therefore, Xia Qi is very depressed and scolds himself as a fool. She doesn't talk through her brain and asks such stupid questions.

But before I was not like this ah, is it in the encounter with this teenager, the head show funny?

Xia Qi is calculating, while very serious to Xue an Yan way.

"My Lord, to tell you the truth! I'm a member of the Xia family of wuwangya. This time I'm back from work. So if you don't have friends in the paradise lost, you can settle down in my family for a while! "

After that, Xia Qi looked at xue'an with blazing eyes.

Xue an smile, "Wu Wang cliff?"


We should know that this black territory spans tens of thousands of light regions. Naturally, such a vast area is not the place where paradise is lost.

In fact, the real paradise lost is only in the core position, and those who can enter it are the most powerful.

However, due to the increasing popularity of paradise lost in recent years, more and more people come here, which also leads to the emergence of many new cities around the paradise lost.

Wuwang cliff is one of them.

And because of the convenient transportation, this wuwangya is powerful in many cities.

That's why Xia Qi looks pleased.

In her opinion, the young man in white would not hesitate to accept his invitation if he weighed the pros and cons.

After all, the Xia family in the Wuwang cliff can also be regarded as a powerful side.

With this foothold, it is better than those who are helpless and become members of other gangs.

Can never expect, Xue an is not interested in these, gently shook his head, and then light way: "no need!"

The smile on Xia Qi's face froze.

She didn't expect Xue an to refuse, so she was taken aback for a few seconds, and finally she said in surprise, "my Lord, you..."

Xue an waved his hand. "Sorry, I'm not interested in any family or gang! So thank you for your kindness

After that, Xue an stood up and ignored Xia Qi, who was sitting there, and left.

Xia Qi sits there, looking at Xue Anyuan's back, with a complicated look, and doesn't know what she's thinking.

Just at this time, a dignified middle-aged man quietly appeared behind Xia Qi and said in a deep voice: "Miss, do you want to investigate this young man?"

Xia Qi shook his head and said in a soft voice: "no, everyone has his own will. Since he doesn't want to, let him go."

The middle-aged man lowered his head and said, "yes!"

And at this time, somewhere in the boat, several ferocious monks gathered together and whispered something.

"Brother Liu, you didn't see that the big Lingjing is just like a fist, and it is transparent and clear with high quality!" A sharp faced monk said.

"That's right, and it's such a valuable crystal. The teenager has two of them in one hand, and his face looks indifferent. Obviously, his family is very thick!" A monk with a triangular eye next to him echoed.

"The most important thing is that this young man seems to be flat, and his accomplishments are not high. He should have come here for some reason, so he is a rare fat sheep!" The sharp faced monk said with a smile.

Sitting in the middle was a man of heavy build and gloomy complexion.

He quietly listened to the reports of his subordinates without saying a word.

It was not until people had finished speaking that he began to laugh bitterly.

"It's interesting. According to you, there's a good thing in this guy?"

"No mistake, brother Liu. I can make sure that there is something good about this guy!" Triangle eye hastily said.

"Yes, brother Liu, the opportunity must not be lost, and this fat sheep can not let him run away!" The sharp nosed monkey's cheek also hastily agrees with the way.

But this elder brother Liu was hesitant at the moment. "It sounds very reliable, but if this young man can have such a rich family background, he should not be the son of a big school or a big family."

All of them came from the same star region. They usually lived by robbing their families and beating sticks behind their backs. As a result, once they died, they secretly attacked a descendant of the big sect in their star region and robbed him of all his belongings.This can be regarded as stabbing the hornet's nest. Under the full pursuit of this big faction, they have no way to go to heaven or anywhere, but they just ran to the dark paradise lost to take refuge.

As a result, the elder brother Liu will become so cautious.

After all, once bitten by a snake, you are afraid of the well rope for ten years!

Hearing the boss say so, these people also showed hesitation.

But soon, the eyes of the triangle eye showed a grim color, "boss, if we put it in other places, we will be afraid of some, but we will go to the dark paradise soon, and we are afraid to do something about these rules. Even if he is really a big school of children, he is not the same fat sheep here?"

"Yes, brother Liu, after buying the tickets, we don't have much money now. If we don't try to get some extra money, we will suffer if we go inside." The sharp nosed friars began to work.

Brother Liu's face gradually darkened, and a greedy look appeared in his eyes. Then he slapped his thigh abruptly, "I'm so timid that the general can't do it. I'm dry!"

As soon as the boss spoke, they were all excited.

"Boss, when are we going to do it?"

"Sooner rather than later, since you have decided to start, don't hesitate! You two go and find out the whereabouts of this guy. If the time is right, you'd better do it tonight! "


Naturally, these monks couldn't afford to buy first-class tickets. In fact, they had to pawn their pants. Even the money for the tickets was hard to come up with, so they bought the tickets at the bottom.

It's impossible for them to enter the first class area.

But it's hard for these guys.

I saw that they disguised and disguised for a while, in a twinkling of an eye, they turned into rich clothes, and then swaggered to the top cabin. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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