The people in charge of the patrol on the boat did not find anything different, so they let them in easily.

Just at the moment, a small dinner party was being held on the top deck of the boat, and all first-class passengers were invited.

So they simply came here.

When they stepped into the dinner place, they were all shocked by the magnificent scene.

"Damn it. Compared with this place, we live in a dog's nest." The sharp mouthed monk whispered in a grudging voice.

"Hush, don't talk! Brother Liu, just sit in the corner Although the eyes of this triangle eye are a little small, they are absolutely good. A scan will see Xue an sitting in the corner drinking tea.

The old Liu looked at the past along the line of sight, and then examined it carefully.

Well, they are really not lying. Although the boy is good-looking, he is really plain!

Hehe, if this is the case, I will catch a fat sheep this time!

The more he thought about it, the more excited he was.

Xue Anyi, who was drinking tea with her head down, could not help but look up and have a look here.

Liu elder brother slightly a Lin, hastily side head, in the heart actually is thinking how should do next.

It's definitely impossible to rob with great fanfare. It's better to think of a way to let this young boy present things obediently.

Because in Liu's understanding, the children of these big schools who have been cultivated as ordinary people are usually full of bread and drink. If they are scared a little, they may be honest.


That's it!

Boss Liu secretly made up his mind.

At the moment, if he did not notice the corner of his mouth.

The mini dinner was hosted by the captain of the yacht to get closer to these first-class passengers.

So when the banquet was just half way through, a middle-aged man in a black uniform, dignified and extraordinary bearing stepped in.

After seeing him, many guests stood up to welcome him.

The middle-aged man waved his hand and said with a smile on his face: "as the captain of this flying boat, I am very grateful for your trust and support, so this cup is for all of you!"

After that, he picked up a glass and drank the wine.

There was a round of applause and the atmosphere became warm.

Then the captain walked into the crowd with a smile on his face and said hello to the people.

But the captain apparently left more of his attention to his acquaintances than to his first appearance.

For example, when he saw Xia Qi not far away, he saw a light in front of him. Then he quickly stepped forward and said with great respect: "it's Miss Xia. Are you going back to Wuwei cliff?"

As a frequent commuter on this ship, Xia Qi naturally recognized the captain, so she nodded with a smile.

"Yes! I'm on my way back home after I've been out on business. "

The captain exclaimed, "Miss Xia is really lanzhihuixin. She has become the pillar of the family since she was a little old."

"How kind of you

"Well, I'm not flattering you. Who knows your name at Wuwang cliff now?" The captain said with a smile.

The atmosphere on the deck became more and more warm.

It was at this time that the old Liu led several of his men to Xue an.

"My friend, are you drinking here alone?" There was a fake smile on Liu's face.

Xue an did not even look up at these people, but quietly staring at the tea cup on the table.

Boss Liu frowned slightly, but he coughed a few times. "My friend, I have a few words to say to you, but it's not convenient here. Why don't we go outside the restaurant and talk about it?"

In the tea cup, there is no ripple.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little awkward.

At this time, you are not able to stop talking to us

Words did not finish, because at this moment, Xue an suddenly raised his head and gave him a cold glance.

It was this scan that made the triangle eye freeze in place.

Then Xue an just cast his eyes on the light defense light curtain above the deck, and said faintly: "here it comes!"


What's coming?

Because the station is relatively backward, so Liu did not find that triangle eyes at the moment has pale face in the rigid.

He was full of doubts, followed Xue an's eyes, but found that there was nothing unusual except a light curtain emitting a faint glow. The darkness was as calm as ever.

Damn it, is this guy making a mystery? Angry in his heart, boss Liu turned around and was about to say something. The deck under his feet suddenly began to shake.This tremor is not too big, but it also makes the banquet hall quiet down.

The captain, who was chatting and laughing with a group of people, was naturally stunned, but at this moment, the shaking suddenly disappeared.

The captain's face became loose, and then he said with a loud smile, "don't worry. We should have met some turbulence of time and space just now, but now it has passed, so everything is back to normal."

At first, the nervous people on their faces relaxed.

But Xia Qi was aware of something wrong.

She's not one of those new people who's been on this boat for the first time, so naturally she knows what it's like to be in the turbulence of time and space.

But the tremor was obviously unusual.

What's going on?

Xia Qi looks up with doubts and looks at the darkness outside the light curtain.

Aware of her suspicions, the captain couldn't help laughing and said, "Miss Xia seems to be scared, but you don't have to worry about it, because it's not my boasting that our huge ship is as solid as gold and will never be in trouble..."

It seems to be in response to his words, his voice just fell, just calm down the hull suddenly began to tremble.

What's more, the magnitude of the shock directly knocked down many people who were not prepared.

As for the furnishings of the tables and chairs, they were all over the floor.

In this case, everyone's face changed.

The captain, who had vowed not to do anything before, was livid and wanted to run to the control room.

But it was late.

At this time, someone extremely despairing roared: "look at what that is outside!"

They all looked up.

But in the darkness behind the curtain of light, a huge body slowly emerged, and when its huge head appeared in front of and behind the people, everyone was stupid.

Because what appeared in front of him was a giant dragon. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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