Du fan is sitting on the chair by the river, drinking.

He is in a low mood today.

Because Xue an came back, and with only one simple news, he brought the rich and powerful families of the whole province together.

How could he not have been frightened by such momentum.

Du fan also remembered the rumors about xue'an, each of which was enough to make Du fan scared.

At this time, Lu Kun took a roasted mutton kebab and ran over excitedly. "Fan Ge, the kebab is ready. Please try my craft!"

As soon as Du fan saw Lu Kun, he was not angry and kicked Lu Kun to the ground.

Mutton kebabs also spread all over the floor.

Lu Kun was trampled, "fan Ge, what's the matter with you? Why hit me? "

"Why hit you?" Du fan was livid. "But for you, could I have offended Mr. Xue that day? Now, people are more and more powerful, and we will have good fruits to eat in the future. "

When it comes to Xue an.

Lu Kun's face turned pale.

"Well What can we do? Why don't we go and make an apology now? "

"An apology?" Du fan sneered, "do you think that with our present strength, are you still qualified to talk to others?"

Lu Kun was speechless.

Du fan sighed and sat back on his chair. "I've been thinking about it for a long time. If I can't do it, let's quit Beijiang! After all, no matter how much money you earn, life doesn't matter! "

Du fan is sighing, Lu Kun is staring at the man walking on the road not far away.

"Where Van Gogh, do you think that's a man or a ghost over there? " Lu Kun trembled.

"You son of a bitch, you're a coward than a mouse!" Du fan angrily scolded and turned to look.

Then he was stunned.

Because this man is simply too miserable, covered with blood, not to say, a leg is still twisted at an abnormal angle, is obviously a fracture.

Even so, the man still limped along.

In the outskirts of this big night, suddenly see such a, change who, in the heart also have straight to take a chill.

Du fan's face was a little pale, but he was also a local villain who had dominated Beijiang for many years. After stabilizing his mind, he pulled out a defensive dagger from his arms.

"Go, go up and have a look!"

Lu Kun said timidly, "or Shall we call the police? "

"Fart, if I call the police, I can't make people laugh when it comes out?"

Said Dufan in front, walked to the road.

At this time, the man also approached, in this distance, you can even see the man's face that wooden look.

Du fan held the knife in his hand and bravely asked, "Hello! Where are you, boy? How did you get all over the body? "

The man slowly turned his head, eyes full of numbness, mumbling to himself.

"Beijiang Xue Ann Help

The hoarse and intermittent voice made Dufan's scalp numb.

But when he heard the word Xue an, he was moved.

"Brother, are you going to Beijiang to find someone?"

The man ignored him and still murmured, "Xue an Save people... "

Du fan finally heard clearly this time, and his joy surged to his heart. Then he quickly said, "I'm from Beijiang. Are you going to find Mr. Xue? Let him save people? "

The man finally nodded.

Du fan was overjoyed.

This is a pie falling from the sky!

He was worried that he had no chance to get close to Xue an, and then came such a man.

Du fan is not a fool. You can see the tragedy of this man. This is absolutely a matter of great importance.

So he immediately turned to Lu Kun and yelled, "what are you doing? Get ready! I'm going to take this brother to the city

Lu Kun shivered and went to drive.

When the vehicle was ready, Du fan helped the man to his seat.

As soon as the man leaned on the chair, he fell asleep.

Du fan's heart also has some feelings, this guy does not know how far to drive, are already tired.

Then Du fan drove himself to the city at a speed of at least 200 km / h.

All the way through the red light countless, finally came to Xue an living in the community downstairs.

Du fan got out of the car, a little anxious, he did not know which floor Xue an lived on.

But this matter obviously can't delay again, finally Du fan a gnash teeth, loud voice cries: "Mr. Xue can be in?"

The sound spread far away in the silent night.

"Mr. Xue..." The second call is not over.

In front of Du an, she felt that Xue Yihua had already appeared in front of her.

This is like the speed of ghost, let Du fan's heart thump straight jump.Xue an looked at Du fan and frowned slightly, "are you not that fan elder brother? What's up so late? "

Du fan nodded and bowed with a flattering smile: "how dare you? Mr. Xue still calls me Xiaofan. I don't want to disturb your rest at this time. It's really something important. It's not..."

Du fan also wanted to go on. Xue'an smelled the blood and looked cold. He went straight to the car and opened the door.

The man is still in a coma.

"This is the man. He has been saying that he wants to see you and save people. I'm afraid I'll delay something, so I'll come to you in a hurry!" Du fan whispered.

Xue an's face was as heavy as water. He took out a pill and put it directly into the man's mouth.

This is the Peiyuan pill refined by Xue an at the beginning. Although its efficacy is very low, it is still enough to save people.

Sure enough.

There is not a minute after taking the pills.

The man's injuries began to heal at the speed visible to the naked eye, and his broken leg gradually recovered. His face became ruddy, and then he opened his eyes slowly.

This magical scene, let Du fan see is stunned.

Don't say anything else, with this one hand, Xue an is just like a fairy in Du fan's mind.

The man began to be confused, but when he saw Xue an, he immediately said, "Mr. Xue, help anqing quickly!"

"What's wrong with Anqing?" Xue an's face is full of murderous eyebrows.

The man said quickly, "I am a soldier of the undead army. My name is Xu mu. This time we are carrying out a task, but we are defeated by a group of mysterious people. Miss an is also captured by them."

"At that time, I was by miss an's side. She told me that only you could save her and save the dead bird! So I tried my best to run out, and then tried to run to Beijiang. But when I was more than 100 kilometers away from Beijiang, I had an accident and finally had to walk step by step

Xue an nodded, "I see. Where are you arrested for your mission?"

Xu Mu pauses, then a look of panic flashed on his face, "yes Harbor, Xiangjiang

"Harbor Xiangjiang?" Xue an's heart moved.

"Yes Xu Mu nodded.

Xue an was calm and said in a soft voice, "Xiangjiang Hehe, Ming family? "

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