Xue an certainly will not forget the Ming family.

At the beginning, Ming Yuan, the son of the Ming family, presided over the construction of an island resort. For his own personal interests, he sealed the town sea eye and imprisoned the sea demon.

If Xue an did not expose it and kill it, it is estimated that more people would be harmed.

Now Anqing is missing again in the harbor Xiangjiang. If you say that it has nothing to do with the Ming family, no one will believe it.

Xue an said to Xu mu in a deep voice: "how is your injury now?"

Xu Mu got out of the car and walked two times, his face was incredible.

"Mr. Xue, my injuries have been completely cured, and even my spirit is much better!"

At this time, Du fan enviously said, "can't it be good? Just now, Mr. Xue himself fed you an elixir

Xu Mu was stunned and said, "thank you very much, Mr. Xue!"

Xue an waved his hand, "you come to me from thousands of miles to save Anqing. You are a loyal man. This is just a reward for you."

Xue an turned around and nodded to Dufan. "You've done well, too."

Du fan's face was full of flowers. He nodded and bowed and said, "Mr. Xue, you are welcome. This is what I should do!"

At this time, Anyan also went downstairs worried.

"Husband, what's the matter?"

Xue an also didn't hide, just a faint smile, "nothing, that's what happened there."

An Yan can't help but change her face when she hears something happened to her sister.

"Qinger What's wrong with Qing'er? " An Yan is in a mess.

Xue an stepped forward and said with a gentle smile, "Yan'er, don't worry. Qing'er has just had a little trouble there. It happens that you haven't gone out to relax after you come back. This time, I'll take you and your daughter to the harbor Xiangjiang for a few days."

An Yan nodded obediently.

She had an almost blind faith in xue'an.

In her eyes, as long as her husband hands, there is nothing that can't be solved that day.

Of course, it is.

At the moment, the fish belly is white in the East, and it will be dawn soon.

Xue an's mouth appeared a cold smile.

It seems that Some people will not know fear if they don't let them know the pain.

Yuan family in Jibei.

In a secret room.

Yuan Chengyu sat on the throne, while a housekeeper stood aside.

"Master, the news just came from the eldest lady. The Ming family had already found out the general location the day before yesterday, but then they found that there was a military man, so there was a fierce fight between the two sides!"

"Oh? military? Is it a member of general Lin? " Yuan Chengyu's look became solemn.

"It's not clear, but after a lot of fighting, the team has been arrested."

Although yuan Cang Yu wants to be more careful, he should be careful of everything


"What's more, is there any news about the reward?"

"Come home, the second killer organization, finger killing, has just replied, but they ask you how much money they intend to pay for Xue an's life!"

"How much..." Yuan Chengyu's face showed a trace of hatred, "this Xue an is really powerful, but I don't believe that he was made of copper cast iron, and offered a reward of 100 million yuan. I want to see his body in a month!"

"Understand!" The housekeeper bowed down.

Yuan Chengyu stood up and paced back and forth in the room.

"Immortal legacy, ha ha, such a big piece of cake, your Ming family would invite us to participate in it so kindly? And even the military has come forward. It seems that this cake is not so delicious! "

"And Xue an, I admit you are very good, but the lion also has a nap time. Finger killing is a killer organization which is specialized in dealing with the top experts. Now they take over, then your death will not be far away!"

Thinking of this, Yuan Chengyu couldn't help but sneer.

The harbor is Xiangjiang.

The residence of the Ming family is located in the rich area of Xiangjiang, which is a large area of ancient buildings.

Regardless of the value of the land, the ancient buildings are worth tens of thousands of yuan.

At the moment, in the back house of the Ming family.

Sharp front frowned, "haven't you confessed yet?"

"Back to the young master, no!"

"Forget it. If you don't, don't do it. I guess it's general Lin's. lock them up first, and then deal with them when they break the battle in the future." Sharp front light said.


"By the way, put them in the Tianzi No.1 dungeon, and someone in the province will explore with divine sense!"

"Understand!" After the servant stepped down.

Mingruifeng turned to look at the woman sitting on the side.

This woman looks plain and ordinary. In a century old family like the Ming family, she is not even as well dressed as a maid.But the sharp front's eye actually exudes the appreciation color.

"Sister Yunxin, how are you?"

Yuan Yunxin sighed, "it's really the array left by the immortal. After watching it for two days, I just have some eyebrows. It's still early to break open!"

When they were talking, mingcanghai came in.

This Ming Canghai looks like he is forty or fifty years old, but his hair is all white.

Mingruifeng and Yuan Yunxin all stood up.

Ming Canghai smiles at yuan Yunxin, "niece, can you see anything?"

"It's just a slight look!" Yuan Yunxin whispered.

"It's really worthy of being a talented girl born in a hundred years of yuan family. You can see duanni in such a short time. It's amazing that our Ming family has been studying geomantic arts for thousands of years, but we are helpless in front of this array!"

Ming Canghai sighed with half truth and half falsely, and then said with a smile, "don't worry. I've already sent out my words. There will be a Fengshui grand meeting in these two days. When the experts of geomancy and numerology all over the world will gather together, they will definitely be able to crack this array!"

Yuan Yun looked calm, nodded his head and said, "in this case, I will go back to my room first!"

After that, yuan Yunxin dismissed.

At this time, Ming Ruifeng came forward, "father, why do you invite all the geomantic experts from all over the world to refer to this array? If it leaks out... "

Mingcanghai waved his hand and said with indifference: "the news that the immortal left behind can't be covered up. The army's team is the proof. So it's better to break the array quickly and save the night's dream!"


"And..." Ming Canghai raised his head and looked at yuan Yunxin's direction of leaving. "Although this little girl doesn't talk much at ordinary times, she obviously has great ideas. She is much better than that stupid yuan Chengyu. I'm afraid that she will have other thoughts if she delays for a long time."

"What the father meant was..."

"After breaking the battle, all the insiders are..." Mingcanghai made a gesture of cutting his throat.

"Understand!" Sharp front bowed his head to answer the way, flashed a touch of cold in his eyes.

And an Qing, who was locked in the dungeon, was staring at the light in the small window.

Brother in law, do you know the news?

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