There was silence.

People looked at each other and began to whisper.

"What? It was the girl who killed Princess magic dragon? "

"I know her. She is the eldest lady of the Xia family. Her name is Xia Qi."

"Is it true?"

"Who knows, let's first see how to develop next!"

Mo Li Tu looked up and down at Xia Qi. Seeing just an ordinary girl, he couldn't help laughing.

"You say You killed my daughter Chunqing

Xia Qi nodded, "that's right!"

"Are you joking? Or do you think I'm a fool? My daughter is a magic dragon princess. How can she be her rival on your own? "

These questions of malitu are also doubts in many people's hearts.

In the face of the Magic Dragon King's powerful power, although Xia Qi's face was as pale as paper, she did not step back. Instead, she took a deep breath and spoke slowly.

"As the Dragon King, don't you know what Terrans are good at?"

Mo Li Tu's face changed, "you..."

"Yes, my strength is not worth mentioning, but I have wisdom and strategy! So it's easy to get your daughter's trust and eventually lead her into the trap! That is to say, your daughter died not in the hands of the strong, but in my intrigue

Xia Qi's voice was clear and clear, but morlidu's face became more and more ugly. After listening, he raised his head and roared.

"No! It's impossible! Chunqing is also resourceful. She will never fall into the trap of others so easily

In the roar, the power of the Dragon King was like the rough waves, which made Xia Qi retreat one after another, and her figure was more and more trembling.

Naturally, everyone in the Xia family all saw this scene. Many elders of the Xia family turned their heads and couldn't bear to see it again.

Because they all know that Xia Qi is clearly trying to sacrifice herself to save the Xia family!

So in spite of all kinds of humiliation in the heart, the Xia family can only be silent.

Xia Zheng, who has been seriously injured, is no exception. However, at this time, he does not have the previous sadness. On the contrary, he looks calmly at Xia Qi's back, which is still as straight as a sword in the face of the power of the Dragon King. There is a faint look of comfort and pride in his eyes.

These are the children of the Xia family!

Even in the face of such a strong man, he still refuses to bow down and is willing to sacrifice himself to save the whole family.

But Xia Yi on the ground saw this scene, but her teeth were almost bitten.

"Xia Qi, you cunt, even sacrifice yourself to cover him. I don't understand. What is he worth doing?"

Just at this time, malitu vented his anger in his heart. Huoran lowered his head and looked at Xia Qi with cold eyes.

"Woman, you are deceiving me, aren't you?"

This question has made many people pale.

"Do you think you can make me believe with just a few words? You are too naive. Your people are really good at scheming, but I am a demon dragon from a bottomless abyss. How could you easily fall into your trap so easily? So what do you mean by saying that? I guess you are right

As the king of the magic dragon clan, malitu has lived for at least thousands of years. Even if he is a fool, he will become smart after living for such a long time.

What's more, malitu is not a fool.

Therefore, the words of this hit the point, many Xia people heard the speech all pale, staring at Xia Qi's back, all worried about her.

Xia Yi on the ground breathed a breath when he heard the speech, and then said with a grim smile: "it's really the devil Dragon King. I can see through this trick at a glance. Xia Qi, I'll see what you can do now!"

It was unexpected.

Xia Qi was not as flustered as people imagined. On the contrary, she looked at the devil Li Tu on the opposite side calmly and said slowly: "so, you don't believe it?"

"Of course! And I'm tired of your tricks! Now I give you one last chance to hand over the murderer of my daughter, otherwise Die Mo Li Tu said with a cold and sharp look on his face.

Xia Qi smelt speech but laughed, and then slowly raised her hand, wrist a turn, palm appeared in a exuding white luster, like a rubber band like things.

"What if there is evidence of it?" Xia Qi said in a deep voice.

When she saw this thing in Xia Qi's hands, magic butcher's face suddenly changed, and then showed the color of infinite rage.


Xia Qi nodded, "yes, it's the Dragon tendon of your magic dragon. Now, can you believe my words?"


Xia Qi's words were like a heavy bomb, which not only shocked the Wuwei cliff, but also stirred the devil dragon all over the sky.

"As expected, I'm a dragon!"

"Hateful, the Terrans dare to treat me like this. I will kill them!"For a moment, there were four murders.

The killing intention on Mo Li Tu's face is even more stagnant to the point of near substance, and he looks for his hand.

A huge suction will be standing in the distance of Xiaqi instantly sucked over.

The fierce dragon power fetters Xia Qi and makes her suspended in the air, unable to move at all.

Then malitu angrily yelled: "what's going on? How did you kill my daughter? I can't tell you the truth

So close to the face of Longwei, Xiaqi's spirit immediately suffered great damage. But even so, her face was still full of sarcasm, and even the sneer on the corner of her mouth did not change.

"It's easy. It's all because your daughter is so stupid! That's why I killed them so easily

Because of Xia Qi's words, there was a moment of silence.

Because it was terrible.

This is not to seek death, but to die without hesitation.

One can even imagine malitu tearing Xiaqi to pieces in a rage.

Sure enough.

Malitu's anger was completely ignited.

"Stupid human, how dare you slander my daughter like this? I will tear you into pieces, and then I will imprison your spirit in the sea of darkness, so that you will never live beyond life!"

Xia's people heard the speech, and all of them bowed their heads.

Xia Zheng opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, and the brilliance in his eyes gradually faded down.

However, Xia Qi did not have the slightest fear. She just raised her head and looked at the furious devil Li TU with a smile of relief at the corner of her mouth, and then slowly closed her eyes.

This dragon tendon was left by the magic dragon that Xue an killed on the boat. It was useless for Xue an, so she gave it to Xia Qi.

Xia Qi has been carrying it with her, but this time it came in handy.

As for death?

If she was afraid of death, she would not come back!

But when malitu was ready to hurt the killer.

A man jumped up from the ground and yelled, "Lord dragon, this man is not a murderer. I can testify!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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