
The whole place was boiling.

No one thought that this matter could be so twists and turns.

And Xiaqi in hearing this familiar voice, first is a Leng, and then Huoran opened her eyes.

Sure enough.

It was Xia Yi who spoke.

When seeing this familiar face, Xia Qi's heart suddenly rose with infinite anger.

If the eyes can kill people, Xia Yi has already died in her eyes.

"Xia Yi, you..."

Xia Yi felt as if he didn't feel it. Instead, he flattered and said with a smile: "Lord dragon, I can testify that this man is not the murderer of your daughter!"

"Oh? How do you say that? " Morlidu quickly regained his composure and asked in a deep voice.

Xia Yi hastily flattered and said with a smile: "the Dragon King has no idea. Although the situation at that time was chaotic, I saw it clearly from the beginning to the end. Therefore, it is not this person who killed your daughter, but a young man in white!"

Hearing this, magic butcher's face suddenly became tyrannical, raised his hand and grabbed Xia Qi's neck, and then slowly lifted it into the air.

Xia Qi struggled hard, and her face gradually turned red.

"What he said is true?" Mo Li Tu hate said.

Xia Qi heard the speech, but her face showed a cheerful color, and then exhausted all her strength, word by word: "yes, how is it?"

There was a violent look in the eyes of morlidu, "you lowly human beings, how dare you play such a trick on the noble magic dragon family. Now tell me who the murderer is, or I will let you die without a burial place now!"

The fierce dragon power makes the surrounding world tremble.

But in the face of this Xia Qi instead laugh out a voice, "are you afraid?"

The laughter was full of sarcasm.

"What are you talking about?" he asked in a cold voice? How can the noble demons be afraid? "

The expression on Xia Qi's face is more and more relaxed, "you are really afraid!"

Said, Xia Qi turned her head to look at Xia Yi, "cousin, this is the last time I call you this cousin, because I think you are really pitiful, actually for your own self-interest, betrayed the dignity of the whole human race, tut, really do not know what will happen to you in the future?"

Xia Yi's face sank and just wanted to talk.

Mo Li Tu couldn't bear the sarcasm in Xia Yi's words. With a sudden force of his fingers, he pinched Xia Qi's whole body and trembled, and then he said with hatred.

"Vile people, are you laughing at me? I hate your tone, you know? And do you really think I can't help you? Ha ha, it's so naive. Even if I kill you now, I can still get everything I want from your mind

Xia Qi's expression is painful, but in her eyes is a piece of calm, coldly staring at the devil Li Tu, as if in the general irony.

Malitu felt that a sensitive part of his heart had been touched, and he became more and more furious.

"Die for me

Say, he finger force, will be the neck of Xiaqi life pinched off.

Xia Qi felt a tremendous force from neck to neck, and then she closed her eyes like fate.

But it was just then.

In the void above the crowd, the space suddenly began to tremble.

Then, a long and narrow crack appeared in the space.

And then, out of the crack, there was a breath that made the whole world tremble.

When the breath came out, the whole audience was shocked.

Xia Qi's eyes, which had been closed because of despair, opened up.

Because right now.

But see in that narrow crack, gradually emerged a young figure.

The young man was dressed in white and had a long body. Looking at his back alone, he gave people an inexplicable peace of mind.

But when he appeared in front of the eyes of magic butcher, his eyelids beat wildly.

After that, the figure became more and more solid,


Xue an emerged from the void.

In this moment.

Heaven and earth tremble.

As if the ministers were cheering for the arrival of their king, the laws of the whole heaven and earth were trembling.

Such visions naturally attracted the attention of malitu.

His face turned cold.


The voice did not fall, but see Xue an slowly raised eyes, face full of impatient look.

"Are you the Dragon King?"

Malitu had some silly eyes, and then nodded his head.


Xue an is very upset now.

Because Yan'er is still in a daze.This upset a lot of Xue an's plans.

Even the original plan to rely on Mo Chunqing as a bait to attract the attention of the whole magic dragon family has run aground.

Because of an Yan's sudden situation, Xue an has no mind to think about how to target the magic dragon family.

If he doesn't even show up.

So when he saw malitu's proud nod, he admitted his identity.

Xue an very simply yelled, "good, then you die here today!"

After that, Xue an stepped forward and gave a straight blow.

There was nothing unusual about the punch.

At least there was no sign of it.

It looks like a normal fight.

Even malitu thought so.

He didn't know Xue an at first, but suddenly, he felt a divine impression from xue'an.

It is clear that the mark of this divine idea comes from his own daughter, which clearly shows that he has an inseparable relationship with his daughter's death.

Therefore, he was an exciting spirit at that time, and then he saw Xue an's blow close to him.

He couldn't help but smile, "good coming!"

Then he raised his hand to meet Xue an.

It's a pity.

Until the two sides hit each other.

Only then did morlidu understand what Xue an's fist meant.

At that moment, the sense of magic and fierce TU was suddenly passed on by a powerful force that could not be controlled by him, and then he blew this huge force upside down.


The whole audience thought that Xue an would be defeated by this attack.

But when I saw this behind the scenes, I couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.


The demon Dragon King was blown out?

How could that be possible?

Xue an did not have the slightest surprise color, on the contrary, his face was still impatient: "is this strength? Then you will die

After that, Xue an suddenly vertical, the whole person rushed up like a cannon ball, and went straight to malitu.

The feeling of magic and sharp TU was greatly oppressed by the force, and he could not help exclaiming.


Xue an doesn't care at all. Raising your hand is a punch!

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