After that, he raised his eyes and looked at the crowd in the distance. He said, "what do you want to do here? You know what you want to do here. I don't want to investigate. But you should remember that if someone dares to commit again, first think about whether you have a magic dragon clan!"

After dropping this sentence, Xue an turns around and flies directly into the Fu Bao building with the blood in his hand.

Only the whole audience was left in awe.

It was not until a long time later that someone sighed: "after this war, this adult will have a place even in the paradise lost!"

The crowd was silent.

And at this time, in a corner, because of the sudden crash of the three Liu brothers, Xia Yi, who was seriously injured, was roaring like a mad tiger.

"What do you want to do

"What do you want? I want you to die, of course Liu gave a grim smile.

"Why? I regard you as an expert in the world. Why do you do this to me? " Xiayi hysterical shout.

"Very simple, because you have made a big mistake, that is to find an enemy you absolutely can't afford!" Liu old big cold voice way, at the same time under the attack and stepped up a few points.

Xia Yi can't dodge, and was cut out of a big hole, blood dripping between, he finally understand what.

"So you are with Xue! Xue, you despicable villain, you sneak attack me in this way Xia Yi shouts.

The sound scared the three people to be dead.

If this was heard by the adult, there would be no life for the three of us.

Therefore, Liu's boss was furious and roared: "enough, you really take yourself seriously! You want to kill a bug in the same way that you want to kill a bug? You think too highly of yourself

This also let Xiayi recover some soberness, and then roared: "then why do you want to do this to me? What good did he give you? "

Until this time, Xia Yi still thought that the three Liu eldest brothers were sent by Xue an.

Liu elder brother hears speech to shake his head, "I am really puzzled, how does your intelligence quotient live to now? Our Lord has not given us any good. We want to kill you just because you are so stupid

With that, he winked at his two subordinates, and the three rushed forward to step up the offensive.

Xia Yi's strength is not good, coupled with serious injuries, so after a few face-to-face, they left and right clumsy, difficult to parry.

Until then, Xia Yi felt deep fear, and could not help but cry out: "three adults, spare your life. I will give you whatever you want, as long as you leave me this life!"

"Hey, if someone else said that, we might have let go, but this time we want your life!" Liu said with a grim smile.

At the same time, the triangle eye did not know when it had sneaked to Xiayi's back and stormed out a blow.


Blood splashed.

"No..." Xia Yi screamed.

But then his screams came to an end.

Because Liu had already cut his head off.

Until the moment of his death, Xiayi felt deep regret.

At the beginning, I should not listen to Zhang YinChi's bewitching and betray my family to work for the Zhang family!

Unfortunately, it's too late.

In an instant, his spirit sank into the darkness and never woke up again.

The three of them looked at each other, and then they took a breath.

Of course, Xue an didn't know about all this.

Even if he knew, he was too lazy to take care of a small summer town.

At the moment, he has returned to Fubao building.

Then came to an Yan's house.

At this time, an Yan is still in a coma, but through careful investigation, Xue an found that Yan'er's state has been much better, should not be able to wake up in a few days.

This could not help but calm his restless heart a little.

At this time, Hu Ying noticed the blood in Xue an's hand and asked, "brother Xue, what's in your hand?"

Xue an smelt the speech and laughed, "this, ah, this is the blood gas transformed by the blood essence of the demon dragon clan, which I prepared for Xiaosha!"

One side of the Zhang Xiaoyu smell speech in front of his eyes is a bright, "adult, if so, small sand adults can soon wake up?"

"Of course not so fast, because these are just to lay the foundation for Xiaosha to wake up, but if you want to make her really wake up, you need wanlongchi!"

Zhang Xiaoyu can't help but feel a little disappointed, but also know that this matter can not be done too quickly.

"What's the difference between Xiaosha and Xiaosha during my time away?" Asked Xue an.

Zhang Xiaoyu shook his head, "I just saw it, everything is normal!"

"Good!" With that, Xue Anye has come to Xiaosha's sleeping room.The walls that had been knocked down by Xue an have been restored.

In fact, with the continuous evolution of Fubao building, all forms can be changed.

It's just that people are used to living, so they still maintain the appearance before.

As for the repair of the damaged wall, it is only a command of the magic charm Koi.

Xiao Sha's dragon eggs are quietly parked in the middle of the room, while the magic dragon bracelet is floating on the eggs.

Nothing has changed.

Xue an breathes out a breath gently, and then a wave, the bracelet flies into his hand.


After a crackle, all the prohibitions attached to the magic dragon bracelet are removed.

Under this, already fell into despair, the devil pure Qing of deep sleep suddenly opened her eyes.

Xue an gave her a smile. "It's time to go!"

The pupil of magic pure Qing instantly shrinks to the size of the needle tip, and then urges the whole body's strength to escape.

But before she moved, Xue an took her neck and shook her head gently.

"Don't struggle, isn't the most important thing for a family to be neat? So I'll kill you all, save you lonely

With that, Xue an spread out his palm, and the blood rose and floated into the air.

At the sight of this group of blood, Mo Chunqing couldn't help but shake her whole body. Especially when she felt the familiar breath, she couldn't help exclaiming, "father..."

Then he looked at Xue an with infinite resentment, "what have you done to my father?"

Xue an shrugged. "As you can see, your father is now turned into a mass of blood."

"You devil Magic pure Qing such as by lightning, hiss roar way.

"Compared with the crimes committed by your demon dragons, I'm still a lot worse!" Xue an light words, and then Sen ran a smile, "go good don't send!"

The flame rises out of thin air, refining the ten magic dragons that are still in a state of muddle.

Then, the body of Mo Chunqing was covered with fire.

The flame of all things is the most equal, so in a moment, the magic pure Qing also turned into nothingness.

With the supplement of the last breath, the lustre in the blood became more and more lustrous, and there was even the image of a pill.

Xue an didn't give it the chance. He waved.

This group of blood flew to the small sand of the giant egg, first a circle, and then the whole egg to wrap up. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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