
In the kitchen of Fubao building, it is very lively.

See their mother's condition is gradually improving, soon can wake up, two little girls finally put down a hanging heart, the whole person also recovered before lively.

Then the two of them entangled Xue an.

Yes, it's literally entangled.

Because Xue an has been busy in the sky recently and hasn't played with his two daughters for a long time.

So when I finally got the chance, I thought that I had grown up in xue'an, and never left my father.

But for the two more "pendants" on his body, Xue an only felt full of happiness.

He also felt that he owed a lot to his two daughters recently. Taking advantage of his free time, Xue an took over the role of an Yan and accompanied his two daughters in calligraphy, painting and playing games every day.

Of course, the most important thing is to cook for my two daughters.

Today, of course, is no exception.

Xue an squatted down and asked with a smile, "tell Dad, what do you two want to eat today?"

Think about reading, head tilted, head touching together, face to face seriously thinking about this problem.

For these two snacks, it's the happiest thing in the world to have a meal cooked by my father himself.

So they should take it seriously.

"What? Can't make up your mind? I'll give you the name of the dish, braised pork in brown sauce, sweet and sour fish... " Xue an said with a smile.

The two little girls heard her mouth drool, and then discussed in a low voice for a while. Finally, they thought as if they had made some major determination. Their small faces were full of seriousness.

"Dad! We want to eat fried rice with eggs

"Fried rice with eggs?" Xue An Yi Zheng.

The two girls nodded seriously, "yes! It's fried rice with eggs

Then read read carefully asked: "is it OK?"

This unexpected decision made Xue an a little surprised, and then he couldn't help laughing and said, "of course, but why is it egg fried rice? It's so simple, you know

"Because When Dad came back, the first time he cooked us egg fried rice Think about it and say it softly.

Read the key point nodded.

Xue an was stunned and then silent.

He did not expect that the two little girls, who were still very young at that time, remembered a simple fried rice with eggs so clearly.

Looking at the more beautiful two daughters, Xue an's heart can not help but produce a deep guilt, and then heavily nodded.

"Good! Then make fried rice with eggs

"Good, good, good!"

The two girls cheered.

Xue an also laughed, he reached out to touch the small heads of two little girls, "and this time, dad also taught you to cook, how about?"

"Wow! Great The two girls cheered at the speech.

So their father and daughter came to the kitchen and began to teach them to cook.

"First of all, you have to prepare the ingredients you need first! This can be complicated or simple, but I generally like to do it in the simplest way! "

With that, Xue an picked up an egg, broke it gently on the edge of the bowl, and then pinched open the eggshell.

The golden egg drops into the white porcelain bowl, which is very beautiful.

Two little girls flash a pair of big eyes, full of curiosity to look at.

"Come on, you two will beat the rest of the eggs! Just follow the way I just did! " Xue an said with a smile.

Two little girls smell speech all excited up, Xue want to take the lead to pick up an egg, according to the bowl edge gently knock.


After a light ring, the egg didn't break, the bowl broke!

Xue wanted to be silly, and then some embarrassed grabbed the back of the head, "Dad, this..."

Xue an first waved and destroyed the pieces directly, then he said with a smile, "pay attention to the strength. Your strength is obviously too big!"

Then she took out a bowl. This time it was Xue Nian's turn. This time, she succeeded in breaking the eggs, but she was so excited that she scattered the eggs all over the floor.

Xue an is not in a hurry. After picking up the debris, she slowly teaches her two daughters to cook.

"Look, when you stir the egg mixture, you have to stir it quickly in one direction...!"

The voice did not fall, a chopstick into a black light, with the potential of lightning cover out.

A dull bang!

The ebony chopsticks were directly nailed into the wall, leaving only a deep hole.

The force is so strong that a lot of dust has fallen from the walls.

Then listen to the magic symbol outside, Koi issued an aggrieved call.Xue Xiang is very embarrassed to stand in place, holding only one chopstick in his hand.

Xue an took her eyes back from the wall, and then she said with tears and laughter: "think about it. I said that you should stir it quickly, not let you stir it to fly!"

Xue thought a little embarrassed and put out his tongue.

"Sorry, Dad, I didn't mean to!"

Xue an sighed helplessly.

In fact, he also noticed the problem.

With the passage of time, the two little girls are gradually growing up.

And together, there is their strength.

This kind of inheritance comes from the blood and talent, so that they have a unique strength.

But this also brings a problem, that is, for the two girls whose mental intelligence is far from mature, how to master this power has become a big problem.

Otherwise, it will be like just now, stirring an egg will make the chopsticks in the hand become a killing tool.

But Niannian obviously didn't think so. She looked at Xue with adoration on her face and thought, "Wow! What a great sister! I want to learn too! "

Said, she also according to Xue want to start stirring eggs, and then deliberately put the chopsticks out of the hand.

The chopsticks turned into a cold light. After flying a full meter away It fell to the ground with a crash.

The atmosphere suddenly became very awkward.

After a moment, Xue an just managed to smile and said, "er The chopsticks of Niannian are also good at flying

Niannian was so angry that she suddenly stamped her foot, "get up for me!"

At an order, the chopsticks that had fallen on the ground suddenly soared into the air, and then stabbed straight into the distance in a violent posture.

Xue an's expression was coagulated. He waved his hand in a short period of time, and a wisp of sword hair came first. This was the moment when the chopsticks stabbed into the wall, he crushed the chopsticks thoroughly.

"Hee hee! Dad, I'm good Niannian said with great pride.

Xue an's face is speechless, and there is a trace of uneasy worry in the eyes of Nian Nian.

Now niannianniang is not even ten years old, but has shown such a terrible talent. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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