With the voice, we can see a burst of commotion at the entrance of the banquet hall, and then we can see that Luolan Pavilion takes the lead in entering the field.

When she appeared in front of the crowd, the whole audience was quiet at first, and then there was a great disturbance.

Because at the moment, Luo Lan Ting is still wearing the evening dress soaked with blood.

In addition, the scars covered in the whole body, although it has been much better, but at a glance, it is still very ferocious and frightening.

Seeing this situation, all the people present felt that their hearts were tight, and many people's faces changed greatly.

Because a lot of these people here don't know what happened tonight.

So when they saw the wounded luolanting, they immediately realized that this gathering tonight is not simple.

There may even be big things.

So they all shut their mouths and looked at them with dignity.

As for those who know the inside story, such as min Huafeng, the leader of the hundred Lian temple, their complexion is not good at the moment.

Because luolanting appeared in this image, it was clear that it was a threat to them.

And the meaning represented by this is even more frightening.

In this tense atmosphere, no one noticed Xue an who walked in behind the Luo Lan ting.

Even if someone saw it, they simply thought that he was a new master of luolanting.


The agitation in the banquet hall subsided.

After standing in the upright position, Luo Lan Ting looks around the audience without expression.

There was no sound in the banquet hall, and people's breathing could be heard.

Just in this oppressive and breathless atmosphere, after a cup of tea, luolanting slowly withdrew his eyes and whispered.

"I'm disappointed!"

Simple four words, but let a lot of people such as lightning strikes, the whole body for a shock.

Luo Lan Ting continued to speak in a calm tone.

"I also know that betrayal is a common thing in this city, or in this world, but I always thought that the flower of evil and all of you here will be different!"

"Because I've been trying my best to change everything! But I failed

The tone of Luo Lan Ting doesn't have any waves, but it falls in people's ears, but it is full of extreme fatigue and disappointment.

This makes a lot of people silently lowered their heads.

"As you can see, just tonight, I was in a fatal ambush and almost died outside! Now my wound is still bleeding, but it doesn't matter, because I failed! But the failure must pay the price, so this is all I deserve, I have no complaints

Luo Lan Ting's words echoed over the banquet hall, and the people's expressions became somewhat subtle.

Some people lowered their heads, their eyes glistened, and they didn't know what they were thinking.

Min Huazang is no exception. He has a ghost in his heart. He lowers his head and ponders over the words of luolanting.

What does she mean by that?

Are you not going to investigate?

Well, that should be it! After all, this incident has affected a wide range of people. If she really wants to investigate, the consequences will be unpredictable, and even the most vicious flowers can not bear.

Thinking of this, min Huafeng can't help but feel relieved.

But before a smile appeared on his face.

But see the Orchid Pavilion leaning on the table with his hands, body forward to explore, cold eyes scan the whole scene.

"But there is no doubt that everyone should pay for their actions. Now that I have been punished, is it your turn?"

This sentence is like a rock shattering, so that min Huazang and others suddenly changed color.

However, luolanting continued to say in a soothing tone: "since I was attacked, there has been no wind and grass in the whole city. Even you who should have known the news for the first time have not made any action!"

"It's as if you've agreed in advance that you've all been silent about it!"

"This Don't you need to give me a reasonable explanation? "

The silence was terrible.

Looking around the scene, Luo Lan Ting gradually showed a sarcastic look on his face, "how? Don't you want to give me a reasonable explanation? Or am I just not worth your perfunctory

Still no one said anything.

"Good, since you don't want to say it, I'll take the initiative to ask!"

Said, Luo Lan Ting's eyes stay on Min Huafeng, "Min Guan Zhu, don't you plan to say two words?"

Min Huafeng shivered all over and complained in his heart.

Why are you so unlucky to be called up to ask questions?

But now have asked his head, and then continue to silence is certainly not going to work, so he raised his head and forced a smile."Lord, I have nothing to say, because I really don't know what happened!"

"Oh? Don't know anything? " The Orchid Pavilion speaks lightly.

"Yes! Really don't know anything! As a matter of fact, I'm not feeling well recently, so I went to bed early tonight, and I didn't notice any difference at all! " Min Huafeng said very sincerely.

"Don't you even know it's going to rain tonight?" Luo Lan Ting asked in a cold voice.

"This Of course, I know that! " Min Huafeng hesitated to say.

Luo Lan Ting laughed, "master min, do you know why I was the first to ask you?"

"I don't know!"

"Because your practice view is closest to the place where I was attacked, and at such a close distance, there are so many xingluodao killers! You tell me you don't know anything. Do you think I'll believe it? Or Master min thinks I'm a fool? "

Min Huafeng was speechless when he was asked, and his eyes changed. Finally, his face gradually became gloomy,

"Lord Luo, what you said is very reasonable! That's right. How could I not have known about the big battle of the star road killers? But there is one thing I want to state in advance! "

"My view of hundred refinement and your evil flower are just allies, not superiors and subordinates!"

Luo Lan Ting nodded, "I know that!"

"It's good to admit it. Since it's an alliance, even if I really know the news, but I didn't tell you in time, it's not a fault?"

Luo Lan Ting shook his head, "no!"

Min Huafeng's expression became more and more proud, and then sneered: "what's more, what kind of power is Xingluo Dao? How can I be provoked by my little concept of practice? So even if I know the news, but because of fear, I don't want to tell you! Do you want to blame me for this? "

This series of rhetorical questions can not help but make a lot of people who have ghosts in their hearts shine in front of them and start to clamor one after another.

"Master min is right! We are nothing more than an ally with the evil flower. How can we say anything wrong? "

"Yes! And whether it's the flowers of evil or the way of stars, we can't afford to exist. We don't want to be provoked. Are we wise enough to protect ourselves

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