Think about how we can deal with the queer master of the sun

These words made Luo Lanting's face more and more ugly, especially those words that mocked her that she did not dare to deal with Xingluo Road, but only dared to pick soft persimmon pinches, which made her eyes gradually cold down.

Suddenly, she patted the table in front of her and said, "that's enough!"

All the voices of the audience stopped immediately, and all the people looked at the Luolan Pavilion.

I saw the falling Orchid Pavilion face if the Frost said: "after all, you are just afraid of the power of the Star Road, so you dare not come out, just want to be a turtle with shrinking head, right?"

This is a very serious statement, at least many people's faces have changed.

Luo Lanting continued with a sneer: "master min, what you just said is good. We are really just allies. But have you ever forgotten how many things I have done for you?"

These words let those who before a strong noise, the complexion gradually rose red.

The reason why they are willing to form an alliance with the flower of evil is that there are many advantages in it.

So they can't argue.

"In fact, these are not important. The important thing is, do you really think that when the extremely evil flower quilt is knocked down, Xingluo Dao will give up and be merciful to you small forces? Stop dreaming. Who are they? Those are the villains who serve the dark, the killers who don't ask for any rules

Speaking of this, Luo Lanting's face showed a sarcastic color, "for the sake of a little bit of petty gain and peace in front of you, you have ignored the future danger, you really let me look down upon it!"

This remark made many people look alert.

Only min Huazang and a few people are still disdainful.

They all have reached an agreement with xingluodao secretly. Naturally, they will not be shaken by the words of Luo Lan ting.

"Lord Luo is right, but the power of Xingluo road is huge. It is said that there are big people in the upper cities behind the scenes. How can we be its opponents only by ourselves? In my opinion, it would be better to surrender at this point. " Behind min Huazang, someone said with a cold smile.

Luo Lanting's eyes swept over the man and saw a middle-aged man with a gloomy face. His eyes could not help but slightly coagulate.

Because this man is the most powerful among the forces allied with the flower of evil.

The burning city of Jinchan temple.

His words also attracted the nod of Min Huazang and others.

"Master Zhan is right! It's better to surrender. After all, compared with the star compass, our strength is not enough! "

Many people are hesitant.

Luo Lanting gradually clenched his fist and wanted to say something, but he found that he could not refute it.

Because what they say is true.

The strength of Xingluo Dao is much better than that of the evil flower.

What's more, it's really hard to predict the victory or defeat this time.

But just at this moment, I heard a chuckle coming from behind.

Then someone said, "I was scared to surrender after listening to a name. You guys are really It's OK

"Who's talking like crazy?" The city of war burned into a rage and hissed.

People's eyes are on the speaker.

But seeing a young man in white sitting on the throne behind Luo Lan ting and others, and seeing people looking at him, he raised his head and said with a smile.

"I said it. What's the matter?"

The speaker is Xue an of course, but he looks at the city with a smile.

"What? Do you have a problem? "

The fury of the city was full of anger, and its eyes were full of killing intention.

You should know that the strength of Jinchan temple is quite good in this low-level city. As the leader, he has extraordinary accomplishments, so he always thinks highly of himself.

Now suddenly by a do not know where to jump out of the white boy to ridicule, how can this let the arrogant he endure?

Of course, he had his opinion

"Good! Then tell me and listen to it. " Xue an slowly took out his ears and said.

This can not help but let the anger in the heart of zhanfen city more prosperous, full of killing intention said: "boy, you said we counselled, but do you know how powerful Xingluo Dao is?"

"I don't know!" Xue an shook her head.

"Hum! I tell you, there are eight Dharma protectors in Xingluo Road, and each of them has the strength of Dara peak. On top of the eight Dharma protectors, there are four heavenly kings, which are comparable to the existence of immortal kings. As for the master of Xingluo Taoism, he is the top strong one who has existed for thousands of years. How about? Are you afraid? " Zhanfen city asked sarcastically.

Xue an but smile, "is this all?"

As soon as this statement was made, the eyes of the city of war burn almost didn't stare out.

"Isn't that enough?"

Xue an shook his head. "Of course not enough! Actually, I don't think so much about it! After all Just before that, a so-called great Dharma protector had died in my hands! "Suddenly, the city of Zhan Fen was speechless. He didn't believe a word of Xue an's words, so he said with a sarcastic smile.

"So it is. Since you are so powerful, how do you think you should deal with Xingluo Dao?"

This time, the whole audience's eyes are focused on Xue an's body.

In this regard, Xue an just smile, and then understatement said: "very simple, since it is so restless, that directly call the past line? Will not all the problems be solved by uprooting this force? "

Zhan Fen city looked at Xue an, "you Are you serious? "

"Do you think I'm joking?"

As soon as the words fell, the city of war and fire looked up to the sky and laughed.

"Ha ha ha ha, this is the funniest joke I've ever heard. Just a teenager, he's so arrogant, and he says that he can kill the Star Road, and he doesn't piss..."

After the words have not said export, Xue an slightly raised eyebrows, "wanton!"


With the words, a sword appeared out of thin air, and then the city was directly bombed and burned with lightning.

It came so fast that when the battle burning city felt bad, the sword had already arrived.

This can't help but frighten his dead soul to all take a big drink, "no!"

With that, he urged his whole body cultivation, and his whole body was covered with gold armor, trying to resist the sword.

You should know that Jinchan temple is famous for its powerful forging technique.

In particular, the battle burning city, which has been cultivated to a very high level, has the power of gods and ghosts to break through changes once Shi is launched.

But in the face of this blow to the sword, all of them are vain.

Even if there was no sound, the sword was like a hot knife cutting butter. It cut through the golden light without hindrance, and then it came out through the body.


After a dull sound.

Zhan Fen City stood in its place, looking at Xue an in horror, and his throat was filled with gurgling sounds.

Then, see a blood line from his body, and then in an instant collapse, into a blood.

In the thick blood gas, the whole audience was dead.

But Xue an looked at the crowd with a smile, "well, the world is finally quiet! Now what do you think of my proposal? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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