"Why What proposal? " Someone asked.

"Of course, it is to destroy the star road!" Xue an said with a smile.

All the people were dumbfounded.

Is this teenager serious?

If it had been, people would have been cynical.

But now the body of the city lies on the ground, not even cold with blood.

There is such a lesson in the front, of course, people do not dare to show any dissatisfaction.

Xue an got up excitedly and looked out of the window at night! It's not too late. If we start now, we can even come back for breakfast before sunrise! So... "

Xue an looked at Luo Lan Ting, "do you want to start?"

Luo Lan Ting deeply looked at Xue an, then nodded solemnly.

"Everything At your command

Now people just understand that the identity of the young man in white is far more powerful than he imagined.

"Good! It's time to start now

With that, Xue Anxing rushed out.

Luo Lan Ting flushes behind the person a wink, extremely evil flower members immediately rise to follow after.

In an instant, the banquet hall, which had just been busy, was already half empty.

The rest were people from all sides. They looked at each other and finally swallowed their mouths.

"Or Shall we go and have a look? " Someone asked tentatively.

The others nodded, "OK! Let's go and have a look! "

As a result, there are many people left after the Luo Lan ting and others.


Min Huafeng and others were left in the banquet hall.

These guys looked at each other. After a long time, someone said hesitantly: "this Is this guy really going to make it? "

When min Huafeng heard the speech, he wanted to laugh at the man's whimsy, but when he saw the corpse of the burning city on the ground, all of a sudden, these words were blocked in his throat and couldn't say it.

I recall the young man's self-confident attitude.

Min Huafeng's heart suddenly raised a very absurd idea.

Is it true that this young man can uproot the star Luo Dao?

But how could it be!

And let's not say that the star Luo Dao Ben has the strength, that is, those big people behind it will not allow this kind of thing!

Thinking of this, min Huafeng hesitated for a moment, and finally gritted his teeth, "go! Let's follow. I'd like to see how powerful this boy is

Xue an has never been to the station of Xingluo Road, but he is in the front of the road all the way, and has not taken any wrong road.

Looking at Xue an, who is familiar with the road, he is even surprised to see the Orchid Pavilion.

How did he know the route?

In fact, Xue an was guided by the spirit left by luyinxi, so he made his way.

He thought clearly that he did not have time to stay in the bottom city.

You know, the paradise lost is as many as 13 story cities.

He must rush to the top level in the shortest time, and then find fan Mengxue to solve many things.

With this idea, Xue an didn't want to play the trick of playing pig and tiger again. He helped the successor of this old acquaintance to solve the internal and external affairs, and then he rushed to Xingluo road.

And right now.

There was also a great mess in the headquarters of StarCraft.

Of course.

This was not because they had foreseen that Xue an was coming.

In fact, even the most crazy people would not think that someone would dare to come here to find trouble.

Because this is the headquarters of Xingluo road!

People with a little brain will also think that looking for trouble here is just like looking for death, even faster than looking for death.

At the moment, the reason why the headquarters of Xingluo road is in an uproar is completely because of the news brought back by luyinxi.

"What? Xu HUFA and his subordinates were destroyed, and not a single person escaped? It's impossible! " A red faced man shook his head and said.

"Yes, it's just a Loulan Pavilion! No matter how fierce her evil flower is, she can't be the joint enemy of Xu Xianyue and so many of her subordinates! " Another coquettish woman is also full of disbelief.

For a moment, the field began to roar again.

At this time, however, an old man sitting in the middle raised his eyes and looked at the pale deer Yinxi.

"Deer protector, are all these true?"

"Back to Tell the king of heaven Every word I said is true. Xu Xianyue and his army have been completely destroyed, and

"And what?"

"And if I didn't run fast, I might not be able to escape!" Speaking of this, Lu Yinxi swallowed his mouth and his eyes were full of panic. He obviously remembered some horrible pictures.Now, the whole room is quiet.

Despite all the doubts in his heart, luyinxi is one of the eight Dharma protectors, so it's impossible to make fun of it.

In addition, until now has not been able to contact Xu Xianyue and the people he took out, which proves that she did not lie.

But the question is, what is the reason for this?

The old man was also full of doubts, "how is all this going on? How can luolanting have such a strong strength to deal with your two Dharma protectors together? "

Lu Yinxi shook his head, "it's not luolanting!"

"Oh? You mean, there are others? " The old man's eyes flashed suddenly.

"No Yes, there is one more person! A man of high cultivation, just like a demon! " Lu Yinxi trembled and said, trembling all over.

There was a commotion in the field.

"Is your cultivation as high as a demon? Lu Yinxi was scared to be silly! What's all this nonsense

"Yes! How can I listen so unreliable? "

In these comments, the old man raised his eyebrows and said, "tell me in detail. What's going on?"

"Yes Lu Yinxi gave a hard answer, and then ambushed himself in the periphery. As a result, he ran into Luo Lanting, who was seriously injured. He wanted to capture him, but unexpectedly, a young man in white suddenly appeared. The story was told once.

Her voice echoed quietly in the field, and the faces of all the people gradually became dignified.


When she finished.

The old man's face could not help but reflect on his reflection.

"You mean, the other side is just a person, but you can't get rid of it? Even a word will have already escaped you to catch back? "

"Yes! My subordinates dare not speak in vain

"If it's true, then this person's strength can't be underestimated! Even equal to me The old man said in a deep voice.

As soon as this was said, the crowd took a breath of cold air.

You know, this old man is one of the four heavenly kings of Xingluo road.

If you can match him, the strength is really shocking.

At this time, the old man ordered: "order to go on. Before the adults come back, we should shrink all departments. First, we should not conflict with the people who are extremely evil flowers. Then, at all costs, we must find out the origin of this person!"

At this time, from the outside came a light smile, "don't try so hard to explore, I have come!"

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