Ming family mansion.

Today's Ming family is very lively.

Geomantic experts from China and even overseas all arrived one after another.

Mingruifeng personally stood at the door to receive visitors from all directions.

After Xue an and Song Yi arrive, mingruifeng can't help but feel a little stunned.

Why are you bringing your family?

However, the city of sharp front in the Ming Dynasty was very deep. In a flash, it recovered as usual and gave Song Yi a hand.

"It's master song! This is... "

Song Yi did not speak, Xue an said lightly: "I am his apprentice!"

Sharp forward suddenly.

Look at this age also like a master and apprentice, because a smile, "in this case, two, please come in!"

After entering the Ming family, Song Yi looks up to see the architectural layout of the Ming family.

"It's strange that the Ming family is the first Fengshui sect in the world, but the layout of the building is so flat." Song Yi said in surprise.

Xue an said with a smile, "that's because your vision is not broad enough. The easiest way to use geomantic omen is to build houses, the middle to use mountains and rivers, and the wise to use heaven and earth. The architecture of the Ming family is based on heaven and earth. At first glance, it looks ordinary. But if you look down on the overall layout of China, you will find the difference here! "

Song Yi suddenly realized and nodded with admiration: "Mr. Xue is really knowledgeable!"

But Xue an just a smile, he did not say a word.

The really powerful geomantic omen technique is to change the world and put Fengshui in one palm.

That's the earth shaking power of walking.

"Oh, isn't this song Yi, master song? Tut Tut, I haven't seen you for several years. You can be regarded as breaking through the real person and entering the carefree life! I thought you had died of old age somewhere

A male duck came from his throat, and his voice was very ugly.

Song Yi is stunned. He looks up and sees a middle-aged man with a sinister face coming slowly.

As soon as he saw this man, Song Yi's face became very ugly. He gritted his teeth and said, "Pan Yin, do you dare to come to see me?"

"Hehe, why don't you dare? My good Master Pan Yin sneered.

Song Yi's face is livid, and his whole body is shaking with anger.

At this time, pan Yin saw Xue an standing on one side, "tut Tut, is this another apprentice? Congratulations to master

After that, pan Yin smiles triumphantly.

But at this time, Xue Nian's voice was soft and cute to Xue an: "Dad, this uncle's voice is like Donald Duck!"

Xue Xiang shook his head and said solemnly, "I don't think so. Donald's voice is much better than his voice."

This made people smile.

Only pan Yin's face gradually darkened. After seeing Xue an, she left with a sneer.

As soon as pan Yin left, Song Yi's face turned pale, and he shook his head with a bitter smile. "Let Mr. Xue laugh. This guy is my former apprentice!"

Song Yi sighed and then said, "this man was gifted at the beginning, and I taught him with great care. I soon learned my whole body skills, but I didn't expect this man to be a beast with a human face!"

"Once I finally got a pill that could help me break through the real world. He actually took advantage of me and hurt me and ran away with it!"

"That's why I haven't saved anything in my cultivation for more than ten years."

Xue an's face is indifferent. He has seen too many tricks of fighting against each other in the past three thousand years.

"I didn't expect that the geomantic experts gathered this time, and he actually came too!" Song Yi hated the voice.

At this time, Chang Zhu and Chang Xiaoxiao also arrived.

At this point, the world's geomantic experts are basically all together.

Mingruifeng arranged a sumptuous dinner.

In the feast.

These geomantic experts from all over China get together to talk and have a good time.


Xue Xiang and Xue Nian are eating ice cream.

The little face was stained with cream, which made it extremely lovely.

There was a lot of surprise.

After all, there are so many people, only Xue an came with his family members, which naturally appears to be particularly eye-catching.

And pan Yin and Chang Zhu master and apprentice get together, from time to time to see Xue an in the distance.

"So this man should be your teacher's new apprentice?" Chang Zhu asked.

Pan Yin nodded, and then secretly looked at the side with greedy eyes, often smiling.

"I'm sure you can't be wrong. I guess the sea demon blood bead was also given to him by my master! The old man didn't want to give me so many good things Pan Yin said without shame.

Chang Zhu nods and thinks about it.

At this time, mingcanghai appeared on the banquet.

Many people quickly stood up and toasted: "master Ming!""Master Ming is healthy!"

Mingcanghai stepped onto the platform and waved his hand with a smile. All of them were quiet.

Then Ming Canghai said: "today, please gather here to strengthen the friendship of our fellow people. Second, we need something from the Ming family."


There was a commotion under the stage.

What can the Ming family ask for?

Ming Canghai then said, "but this matter is of great importance. We need to have a deep knowledge of array geomancy to be competent, so we have prepared a small game!"

Mingruifeng walked onto the stage with a stack of paper in his hand.

"These are the battle charts. Anyone who can crack them will stay in a moment."

After the distribution, everyone took it up and looked at it carefully, then frowned one after another.

This diagram is obviously not a general matrix, and it is extraordinarily complicated.

Some people can't even see what this is!

At the same time, mingruifeng stood beside yuan Yunxin and said with a soft smile: "sister Yunxin, who do you think can crack open?"

Yuan Yunxin said faintly: "this array is based on the formation of the immortal's legacy. It is quite different from the ordinary array in the world. I don't know who can solve it!"

Xue an and Song Yi also got a piece of paper.

Song Yi looks at it for a long time. His eyebrows are wrinkled and he doesn't understand what it is.

Only Xue an, just looked at, then indifferent smile.

It's a golden immortal array!

No, it's not golden fairyland yet! At most, it can only be regarded as the cultivation of half step Jinxian.

This formation is as simple as one plus one for Xue an.

However, since this kind of array appears, it means that there should be immortal cave or Legacy Collection coming into the world.

Xue an's eyes are moving. Is it because of this immortal that Anqing was caught?

Xue an was not in a hurry, but looked around the crowd to see who could do it.

Pan Yin is thinking hard, Chang Zhu is also frowning.

Only often smile, know their own ability is low, so also did not go to the brain.

But she also noticed that Xue was looking at people around her carelessly.

Often smile heart can not help a burst of sneer, it seems that this guy is nothing more than a embroidered pillow.

Pan, it's hard for me to laugh

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