Soon, Chang Chu also opened his eyebrows, and obviously he already knew the way.

In addition to the two of them, there are about three or five people who untie the array.

The rest are all at a loss.

Yuan Yunxin looked at all the solutions they had handed in.

They are basically qualified.

Among them, pan Yin's solution is the most convenient!

Therefore, yuan Yunxin could not help but look at Pan Yin.

Pan Yin knew that this girl was the famous girl of array genius, and she couldn't help laughing.

Then he saw Song Yi, who was frowning in the distance. He couldn't help but sneer and walked over.

"Master, are you puzzled by this question?"

Song Yi's face is more and more ugly.

Chang Xiaoxiao also came over and said deliberately, "Uncle pan, you are so powerful. You can solve the problem so quickly!"

Pan Yin said with a smile, "how can this thing be difficult for me? It's just that some people are too old to keep up with the times, so they can't get rid of it. I advise them to go home and have grandchildren. "

Song Yi is livid.

But if the array problem can't be done, he can't fight back.

Yuan Yunxin looked in the distance and could not help shaking his head.

She also knows Song Yi's fame.

But fame doesn't mean ability.

This problem requires a strong understanding of the match method and geomantic skill.

At this time, Xue an faint smile.

"Master, what's wrong with you? Don't you usually let me do this as an ordinary homework? What's the difficulty? "

When he said this, pan Yinhe often laughed and couldn't help laughing.

"Ordinary homework? It's a joke. You can't understand such a question. After all, even your teacher is at a loss Often laugh sarcastically way.

Xue an's light glance often smile one eye, this girl's smile can't help but freeze.

Because Xue an's eyes are so cold.

It seems to freeze the soul.

Then Xue an picked up the pen, Shua Shua a a few times, then finished writing.

Pan Yin turned her lips with disapproval, "is this over? You should not have written a solution! Ha ha

Xue an doesn't pay attention, but hands the paper to Song Yi.

Song Yi's whole body is shocked and his eyes are bright.

The most difficult problem is actually a change in thinking. As long as you have a train of thought, the rest will be simple!

Therefore, Song Yi wrote the answer quickly.

Yuan Yunxin also heard the dispute and came slowly.

She didn't care too much at first, because she thought the same as pan Yin.

It takes a long time to solve such a problem.

But Xue an just shuashed a few times, how could it be finished?

But when her sight falls on Xue an's paper, she can't help but be stunned.

Seeing yuan Yunxin stunned, pan Yin and Chang Xiaoxiao and others could not help but not understand why.

What's going on? Why does the yuan family's gifted girl seem to have dementia?

Only Xue an faintly smiles, "this array solution How about it? "

Yuan Yun's heart was shocked, and then he woke up from his astonishment. Then he felt as if he had set off a storm.

Because Xue an only lightly marked a few places on the array title, and then wrote the solution.

However, such a simple solution seems to open a door in front of yuan Yunxin, which makes her suddenly enlightened.

It turns out that this problem can be solved like this? How could I have been so stupid before? Didn't think of it?

Then she quickly looked at Song Yi's answer.

Compared with Xue an's simple and clear solution, Song Yi's solution is more cumbersome and complicated!

Mingruifeng also came here at the moment.

"Sister Yunxin, what's the matter?"

Yuan Yunxin took a deep breath and shook his head. "It's OK. I just think this gentleman's solution is very creative, and I'm a little shocked at the moment."

This made pan Yinhe's smile disappear.

How could it be?

He actually solved it?

Then yuan Yunxin bowed respectfully to Xue an and Song Yi.

"Mr. song really deserves his reputation, and his disciples are also very talented and brilliant. Yunxin admires him!"

This time, the whole place vibrated.

Yuan Yunxin is one of the most brilliant stars in the field of geomantic omen and martial arts in recent years.

What's more, it is not famous for his cultivation, but for his vast and complex knowledge, as well as his exquisite and meticulous array reasoning.

This is also the reason why the Ming family did not hesitate to cooperate with the yuan family, but also invited yuan Yunxin.

Song Yi is a little ashamed, because he knows very well that he could not have solved the problem himself if he hadn't done it.But Xue an smiles and nods his head: "don't mention it. It's very precious that you can study the array like this. This is a gift for you."

Xue an's tone of indifference and aloofness makes mingruifeng frown slightly.

Many people can't help but feel that Xue an is too arrogant.

But yuan Yunxin said sincerely, "thank you very much."

Only yuan Yunxin knows how big this gift Xue an gave her!

It can even be said that it gives her unlimited development possibilities!

Pan Yin looks iron green. In his opinion, Xue an can be so powerful. It must be Song Yi who taught him his unique skill of pressing the bottom of the box.

At the thought of this, pan Yin could not help but get angry.

Well, sooner or later, I'll let you know! Pan Yin thought.

The dinner is over.

Those who didn't solve the problem all left with a sigh.

Xue an and other few people did not leave, but was led to the inner room by the sharp front.

After a while, mingcanghai came in.

He was obviously very happy. He made some polite remarks and then changed the subject.

"All of you are the top experts in geomantic omen. What's your opinion on the array question just now?"

Everyone looked at each other, and pan Yin was the first to say, "it's hard!"

Mingcanghai nodded, "what else?"

The crowd hesitated for a while, only Xue an casually played with his finger, and at the same time said faintly: "this array of questions It should be born out of the immortal array! "

The voice was not loud, but it was like a rock breaking through the sky.

The crowd was horrified.

Only the Ming Canghai clapped his hands and laughed, "as expected, he is the master of Mr. Song. Yes, this is the array of immortal left behind!"

Immortal collection?

The name made all the people present puzzled.

Only Chang Zhu was shocked and exclaimed, "is the legend true?"

Yuan Yunxin said: "yes, the legend is true. The immortal remains do exist, and now they exist in the harbor of Xiangjiang."

There was a dead silence in the room.

Immortal collection!

It can be seen that this is something left by some immortal!


How long has there been no sign of immortals in the world?

Even senior students are rare!

Many people's eyes are getting red.

If you can win a piece of immortal treasure, isn't it a step up to the sky? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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