At this time, the Ming Canghai looked solemn and said: "this time, I invited all the geomantic experts from all over the world to come here, just for the sake of this immortal legacy! Since you can solve the open array problem, it shows that there is hope to solve the array hidden by the immortal! "

"And I promise that after the array is untied, the treasures in the immortal's collection will be shared equally with all of you Ming Canghai solemn road.

This words let a lot of people low exclaim.

Pan Yin patted the table first and said, "OK! Since the master of the Ming family said so, I, pan Yin, would like to help! "

Chang Zhu also can't wait to say: "and I Qizhou Chang home!"

"And me

"I'll go too!"

Everyone agreed.

Only Xue an and Song Yi have not made a statement.

People's eyes could not help but look at both of them.

Yuan Yunxin looked at Xue an with keen eyes.

In her opinion, these people are not as important as Xue an Lai.

This man's understanding of the array is unique in the world. He is absolutely a genius among the talents!

"I dare to ask Mr. Song, are you willing to join us?" Ming Canghai asked.

But Song Yi looks at Xue an.

Under the gaze of all the audience, Xue an looked up with a smile and said in a soft voice: "good! Then I will see how powerful the immortal remains are

"Well, then we will crack down on the immortal legacy in three days!" Mingcanghai said and raised his glass.

The crowd cheered in response.

When all the people are gone.

Yuan Yunxin can't wait to go back to the house to study the new ideas that Xue an has provided her.

Mingruifeng stepped forward and said, "father, Song Yi, this pair of teachers and apprentices, seems to be something wrong!"

Mingcanghai smile, "of course not right!"

"Then we..."

"Ha ha, people will have their own careful thinking in the face of such treasures left by immortals. This is very normal. Besides, isn't Song Yi's apprentice with his family? Arrange it in the hotel at the foot of the mountain, so as to treat the guests, but we should send someone to watch closely! "


"It's a pity that if you don't know where Faber is, you don't have to go." Mingcanghai sighed.

Mingruifeng knew that the man his father said was the Mingyuan who studied the array and Fengshui the most deeply.

"But As long as these people are firmly controlled in the palm of your hand, the immortal remains can still be easily obtained! "

Ming Canghai's face shows a trace of self satisfaction.

Now they are all distinguished guests of the Ming family. Their treatment is naturally different from that before. They are served by special personnel.

A polite woman came forward to Xue an and said, "Mr. Xue, it's inconvenient for you to live here with your family members. The hotel at the foot of the mountain is also a Ming family property. The conditions are very good. Please let your wife and children live there."

Xue an does not agree, but looks at an Yan.

Anyan was not willing to stay here, so he nodded and said, "good!"

Xue an followed Anyan back to the hotel.

When their mother and daughter go to the bath.

Xue an closed her eyes and began to explore her surroundings with her mind.

There was no danger other than the expected stalker.

Xue an still felt uneasy, and gently scratched her eyebrows.

A drop of golden blood came out.

This is Xue an's original strength, which is extremely precious.

Then Xue an looked solemn and wrote three amulets of nine days, and then waved his hand.

These three talismans are all attached to the spirits of Anyan and her two daughters.

In this way, no one can hurt their mother and daughter unless they are born now!

In fact, Xue an has already given the mother and daughter a lot of extremely domineering body protection arrays.

But for his wife and daughter, no matter how safe Xue an is.

After all this, Xue an stood in front of the window and looked at the Ming family's mansion on the mountain in the distance, with an indifferent look.

When he was in the Ming family, he had explored with his mind more than once, but there was no trace of an Qing.

However, Xue an can now conclude that an Qing must have been detained by the Ming family.

It's no surprise that there are many treasures to shield the mind.

As long as you know that Anqing is safe, then it is easy to do!

It was this immortal legacy that made Xue an interested.

Of course, it's not because the so-called immortal is so powerful.

In Xue an's opinion, the founder of this immortal array is the cultivation of half step Jinxian.

But if you enter the golden immortal, it means the beginning of Xiange gradually become!

When the time comes, if you can get even a broken immortal grid, it will help your wife's seal.

The so-called Xiange, in fact, is similar to the divinity, but its power is much stronger.Only if you have Xiange, you can be regarded as a real immortal.

But the difficulty of becoming an immortal is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

There are not many people who can break through real people, be free and carefree, and finally achieve immortality.

There are very few practitioners who enter into longevity.

Among these people, there is no one who can really step out of that step and start to condense Xiange!

This is also known as the deepest natural moat between immortal and fan!

At the same time, the quality of Xiange cohesion is also related to the level of the realm behind.

In the world, there are various kinds of immortal lattices, including the most common five element immortal lattices and the most noble immortal lattices such as the congenital chaotic immortal lattice which appears in the legend.

However, these skills that unite the top-grade and even the immortal status are the top secrets of the major immortal cultivation schools in the universe.

In the last life, Xue an only condensed one of the most common five elements, which made him walk a lot of detours.

What's more, the magic power generated by the good cohesion of the immortal will be more powerful!

This is also commonly known as the fairyland. Once the Xiange is completed, the supernatural powers come into being!

Let's see, what other means do you have! Xue an thought lightly.

And at this time.

Many mysterious men began to appear in the harbor of Xiangjiang.

These people looked like ordinary people, and soon disappeared in the vast sea of Xiangjiang people.

There are also many with a strong momentum of the master, have also entered the country.

At the top of a tall building in Xiangjiang.

Flower hundred fold look at the people at the foot of indifference.

"Younger martial sister Hua, stand so close to the side, be careful to fall down!" A woman chirping man slowly emerged from the shadow behind the water tank of a tall building.

Flower hundred fold face is not sad or happy, "caixukun, if you dare to talk nonsense again, I will kill you first now!"

"You, younger sister Hua, you are still so grumpy! Tut Tut, be careful not to get married! "

A blade of wind appeared quietly behind caixukun's neck and almost cut off his neck.

"It's a hundred percent discount. You're a real motherfucker!" Caixukun was so scared that his cold sweat came out.

"What do you think? Do you think I'm just as funny as you are playing basketball? " Flower hundred fold cold voice.

Caixukun bit his teeth, but did not dare to speak.

Then Hua Baifan gazed at the distance and calmly said, "I didn't find out any of your breath. What kind of cultivation are you? Kill Yu Yuanyi with one sword and kill all the people in Wangyue Pavilion Xue an , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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