"Uncle pan, don't do this..."

"Be obedient. Go back to my martial uncle and teach you the profound geomantic skill!"

Two minutes later.

Pan Yin walked out of the room, often smiling and tidying up his messy clothes, red face following behind.

"Uncle pan, you said you would teach me geomantic arts, but really?"

"True, of course! In terms of ability, your master is not as good as me! " Pan Yin said with a smile.

"Mm-hmm! Thank you, uncle pan Often smile, very happy.

More than ten minutes later, Chang Zhu came back from the outside.

"How's the inquiry going?" Pan Yin said with a smile.

Chang Zhu shook his head. "I just asked my friends here. Recently, the Xiangjiang River in the harbor is calm and calm. There is nothing unusual about it."

Pan Yin sighed, "the Ming family has been operating here for hundreds of years. It has been like a copper gang and iron bottom for a long time. Even if there is something different, it will not be known by outsiders!"

Then Pan said in a gloomy voice: "this is a great opportunity. We can form an alliance, and then we can do things easily."

"Great kindness!" Chang Zhu nodded happily.

Pan Yin's words fit Chang Zhu's mind.

After all, he is alone. Pan Yin's ability is better than himself. If he is united, he will benefit a lot.

"And didn't you always want that sea demon blood bead? When the time comes to break the battle, we can do something in secret. Anyway, it's normal for the broken immortal to leave behind. Isn't it normal to die? " Pan Yin looks sinister said.

"Well All right Often bamboo half push half say.

Pan yinchong often smiles and winks, and then goes back to his room.

After only two people were left in the room, Chang Zhu said in a deep voice: "how about it? Did you say something? "

Often smile pursed mouth depressed way: "this guy does not see the rabbit does not scatter the eagle, but the ability is not so good, so that people can not go up and down, is really annoying!"

"But he also said that he would teach me the secret of geomantic omen in the future."

Chang Zhu nodded, "remember to squeeze out all the details of this man!"


Several other geomantic masters also have their own thoughts, all kinds of alliance, contrarian small hand are staged in the dark.

In this way, three days passed in the minds of the people.

On this day, people gathered early to the Ming family.

Ming Ruifeng led a group of elite members of the Ming family. They had been waiting for him.

Xue an is the latest one.

A lot of people have been waiting anxiously, Xue an just arrived.

Mingruifeng did not say anything, waved his hand, "everybody get on the bus! The destination is in a very remote place! It takes half a day to walk! "

They get on a bus, and Yuan Yunxin sits next to Xue an.

After the car started, many people began to excitedly discuss the next thing.

Only Xue an looked out of the window calmly.

"Your name is still unknown, sir." Yuan Yunxin couldn't help asking.

Xue an turned her head and looked at the ordinary looking woman. After a moment, she turned to look out of the window and said, "my name is Xue!"

"Oh, Mr. Xue, my name is yuan Yunxin. I'm from the yuan family in Jibei! Make a friend Yuan Yunxin reaches out to shake hands with Xue an.

Xue an's mouth appeared as if there was a smile, "I know, the famous genius girl, but I'm sorry, I don't like to make friends!"

This provoked people to look aside.

Many people are dissatisfied with Xue an's cold attitude towards yuan Yunxin, and their eyes are not so friendly.

Yuan Yun's heart was quite natural. He took back his hand with a smile.

"I just admire Mr. Xue's understanding of the array. I don't mean anything else!"

Xue an smiles and stops talking.

In fact, Xue an was thinking that if you knew I was the one who killed your brother, I don't know what expression you would have!

The bus drove to the seaside, and then they changed ships and sailed for more than two hours.

Standing in the bow of the boat, mingruifeng said in a deep voice, "it's in front of you!"

Many array masters are stunned.

The immortal remains in the sea?

Sure enough.

On the vast expanse of the sea stood a few boulders.

the waves hit the black iron reef, and the white foam appeared.

There's a lot of wind and waves here.

It's not a route, and there's no school of fish. There's no boat coming to such a place.

Xue an was staring into the distance.

In the sea breeze, the sea area is very strange, as if the light is distorted.

At the same time, sharp front took out a pistol and aimed at the sea ahead to fire several guns.

Bang bang bang.After a few shots, a light curtain suddenly appeared in the front of the sea, bullets hit it, all rebounded into the sea.

There was a low exclamation.

"We have calculated the big array. The area is about five miles, and the guns can't be broken. It depends on your abilities." Mingruifeng said.

"Good!" Some people have a light drink, and then as if they are afraid of being preempted by others, they can't wait to take out a few small flags and throw them forward.

"Heaven and earth are infinite, heaven and earth borrow the law!"


After a loud noise, the flags suddenly become bigger in the air, and then run to the rocks.

This hand has attracted many people's applause.

"Good! Master Hu's methods are really different. "

Before the sound word was spoken, a blue light blade suddenly appeared in the air. After flashing across the sky, the flags were all broken.

Yuan Yunxin said with a cold hum at this time: "fool, if this array is so easy to break, will you still get it?"

Xue an smiles and says to Song Yi, "do you know why he failed?"

Song Yi shook his head, "why?"

"Because he always borrows from heaven and earth, but he doesn't return it, so now Qiankun refuses to borrow it!"

Xue an's words made yuan Yunxin cry and laugh.

Why is this person's brain circuit so wonderful?

This time, still have the mood to laugh?

But just about to say something, master Hu shivered, and then a green light rose from his feet.

"Ah, ah, ah!"

In the scream, master Hu turned to white bone in the blink of an eye.

Dead bodies fall to the ground.

Such tragic means, so that all the people present at the scene all turned pale.

At this time, people think that this is the array left by the immortal. How can it be broken so easily?

Yuan Yunxin said in a deep voice: "the immortal remains are extremely dangerous. You should listen to my order and stop acting arbitrarily. Now we have to deal with that reef first!"

Yuan Yunxin pointed to the most Eastern reef.

"A moment later, everyone used their own means to deal with this reef. Only by breaking it can we hope to open up the immortal collection!" Yuan Yunxin looks serious.

The crowd nodded.

“3—2—1! Do it Yuan Yunxin gave an order.

Many people used their own magic tools and blasted towards the reef.

Only Xue an held his arm and watched quietly.

Mingruifeng frowned and asked in a loud voice, "why don't you start?"

Xue an turned his head and looked at him with a faint smile, "because of this array eye It's a fake

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