
With the harsh metal friction, the door of the cage was pushed open.

The girls trembled, and then they scrambled to the corner far away from the cage door, looking at the ferocious servants outside the cage in horror.

"Blow them out!" the middle-aged man said faintly


The servants immediately swung the sticks in their hands and poked them madly through the gap of the cage.

One end of these sticks was cut into a sharp shape and stabbed at the human body. At that time, it was a large bruise.

The girls screamed, but even so, they clung to the cage and refused to go out.

The middle-aged man frowned slightly.

Feeling the man's displeasure, the servants turned pale, and their eyes were fierce. Then someone got into the cage, grabbed the girls' hair and began to drag them out.

"My Lord!" Standing on the high platform and witnessing the whole process, Luo Lanting finally couldn't help it, and said in a low voice full of anger.

Xue an's face was as heavy as water, his eyes twinkled with cold killing intention, but he didn't have any more actions. He just said in a deep voice: "I see it. Don't worry, and watch first!"

Xue LAN Ting was reluctant to say so.

At the same time, the servants dragged all the girls out of the cage, and the sound of crying filled the hall, so that Luo Lan Ting turned his head and could not bear to look again.

At the same time, her heart was full of doubts.

What are you doing, my lord?

Why don't you do this? Want to see it again?

If Xue an doesn't intend to do it, then luolanting will never believe it.

After all, after this period of contact, Luo Lanting believes that adults are not cruel people.

Xue an's eyes twinkled, looking at these young girls full of tears, his heart was full of cold.

The reason why he didn't do it was to see what the trial dishes of these people meant!

What's more, Xue an's thinking is far more profound than Luo Lan Ting's.

Now he can help save these girls, but what happens after that?

What if these people continue to do evil after they leave?

Therefore, in order to put an end to this phenomenon, we must cut off the whole interest chain from the source.

Otherwise, everything will come back to life.

At this time, many foreigners in the hall could not restrain their greed and stood up to comment on the girls.

"It's good. It's plump, and it's only 28 years old!" A bearded man grinned grimly.

"Haha, I prefer the one next to me. Look at the little weeping pear blossom with rain. I really feel pity for you! This kind of woman, when eating, will cry very miserably, that scream and beg for mercy sound to be able to enjoy Said a man with a triangular head.

"What's the point? It's as thin as spareribs. It's not interesting to eat! I still think that's good. How white you look! This skin is peeled off to make a blanket. It must be a good raw material! " The more the bearded man said, the more excited he was.

And the people next to them are also talking about these girls.

In their mouth, these young girls' fat, thin, long and young have become the conditions that determine their value.

Some like thin, some like fat!

But no matter what kind of speech, it sounds so awkward.

Because these words don't sound like talking about human beings of the same intelligent race, but more like picking on a bunch of pigs and dogs in a slaughterhouse.

Naturally, these girls were listening to such horrible words. They were trembling, and the despair in their eyes was almost overflowing.

In the eyes of these foreigners, is he a tool to vent his lust and finally be eaten?

Nothing is more desperate than this!

Listening to these words, Luo Lan Ting was going to be very angry.

She was born in paradise lost, and she was also a murderer.

But all the people she killed had cause and effect. She had never been so cruel to others because of her own desire.

What's more, these people, like her, are human women, which naturally makes her angry.

Xue an still did not speak, just coldly watching the situation in the field.

At this time, the famous shop boy came over again with a face full of flattery.

"Sir, the trial is about to start. If you like anything, you can tell me at any time and I will arrange it for you! But as soon as possible, otherwise it will be troublesome if someone else catches the lead! "

"Oh? Try a dish? " Xue an sneered, "what is test dish?"

"Hehe, it seems that this is the first time that you have come here. Don't worry. You will know what you mean immediately! I'm sure it will open your eyes The bartender said with a mysterious smile.

As soon as the words fell, a servant swung the whip in his hand. According to these girls, it was a whip.Bang!

After a crisp sound.

The girls screamed.

"You cheap maids, stand up and dance for me

The girls stood up in fear and began to dance.

And as they danced, the servants waved whips and whipped at the absent-minded girls in the crowd from time to time.

Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa!

Every time the whip goes down, these young girls' dresses will be a few minutes shorter, revealing the lustrous skin.

In this case, the girls could only cry and dance.

And this situation, however, has aroused the brutality of many alien people in the field.

Some people gave out bursts of excited howls, which made people feel creepy.

The middle-aged man said with a smile, "jump well, or you will die now."

Luo Lan Ting could hardly control his anger. He took a step forward and was ready to attack.

At this time, Xue an waved her hand to show her not to act rashly, and then turned to ask the waiter of the famous shop.

"Is this what you call a trial dish?"

"Yes, my Lord, this is the test dish! What's more, what our shopkeeper has just said is that if these women don't perform well, once no one chooses them on the spot, the rest will be eliminated immediately! "


"Yes! The exact meaning is to say, become useless waste! It's possible to give them to the servants, but more to the dogs in the backyard! "

The bartender said it was understatement, but Xue an's pupils shrank in an instant, and then asked meaningfully, "what about these selected ones?"

"The one who is selected will naturally be managed by the master! You can eat it or play for a few days and eat it again. It's all toys anyway! " What the bartender said was very natural, natural to chilling degree.

It seems that these girls are not real people at all, but are toys for people to enjoy.

Xue quiet silent film engraved, and then nodded with a smile, "according to you, these girls, whether selected or not, are doomed to die!"

"You can say that, my Lord, are you ready? Everyone else is already bidding The bartender asked eagerly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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