Sure enough.

There began to be shouts in the crowd.

"I want the woman from the second left in the front row!"

"I want the one in red next to me!"

"I want it too! I'll bid for three crystals

For a moment, the shouts filled the hall, making it extremely lively.

"Which do you think is more pleasing, my lord? I'm going to speak for you now. Otherwise, when the time is over, all the good goods will be selected! " The bartender urged again.

Xue an leaned back to her chair and took a deep look at the girls who were all humiliated, crying and dancing. She said, "don't bother, these I'll take all of them! "

"What?" The bartender thought he had heard something wrong.

"I said," I'll take all of them! " Xue an repeated it again slowly.

The shopkeeper was stupefied and looked at Xue an with some consternation, "but the Lord..."

"What? Any questions? " Xue an glanced at him.

"The problem is that there is no such precedent."

Since the program was set up in Jianxiang building, no one has ever been so ambitious.

The waiter of this famous shop is naturally surprised.

"What do you want a precedent for? Anyway, I have money, these Is that enough? "

With that, Xue an waved his hand and then dozens of the best spirit crystal.

The bartender's eyes were greedy. Although he felt something was wrong in his heart, the allure of these spirit crystals was too great. So he just hesitated a little, and then he took a step forward.

"Shopkeeper, this adult wants to buy all the women present!"

The whole scene was quiet.

All of them, including the middle-aged man, were a bit silly.

To buy all the people?

Who is this man? How can you have such a big breath?

Holding these questions, countless eyes instantly converged on Xue an.

Soon, these scrutinizing eyes become disdainful.

"Hehe, who should I say with such a big voice! It turns out to be an individual A strong man of another race sneered.

"What? Are you reluctant to see your own people suffer? Want to buy it all? " More people said sarcastically.

Xue an did not pay attention to these people, but looked at the middle-aged man in the field.

The middle-aged man was also a little surprised, but when he saw a little nod from the bartender, his heart was moved, and then changed into a smile.

"My Lord, do you really want to buy all these people?"

Xue an leaned on the chair and looked at the middle-aged man with a motionless look, "what? No? "

"Yes, yes, but the key is that these women were captured by us after a lot of hard work. They are very valuable..."

Before the voice fell, Xue an waved with his hand, and hundreds of brilliance fell into the field. They were all the best Lingjing.

You should know that Xue an's collection of bright crystals from the king of light is more than a hundred million records. Naturally, he doesn't care about such things.

"Is that enough?" Xue an asked indifferently.

There was a dead silence, followed by an uproar.

Many other strong people stare at the crystal of the best spirit in the field, and they almost stare out their eyes.

The middle-aged man was also startled, but he was somehow the shopkeeper of Jianxiang building, so he soon returned to normal and gave Xue an meaningful look.

"Enough! Of course, that's enough! "

"If that's enough, then these people are mine!" Xue an said lightly.

"Of course

"Well, let them all come here."

These women were all in despair, thinking that they would die this time.

But did not expect at this time, the situation turned around, a teenager very overbearing will own these people all bought down.

And it seems that the teenager is still a celebrity.

All the girls saw a glimmer of hope.

It's better to die in the hands of one's own people than to be the food of another!

"This Of course I have no problem! " The middle-aged man said a word.

But before these women came to Xue an's side, the strong man of the alien race jumped out of the hall.

"I have a problem!"

He was talking about a man covered with scales. His eyes were evil and ghostly, just like a poisonous snake lurking in the dark.

Seeing him jump out, the middle-aged man's mouth showed a slight invisible sneer, and then he stepped back half a step, a show of hands, indicating that these things have nothing to do with themselves.

"Oh? What's your problem? " Xue an turned to look at the man.

The man sneered, "these women are all seen, why should they all belong to you?"Xue an shrugged. "Well, you can see that I've paid for it."

"Money? Ha ha, this is what I want to say. How can you have so many high-quality spirit crystals? Say, where did you steal this? Don't come from the facts, otherwise There is no mercy for killing

When he said this, the man's eyes were full of greed and sycophant.

It is obvious that Xue an is not so powerful that he intends to extract money in this way.

Xue an laughed, "do you think I stole these spirit crystals?"

"Of course! How could you have so many crystals? Give it to me, and I may spare you

Before the words fell, Xue an's eyes suddenly showed a cold light.

Then he saw a blade of sword, which was like a startling glance.


It all happened very quickly.

Almost at the moment when everyone did not respond to it, the sword came out of the man's back, bringing out drops of blood.

The man looked at xue'an stupidly. After a long time, he saw a blood line from the man's eyebrow, and quickly extended down.

In an instant, I heard a crisp sound.

Then the man was cut in half.

Blood mixed with broken organs, falling, also shocked all the people.

Xue an fiddled with her fingers and a faint smile, "I'm sorry, what I hate most is being threatened!"

The whole scene was quiet for a moment, and then there was a great disturbance.

Some of the strong men who made friends with the dead man roared.

"How dare you be so arrogant

"Kill him!"

In the shouting, the middle-aged man stepped back and looked at Xue an sarcastically, thinking that he was more or less unlucky.

Because what he has just done is really too arrogant. He even killed people violently. Won't this arouse public anger?

But it was just as the clamor was still fading.

See Xue an's fingers as if playing a piano, and then see Dao Dao Dao sword straight out.

Puff, puff, puff!

In a sound of muffled sound, these men who had just uttered their wild words were chopped in two at once.

Blood spilled into the sky.

Xue an sat on the chair, looked around, and said, "now Which of you has any other opinion? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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