Fu Guang finally stepped down. At this time, all the people in the field were full of confusion.

Even this world Master is no exception.

He looked at xue'an in confusion, as if trying to remember something.

Xue an smiles, "what? Don't you know how to salute the host? "

As soon as he said this, the master of the world trembled, and his eyes quickly became clear. Then he gave a deep salute to Xue an.

"Forgive me, master. I've just been rude!"

This picture is in sharp contrast to the people in the hall who are standing in the same place like wooden sculptures.

Because of Xue an's spirit, Chong Xu Lan was not affected by Fu Guang.

Therefore, when she saw this behind the scenes, her eyes gradually widened and her heart was full of shock.

What's going on?

Why did the master of the world, who had just had to fight Xue an to death, suddenly become so respectful that he even claimed to be the master?

And what happened to the rest of these people? Why do all of them look dull?

These questions make Chong Xu Lan's confusion become a pot of porridge, looking at Xue an's eyes are also full of deep awe.

Although she has tried her best to improve Xue an's strength, now it seems that her imagination is still too poor.

The young man in front of him is probably more powerful than he imagined.

At this moment, Xue an waved.

The five senses that were blocked by the audience were unsealed.

There was a commotion in the whole room, and the people looked at each other in a daze.

But soon, they remembered something, and at the same time they saluted Xue an deeply.

"See the master!"

Its sound is shocking and dazzling.

See this scene, standing on one side from the beginning to the end have not said the falling Orchid Pavilion suddenly faint sigh way.

"Is this the result of your plan? It's really powerful that only one person can transform all the strong people in the hall

Luo Lan Ting's praise came from the bottom of her heart, because she had never heard of all this before.

Even his brother's master, it is estimated that it is difficult to achieve this!

Xue an smiles, "OK! Get up

After that, he turned his head and looked at the master of the world! What's going on in the high ranks this time? I want to call you all together

"Yes The master of the world gave a respectful salute, and then said in a deep voice, "master, this time I was summoned by Zeng Hong, Shang Peng and Yu Yang, a high-ranking official."

"They ordered me to gather as many strong people as possible, and then go to the high-level Council, and this time not only they, but almost all the strong people of the high rank will participate in the meeting!"

"Oh? Discussion? " Xue an asked.

"Yes! I don't know exactly what to discuss, but it seems that I intend to deal with someone! "

"Against someone?" Suddenly, Xue an's eyes flashed a few times.

"Master, what are we going to do next?" The Lord asked respectfully.

In fact, 80% of the Fu light of the whole reverse five element reincarnation array was used on him, so he was also the most thoroughly transformed person.

Now the master of the world seems to have regarded Xue an as the most noble master. His loyalty is incomparable.

This is also the terrible part of this array, because it can completely change a person's mind.

If there are not many restrictions on casting conditions, this array can change the pattern of the sky.

But this, also is Xue an originally from some ancient relic to obtain by chance, did not expect this time to send the use.

"Did you reply to the high rank?"

"Yes, I told them to arrive tomorrow at the latest." The LORD said.

"Well, let's start at once and go to the high steps!"


Naturally, the leader had no doubt about Xue an's words. As for other people, because of the influence of this array, they were full of loyalty to Xue an, so they immediately started to take action.

Chong Xu LAN gaped at all this.

She had never seen so many powerful people in the second rank so united.

For example, just now she saw with her own eyes two forces with deep blood feuds getting together to prepare affairs.

It was unthinkable before.

But now he's actually in front of himself.

Even Chong Xuxuan rushed into the army and worked hard to get busy.

In an instant, the audience seems to be left with their own and the side of the Orchid Pavilion in the silly stand.

At this time, Xue an did not know when she appeared behind her, and said faintly, "OK, I told you to cooperate well before. Now your task has been completed! I will give you a break as promisedFinish this sentence, Xue an turns head to rush down Orchid Pavilion to smile slightly, "be about to return to high rank immediately, what do you think?"

Luo Lanting lowered his head and remained silent for a moment. When he raised his head again, his eyes were already red, and he said with hatred: "my Lord, in fact, I don't really hate the people who deal with my brother, because even my brother's master is not their opponent! It's not surprising that we lost! "

"But I hate the people who stab me in the back and hurt my brother and sister, so what I want most now is to let those people die!"

Xue an clapped his hands and exclaimed, "that's right. In that case, I'll satisfy your little wish. Then naturally, those guys will pay the price they deserve."

After that, Xue an will leave.

Chong Xu LAN but suddenly raised his head, full face said: "adult, I also want to go with you to the high rank!"

"Oh?" Xue an stopped and looked at Chong Xu LAN in surprise. "You have to think clearly that the transaction between us is over, and you are free now. But if you go to the high rank with us, you may never come back again!"

Chong Xu Lan's heart is very tangled, but still the devil's order nodded.

"My Lord, I've thought about it. I'm willing to take all the consequences!"

Xue an deeply looked at her, and finally nodded with a smile, "well, since you have made a decision, then come along with me!"

With that, Xue an turned and left.

Chong Xu LAN grows a breath, this just startles oneself the back has been soaked by cold sweat.

In fact, she didn't know why she did it all of a sudden.

But there seems to be a voice saying to myself that if I don't grasp the opportunity now, I may regret it all my life!

So she decided to make a decision.

Once people cooperate unreservedly, the efficiency is extremely amazing.


Everything is ready.

"Master, when shall we start?"

"Now, also, you should remember that when I get to the high rank, I'm only your personal envoy. Don't show your horse's feet. Understand?"


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