High order.

If the bottom terrace is the cornerstone of paradise lost, and the secondary rank is the mountainside of paradise lost, then the upper terrace is the top of paradise lost.

In addition to the top 13 tier cities, it has almost the highest combat power of the whole paradise lost.

The gathering of big men from all sides has also made this place a truly dangerous place.

You never know who you are going to face!

It could be a demon who killed a whole star, or a traitor from the right way.

But without exception, those who can appear here are not easy people.

Even an ordinary passer-by may have strong strength.


In a magnificent palace somewhere on the high steps.

Zeng Hong, Shang Peng and Yu Yang are sitting opposite each other drinking.

Wine is from the depths of the hundred flower galaxy, a cup can be sold in the sky at a high price.

Dishes are delicately cooked with various precious ingredients.

Not far away, there are masters playing drum music.

Under the cover of the purest aura and white mist, a beautiful woman is dancing.

In short, in this palace, as long as you can think of anything, is the best.

At the moment, the wine has been slightly drunk.

Zeng Hong threw the wine cup carved from ten thousand years of chalcedony on the table. The wine splashed on the table top of pure jade, and there were many spiritual grasses growing.

This is the phenomenon that the spirit contained in the wine is too rich.

"Still, brother Shangpeng will enjoy it! I don't want to leave every time I come to you! " Zeng Hong stretched his waist comfortably, and the muscles of his waist and abdomen stretched out, making a loud noise like thunder explosion.

This is a manifestation of his body that has been condensed to the utmost.

That's right.

This is Zeng Hong's pure body cultivation, which is very rare in all kinds of heaven.

It's said that if he hadn't been violent, bloodthirsty and gluttonous, he would have become the master of the stars if he had killed a planet's Terran after a drunk, which caused his school to be furious.

It was also because of his master's rage that he sought him everywhere and wanted to punish him in a fair way, so that he could take refuge in the paradise lost.

It was a helpless act of last resort. Unexpectedly, after coming here, Zeng Hong was like a fish in water, and soon became a giant in the high rank because of his own strength.

Then he met Shang Peng and Yu Yang.

Both of them came from the same way as Zeng Hong.

Shangpeng was also a monk in the right way, but because he was proud of his extraordinary school and powerful strength, and he was always happy with the shortcut of using the spirit of the demon clan to improve his strength, which led him to start killing the demon clan wantonly.

Regardless of the good and evil, as long as the demon clan he is staring at will not be able to escape.

For this, although many schools are quite critical of this, but Shangpeng's school is a blind eye.

Because after Shangpeng slaughtered the demon clan, he would hand over part of the income to his school.

In this case, these greedy teachers naturally pretend not to know, and even have to defend themselves.

However, it never occurred to me that when Shangpeng killed the demon clan, he got into a big problem.

At that time, Shang Peng took an eye on a fox tribe who had practiced for a long time.

This fox clan hides in the wild land of stars and has nothing to do with the world. They just want to enhance their strength, but they have nothing to guard against the outside world.

Even for the Terran friars, they are very friendly.

But it is for this reason that they suffered a disaster.

Shang Peng first won the trust of this fox clan by extremely despicable means, and then combined with his own school, internal and external cooperation, completely destroyed the fox clan and captured hundreds of fox demons with pure breath.

These are rare and good things for male monks!

So Shangpeng's whole school was blinded by the interests in front of him, and actually captured all these fox people!

But it was just after they returned to their school and had not had time to celebrate it.

A catastrophe suddenly came.

A seemingly careless fox man suddenly appeared in Shangpeng's school, and then destroyed Shangpeng's school with his own strength.

And the whole process, only used less than a stick of incense time.

We should know that Shangpeng's school is dominated by the first-class Xianwang class, even so, he still can't escape the fox man's means.

But Shang Peng escaped by a fluke and became a fish in the net.

However, he was so frightened by the fox man's means that he dared not stay outside. In addition, he lost the protection of his school, so he gritted his teeth and went straight to the paradise lost, and soon got into trouble.As for Yu Yang.

His origin is much more mysterious than Shang Peng and Zeng Hong.

Even up to now, they only know that Yu Yang is a evil swordsman. Because he killed too much, he caused public anger and was forced to flee to the paradise lost for refuge.

That's right!

Sword cultivation is also divided into good and evil.

The upright sword cultivation cultivates a powerful sword Qi in his chest, and cuts off all obstacles on the road of cultivation, and finally reaches the top.

But this is easy to say, but extremely difficult to do, even more difficult than physical training.

Because sword training is the way to learn easily but difficult to master.

In the early days, it entered the country very quickly, and its power was invincible among its peers. However, the more things need to be destroyed in the future.

It's not until you can give up everything and leave only one breath of sword spirit.

But if this degree is not well grasped, it is very likely that he will become a complete sword maniac without any human feelings.

Compared with the righteous sword cultivation, the evil sword cultivation is more straightforward.

In a word, kill!

Kill all who can be killed!

In this way, he accumulated the murderous spirit, and then fed the sword spirit, and finally achieved the supreme evil sword.

This can be said to be the most evil, but at the same time, it is also the most powerful practice.

But a careless one will lead to boundless killing and robbery, so it will attract the attack of all friars.

It is in the paradise lost in the dark place that Yu Yang can live safely, otherwise he would have died for a long time.

Of course, this is also because of his uncanny Kendo cultivation that people dare not provoke.


The three of them got together and drank and enjoyed themselves.

Shang Peng chuckled a few times, "brother Zeng is joking. If you like it, this palace will be given to you! I still have a lot of them anyway

"Tut Tut, brother Shang is really straightforward. No wonder he can become the richest man in the high rank." Zeng Hong was very happy with his smile.

Yu Yang on one side curled his lips, then gazed at the dancing woman in the mist and licked his lips.

"What? Brother Yu Yang is interested in these girls? Then call them over and have fun Shang Peng said with a smile.

Yu Yang shook his head, then said in a hoarse and ugly voice, "I just want to know how to kill them will make their cry the most miserable!"

Shang Peng's smile became a little reluctant, and his eyelids beat slightly.

For such a complete madman, even he had a chill in his heart.

Seeing this, Zeng Hong hurried out to make a comeback! Brother Yu Yang, don't think about how to kill these girls, or who will dance to show us then? "

"Ha ha!" Yu Yang laughed a few times, then lowered his head and did not speak.

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