
As soon as this was said, the whole audience was shocked.

Ants are greedy for life, let alone human beings?

But in front of this black and blue girl but with incomparable calm manner said these three words.

The courage represented in this is enough to make people moved.

Shang Peng opened his eyes and looked at the No. 5 killer in disbelief.

Xue an looked at the girl quietly, her eyes suddenly showed a touch of regret.

"In fact, I can seal this man's mind first..."

Killer 5 shook his head firmly and said again, "kill me!"

Xue an is silent.

"You crazy woman, aren't you afraid of death?" Shangpeng burning cultivation, first repaired his mouth, and then roared.

Killer five turned around and looked at him quietly, "I'm not afraid."

Shang Peng felt his hands and feet cold, because the words of the No. 5 killer were so calm and terrible.

But he still didn't want to give up, so he roared with the last hope: "then why do you refuse to commit suicide after being arrested for such a long time? To put it bluntly, you still don't want to die! "

No. 5 killer didn't get angry and continued to say indifferently: "that's because there is no suicide option in my setting. I can only choose to bear and wait!"

Then she looked at Xue an again, "kill me! In this way, you won't have to be threatened by him! "

Shang Peng is going crazy.

He had never seen a man so calm about his life and death.

"You madman, you bastard, ah, ah, ah..." Shang Peng cried out.

Hu Ying frowned and stepped on his head. "Shut up, or I'll kill you now!"

Because of the smell of fox night, Shangpeng is full of fear to Fox Ying, so he can only shut his mouth helplessly.

At the same time.

Xue an quietly looked at the fifth killer, and finally nodded slowly, "OK! I promise you

Killer five was as calm as ever, "thank you! Do it

Then she closed her eyes very quietly.

Seeing this scene, many people turned their heads.

Quinoa is red in the eye.

But the biggest reaction was her brother.

Seeing Mai Lin clench his fist in silence, his heart suddenly rises with infinite regret.

In those days, if I had half the courage of this woman, could I break through my father's obstruction and go to help my good friend?

In that case, the best friend Canyang will not die miserably?

These thoughts gnaw at the heart of Mai Lin like a poisonous snake, and even his nails pierce his skin. A wisp of blood flows down his wrist, but he doesn't realize it.

At the same time.

Xue an slowly walked to the No. 5 killer, and then slowly bent down. In the ear of the No. 5 killer, he whispered, "Xiao Rui, you should go back first. As for those people who turn you into such a person, I will not let go of any of them!"

As soon as this is said.

No. 5 killer Huoran opened his eyes, never had emotional fluctuations in the eyes showed a touch of consternation.

Xiao Rui's name touched her memory which was hidden in her soul.

Seeing the bewilderment and bewilderment on her face, Xue an's eyes showed anger.

That's right.

This No. 5 killer is the Qian Xirui who was seen in Fengmo cave before.

To be exact, it should be a part of Xiaorui.

In her knowledge of the sea, contains a small core of God, but this God is very weak, can only maintain her most basic emotional cognition.

This is the reason why Xue an was so weak in her breath even though she was Xiaorui at the first sight when she saw her.

And Xue an can also see that the body of this segmented version of Xiaorui is very different from that of human beings.

Many organs have been replaced by alchemists.

Even her bones are made of metal.

To put it bluntly, she is just a Cyborg at the moment.

And that's what makes Xue an so angry.

Because in order to achieve this goal, it is obvious to treat Xiao Rui cruelly.

First of all, we should separate the noumenon of Xiaorui, and then create a half human and half mechanical body to accommodate it.

Every step of this, Xiaorui has to bear enormous pain.

And she is just a child!

The people who make all of this have obviously lost their humanity and will be so crazy.

At the moment, Xiaorui No.5 is staring at xue'an.

Xue an took a deep breath, and then, in his brow, there was a bright red lotus.

Red lotus like fire, instantly wrapped up the body of Xiaorui.The fire of honglianye, which has nothing to do with it, burns Xiaorui's body into nothingness.

But when the fire was burning to the sea of knowledge, it suddenly wrapped Xiaorui's mind with gentle force.

There is indeed a black talisman above this deity, and it has been completely integrated with Xiaorui's mind.

It is impossible to get this talisman out without hurting Xiao Rui's mind.

Xue an's face was as cold as ice, and the light in his eyes flashed. The red lotus industry's roar of fire devoured Xiao Rui's mind.

"Ah Shang Peng gave out a shrill cry, and then black blood flowed out of his mouth and nose.

It is obvious that the talisman has been burned down by the fire of karma. Under the effect of backfire, he was hit hard.

Shangpeng's eyes finally showed a look of infinite panic. He really did not expect that the killer No. 5 would be so strong and Xue an would be so ruthless.

Actually, he really refined the mind of the killer No. 5.

Isn't he afraid that the five spirits of the killer will be destroyed?

Not only he, but also Hu Ying sighed.

Naturally, she recognized the real identity of the killer No. 5, so she sighed for the result.

At this time, however, Xue an suddenly reached out and put his finger into the fire of red lotus industry and pulled out a bright and dim thing from Zhongsheng.

It is an incomplete divinity.

Then, Xue an's other hand quickly wrote down a rune seal character, wrapping up the divinity.

The mind that was about to break up was suddenly stabilized.

Xue an just grew a breath, and then whispered: "go!"

With that, he spread out his hands.

With the help of the seal script that Xue an gave it, the spirit flew around Xue an and disappeared.

Seeing this, Hu Ying was stunned and then laughed knowingly.

"As expected, it's still brother Xue who is very good."

"What is that? Ah? What on earth is that? " Shang Peng also saw that scene and could not help but scream.

Fox Ying smell speech facial expression a Leng, and then mercilessly step down.


Shang Peng's head was directly trampled on by Hu Ying.

In the brain crack, Shang Peng's mind looms among them, still shrieking, "what is that?"

Hu Ying obviously hated this guy. Hearing the words, he couldn't help sneering and said, "what can it be? Do you really think that with a broken seal character, you can make a great show? Brother Xue teaches you how to be a man

Shang Peng was struck by lightning.

Is your rune invalid?

How could it be?

At the same time, Hu Ying was so angry that he wanted to crush Shang Peng's mind completely.

"Hold on!"

Fox Ying a Zheng, and then full of doubt to look at Xue an, "brother Xue, this guy still want to keep it."

Of course, I just think it's not Is it not cheap to let him die like this , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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