"Well, what do you want? Don't come here

Looking at xue'an who is walking towards him, Shangpeng is very frightened. His miserable cry is just like killing a pig.

Here, although Shang Peng's head was trampled on by Hu Ying, it was restored to its original state after only a short time.

Even his bones, which were broken into powder, were even better.

Such vitality is very rare even at his level of strength.

"It's interesting that your natural ability is actually a strong vitality?" Xue an stops in front of Shang Peng and says with a smile.

Shang Peng's soul is almost scared to fly. In his eyes, Xue an is even more terrible than the devil although he is laughing.

"You die for me Shang Peng jumped up from the ground and attacked Xue an recklessly.

Because he knew that if he wanted to live, he had to kill the young man in white.

So in spite of the uneasiness in his heart, he still went out of his way.

But in the face of Xue an, whose anger value is about to be full, even if he is ten times more powerful than now, it will not help.


After a muffled sound, Xue an grabbed Shang Peng's fist and sneered, "the game begins. I hope you will enjoy the next activities."

After that, Xue an twisted his wrist.


Shang Peng's arm bone was twisted and exploded.

Without waiting for Shang Peng to scream, Xue an stepped forward, grabbed his head with both hands, and then twisted his arms.

Click, click.

After the sound of acid bone friction, there was a dull sound similar to opening cans.

Xue an actually forced Shang Peng's head off.

Even so, the headless body still did not fall to the ground, and even tried to attack Xue an.

Xue an's face was expressionless, and his hands suddenly broke open. Just like breaking off a watermelon, he directly broke Shang Peng's head from it. His brain was scattered on the ground, and Shangpeng's spirit reappeared.

However, Xue an obviously won't give him a chance to revive again this time. Xue an takes a step forward, grabs Shang Peng's spirit directly in his hand and presses it into the palm of the other hand.

Shang Peng screamed, and then disappeared in Xue an's palm.

So far, Shang Peng fell.

From the beginning of the meeting to now, only an hour has passed, and all the three giants have died.

As a result, the blood of all the people present was cold.

At the same time, Xue an raised his head and glanced at the whole scene. All the people bowed to him.

People's jaw chattering with fear could be heard all over the place.

No one dares to look at xue'an directly. People want to know what the boy plans to do next.

Are these people going to end up like these three bad guys.

In the stillness, Xue an slowly took a deep breath, and the original violent killing intention instantly converged, and the chill on his face also faded.

Then his eyes flashed, and the fire was all over his body, burning all the blood stained with it into nothingness.

Until finishing all this, Xue an's face just appeared a faint smile.

The atmosphere was also relaxed.

It seems that this adult is not going to kill himself.

Anyway, it's good news.

At the same time.

Luolan Pavilion and the people of the second rank also followed.

At the moment, they worship and respect Xue an more.

It's not only because Xue an transformed them by reversing the five element reincarnation array, but also because Xue Angang just showed such incredible strength.

No matter where you are, you are respected by the strong. If you can follow such a boss, your future will be limitless.

Especially that Chong Xu LAN, at the moment, her eyes would like to grow up to Xue an, and her heart was pounding.

If I can follow such an adult, then who dares to look down on me?

At the thought of the bright future, Chong Xu Lan was trembling with excitement.

Therefore, she arranged her hair and tried her best to show her charm in front of Xue an.

Unfortunately, all her efforts were in vain.

Because at the moment, Xue an didn't look at her at all, but turned to look at the crowd, and finally stopped his eyes on the trance of quinoa, and then smile.

"Miss Mai, do you still think I am arrogant?"

In the sound of the words, all the eyes immediately converge on the quinoa.

Under the whole audience's attention, quinoa's face was almost bleeding, and he lowered his head and whispered: "yes I'm sorry, my Lord, I'm blindOn the side of the Mai family owner, that is, the father of quinoa, Mai often sees the situation, but his eyes are bright.

What's going on?

This adult seems to know chener!

Therefore, he hastily stepped forward and said with a big smile on his face: "this adult, the little girl is young and ignorant. I am so sorry that you..."

Before he finished his words, Luo Lanting did not know when he came to Xue an's back. He said in a cold voice, "master Mai, long time no see!"

Hearing this voice, Mai Chang can't help but wonder. The voice How can you hear me so familiar?

So he looked up.

At this time, Luo Lan Ting removed his disguise and said sarcastically: "what? I don't know? "

"Fall Fall? You are lost Before Mai Chang talks, he shouts with excitement.

At the beginning of the entrance, Luo Lan Ting showed her true colors, which made her recognized by quinoa.

But in order to avoid some unnecessary trouble, she covered her true face with secret arts.

Therefore, Mai Chang and Mai Lin did not know that Luo Lan Ting was beside Xue an.

At the moment, as soon as the camouflage was removed, they were naturally astonished.

"Ha ha! I didn't expect you to recognize me! I thought you were all bitches Luo Lan Ting looked at Mai Lin deeply and said with disgust.

Mai Lin's face suddenly became very pale, his mouth opened, but he could not say what he wanted to say.

Mai Chang also shivers all over, but after all, Jiang is still old and spicy, so he forced a smile, "it's so good that you are still alive. You don't know how much we worry about you..."

"Oh? Tell me, how worried I am? Is it the fear that our brothers and sisters are being chased and killed, and that they are rejected when they knock on your door? " Luo Lan Ting said with hate on his face.

Hearing this, quinoa's whole body was shocked, her eyes widened in an instant, and she looked at him in panic, "brother, this What's going on? "

Mai Lin's face showed deep shame, but he did not answer his sister's words.

Quinoa looked at her father again and said in a trembling voice, "father, what's going on? Answer me

Mai Chang's face was embarrassed and his forehead was covered with sweat, "this This... "

Looking at his old best friend, Luo Lan Ting said coldly, "don't you want to know what happened at the beginning? Good! I'll tell you now

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