Yuan Mingfeng made an action of astonishment, and then he was stunned.

See Ming sharp front plops to kneel to the ground.

"Mr. Xue, I did all these things! If you kill me, let the Ming family go! "

Finish saying that, bright sharp front one face hopes to look at Xue an.

Xue an light smile, "you Ming family after breaking the battle, ready to kill all the insiders, have you ever thought about who to let go?"

This words a, sharp front's facial expression completely turns pale.

"You What are you doing? "

"How do I know that?" Xue settled down, and then said, "I also know that you seem to want to do harm to my family. Are you going to use this as a threat? Am I right? How big and how little

Sharp front screamed, because a flame had been quietly lit up from his feet.

And unlike those that burn fast, the flame is swallowing the sharp front at a slow rate.

Mingruifeng felt as if someone was stabbing his bone marrow with a gold needle, and his heart was full of pain.

"Kill me! Kill me Sharp sharp pain can not bear, roared.

Xue an looked at it with a smile, and then said to Yuan Yun, who had been scared to be silly, "very beautiful, isn't it?"

Yuan Yun's heart was full of fear.

"Xue an, even if I am a ghost, I will not let you go!" Sharp front roars.

Xue an a smile, "do you think, you still have a chance to be a ghost?"

The fire suddenly increased, and the sharp front burned to nothing.

All spirits are destroyed!

Xue an turns to look at yuan Yunxin.

Yuan Yunxin calmed down and said in a low voice, "can I ask you a few questions before I die?"

"Yes!" Xue an nods.

"Why kill my big brother?"

"Because it doesn't look good to you!" Xue an said lightly.

You don't like it?

What's the explanation? Yuan Yunxin couldn't laugh or cry.

As a matter of fact, Xue an didn't care to explain anything at all.

"Well Where did your array come from? Why do you know how to solve the immortal array

Xue an a smile, "if I want to say, I taught myself, do you believe it?"

Yuan Yunxin bit his lip and nodded, "I believe it!"

"Since I was a child, I have been called an array genius, but I hate it! Because they can't see my efforts behind! But you It's a genius indeed

After that, Yuan Yun closed his eyes and said, "let's do it!"

Xue an looked at this ordinary looking woman, suddenly laughed, and then waved.

The illusion is gone.

Yuan Yunxin opened his eyes slowly, his face full of amazement.

"I changed my mind suddenly. There are fewer and fewer people like you. If you kill them again, the world will become more and more boring."

Xue an said, grabs Song Yi on the ground, and the whole person disappears on the sea.

Yuan Yunxin looked at Xue Anyuan's back.

Heart does not know is sad is happy!


In Xiangjiang.

In the hotel of Mingjia.

An Yan and her two daughters are guessing riddles.

"Mom, have you ever heard the big pig say there is a riddle that the little pig says no?" Xue wanted to smile and ask.

An Yan frowned and thought for a moment, then asked Xue Nian.

Have you ever heard of it

Xue Niang shook his head and said very seriously, "no!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Xue's eyes were bent with a smile.

An Yan is also a smile.

"What are you laughing at?" Xue Nian didn't understand.

"You are such a fool. I said big pig said yes and little pig said no. as a result, you said no, isn't that pig?" Xue wanted to explain.

Xue Nian understood this, and then some wronged said: "Mom, my sister bullied me again!"

"Cut, is this bullying you? Are you stupid yourself Xue wants to make a face at Xue Nian.

Xue Nian was so angry that he wrinkled his face,

"sister, I'll also give you a question!"

"Good! Whatever you want Xue Xiang is full of confidence.

"Well Well... " Xue Nian's small face was red and finally said.

"Tortoise and rabbit race, pig is referee, who won?"

Xue Xianggang wanted to talk, suddenly blinked his big eyes, and said to an Yan, "Mom, I can't do this problem!"

Anyan also thought hard for a long time, then said: "should It's the tortoise who won. After all, the tortoise and the hare are racing! "

"That mother is a pig!"

"Why?" An Yan was surprised.

"Because only the referee knows who wins."

Xue Nian laughed happily.Xue Xiang then cross waist, hate iron not steel sigh way: "Mom, you are stupid!"

Anyan couldn't laugh or cry, "well, it's mom who is stupid!"

Then an Yan stood up and looked at the sky outside with some worry.

I don't know how my husband is now!

Although Xue an said very relaxed, but Anyan was still a little worried!

And this is the moment.

Hua Baizhe and caixukun stand on a tall building far away from the hotel.

"Xue an and the people of Ming family have gone to sea, and they don't know what to do! Why don't we go and arrest Xue an's wife and children now? When he comes back, we'll use these family members to coerce him into submission! " Caixu Kun licked his lips and said insidiously.

Hua Baifan shook his head, "if you want to go yourself, I won't do this kind of thing!"

Caixu Kun snorted coldly, "go and go!"

Then caixukun disappeared in the shadow.

It's his natural ability to sneak in the shadows.


Caixukun appeared in the corner of Mingjia Hotel, and then climbed along the outer wall to the room where Anyan lived.

At this time, an Yan stood in front of the window.

Caixu Kun looked at an Yan, some greedy licked lips.

What a beautiful woman!

And an Yan also saw the Caixu Kun, just a Leng.

The toughened glass was broken with the help of Xu Kun.

Then caixukun realized that he was very elegant and came in. Looking at an Yan and the two little girls, he said with a smile: "beautiful ladies, I'm sorry. From now on, you have to listen to me!"

An Yan wakes up from astonishment, "what do you want to do?"

"It's strange that your husband is too arrogant. Now some people spend 100 million yuan on his head, so..." Caixukun grinned grimly and stretched out his hand to touch Anyan.

But just to the middle of the way, a group of brilliant golden light flashed from an Yan.

The momentum is amazing, and even makes the whole hotel tremble.

And caixukun was directly hit by the golden light.

Bang bang bang.

The walls were smashed by him one after another, and the whole floor of the hotel wall had been punctured. After that, the remaining potential was still not eliminated, and caixukun was directly blasted to the hill in the distance.


Caixukun was directly blasted into the interior of the mountain.

That's enough to stop.

Then he took Xukun to spit out a big mouthful of blood.

The blood was mixed with fragments of internal organs.

This blow made caixukun's bones broken.

If it wasn't for caixukun's ability to transfer most of his power to the shadow, he would have been turned into dust now.

Caixukun's face showed a look of astonishment.

And in the distance looking at the flower hundred fold can not help but suddenly color change.

What's going on?

She only saw a flash of gold, and then a mighty momentum suddenly filled the whole world.

Although fleeting, but let the flower hundred fold all over the body in shaking.

The momentum was terrible!

No way!

It seems that the plan needs to be changed!

Flower hundred fold thought, the whole person also disappeared in place.

She just left!

Xue an appears above the hotel with Song Yi.

Looking at the destroyed Hotel below, Xue an raised her eyebrows and looked murderous.

How dare someone do it to their families?

Xue an is angry!

Enough to burn the sky under the anger, the whole Xiangjiang, seems to be in a slight shiver!

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