Mingcanghai frowned. He just felt a strong palpitation.

What's going on?

Is it sharp?

Mingcanghai was in doubt, and suddenly felt a strong momentum from the foot of the mountain.

Mingcanghai was full of amazement, and his whole body trembled slightly under this startling momentum.

Who is it?

How could it be so amazing?

And now, Xue an returns to the house.

An Yan see is her husband back, can not help but feel relieved.

Xue Xiang and Xue Nian are embracing.

"Dad, there's a bad uncle just coming!" Xue wanted to say.

Xue an smiles and rubs the heads of the two girls.

"Dad knows, dad will drive the bad guys away!"


At this time, an Yan came forward.


Xue an nodded, "Yan'er, don't be afraid. I'm here. No one dares to do anything to you! Song Yi


"You are here to watch over their mother and daughter! I'm going to Mingjia now to save anqing! "

Then Xue an got up and left the hotel and went straight to the Ming family.

At this time, mingcanghai also noticed something wrong and immediately called all the masters of the Ming family to gather in the front yard.

A streamer flashed by, Xue an appeared above the Ming family and looked down at the people of the Ming family below.

Mingcanghai looks dignified and looks up at Xue an.

"What do you mean, sir?"

Xue an was indifferent. Instead of answering mingcanghai's words, Xue an asked, "how many years have your Ming family been in Xiangjiang?"

"One hundred and twelve years!" Ming Canghai Ao ran road.

Xue an showed two tiger teeth and a smile. "Today is the day of the destruction of your Ming family."

Angry by Xue an's words, mingcanghai said in a cold voice, "Sir, you should know that our Ming family has been in Xiangjiang for so many years, we can't be bullied casually!"

Xue an nodded and smiled, "I didn't say I would bully you! I mean Kill all of you

Voice landing, Xue an step out, coldly cheered.

"Move the world!"

At an order, the earth is shaking.

The whole Ming family mansion seemed to have experienced a big earthquake, shaking violently.

A lot of people fell to the ground.

And the sea of Ming Dynasty roared, "geomantic omen, Xuanwu Get up


After 112 years of hard work, the Ming family brought the whole Xiangjiang River into the geomantic array map, and the earth Qi accumulated was turned into a giant tortoise and Xuanwu, and went straight to Xue an in the middle of the sky.

Where Xuanwu passed by, it was full of momentum and spirits.

But Xue an was not sad or happy, standing in the middle of the air, facing the fierce and coming Xuanwu, he gently shook his head.

"It's just a virtual image of Xuanwu that has been transformed by the Qi of the earth for a hundred years. Even if the true spirit of Xuanwu is here, what can it do to me?"

After saying that, Xue an pointed out, just on the head of Xuanwu who rushed to the front.

The earth yellow giant tortoise was settled in the air, and then broke into pieces.

The earth's atmosphere exploded, shaking the whole Xiangjiang River.

Mingcanghai almost stares out his eyes.

This is the last move of Ming family.

Even the masters of fairyland are not the opponents of this move.

I didn't expect that Xue an was easily defeated by a finger.

At a time when the people of Ming family were shocked.

Xue an stepped out two steps in a row.

"Divide Yin and Yang!"

"Between life and death!"

Now, Xue an's cultivation has been able to perform the six moves of killing God with his words without boxing.

This is what you say and what you say!

Under the two types of killing gods, the whole residence of the Ming family was crushed by a nuclear bomb and completely smashed.

Waiting for the dust and smoke to disperse, only mingcanghai is still reluctantly standing.

All the others are dead.

Xue an falls to the ground.

The sea of Ming Dynasty is covered with blood and looks at Xue an with a frightened look.

Xue an light said: "know why I left you a life?"

The sea of the Ming Dynasty trembled.

"Because I have to tell you, your son is gone too!"

Mingcanghai looks dull, and the flame in his eyes seems to be extinguished.

Xue an gently waved his hand, and Ming Canghai's head flew up, and the soul came out of his body and flew into Xue an's palm.

When Xue an pinches it, his life and soul are broken.

In this regard.

The Ming family is completely destroyed!

Xue an closed his eyes, and after a short time, he said softly, "it's not worth dying for what you've done in the Ming family."After that, Xue an's body disappeared in place.

In the dungeon.

Anqing and others heard the sound outside and were in doubt.

Suddenly, there was a violent vibration in the dungeon.

And then the light came in.

Xue an slowly walked in, looking at a surprised Anqing, a smile, "Xiaoqing, I come to pick you out!"

Anqing nose acid, tears almost flow out, trembling voice: "brother-in-law!"

Xue an waved her hand, "come on, your sister is still waiting for you in the hotel."

"Sister? My sister is back? " An Qing was shocked.

Xue an a smile, "go back and you will know!"

Anqing takes the survivors of the undead out of the dungeon.

The scene outside made them all pale.

When they were put into the dungeon, the Ming family mansion was so splendid.

It turned out to be a scorched earth.

It's like being ploughed by countless shells.

Xue an takes them back to Mingjia hotel.

An Yan saw his sister, crying to embrace her.

Anqing is also full of tears.

"Sister, where have you been these days?" An Qing asked.

An Yan shook his head, "the story is long, but you, why was the Ming family arrested?"

Anqing sighed, "we were sent by Fenglin general to explore the immortal's legacy here. As a result, the Ming family secretly attacked and was captured."

"General Lin?" An Yan was surprised.

"Yes! There is one thing in the immortal collection that is very important to general Lin. unfortunately, it is estimated that it has been obtained by the people of Ming family now! " An Qing said.

Xue an at this time took out that streamer, light way: "you say but this?"

When an Qing and many immortal birds saw the sword, they were stunned.

"This..." Anqing doesn't know what happened.

Song Yi said with a smile: "the immortal Legacy Collection has already been broken by Mr. Xue! The Ming family was also destroyed by Mr. Xue! "

An Qing and others are shocked.

At the same time, Hua Baizhe is running away in sweat.

She saw the scene of Xue an killing Ming's house in the distance.

She was scared out of her wits by her magical methods.

She didn't dare to have the slightest thought against xue'an.

Now she just wanted to run away, as far away as she could from xue'an.

Holding the same mind, there is the whole body is injured caixukun.

But when all the people killed between the fingers fled.

Xue an stood in front of the window of the hotel and said calmly, "do you want to run now? Unfortunately You don't have a chance! "

After that, Xue an's palm was empty, his palm was upward, and he whispered, "borrow all the flowers and plants in the city!"

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