This is a prosperous and decadent world.

Prosperity is because there are gorgeous palaces and grand cities everywhere.

Decadence is because these cities are all empty, even no personal shadow.

"What's going on? Why are these cities empty? " An Yan asked in surprise.

Xue an's eyes twinkled. "It's easy, because a lot of people have left."

Anyan didn't understand what it meant, "leave? Where have you been? "

"Where have you been?" Xue an smiles, "that should ask the client!"

After that, Xue an looked at some place and said, "let's go! Go to see Mengxue first

It's a big day on the 13th floor!

In fact, a long time ago, Paradise Lost meant "ah!" Hu Ying wakes up and walks in, but after a few steps, she suddenly asks.

"Little fish!"


"Who do you think is beautiful between me and this fan Mengxue?"

Zhang Xiaoyu suddenly felt that his hair was standing up, and his eyes became erratic.

"This one..."

"Answer me honestly!"

"Er Of course, you are more beautiful, sister fox

"Well, good taste, I think so too!"

After that, Hu Ying left happily.

The octopus breathed a sigh.

God, I'm so clever!

When entering the hall, fan Mengxue's subordinates have already rushed over, and all their eyes are focused on Xue an, who is talking and laughing with fan Mengxue.

What's more, they also noticed that his highness, who usually treats any man with words, has a woman's coquettish look at the moment.

This sharp contrast is simply stunning.

At this moment, Xue an suddenly stopped and walked straight to a corner.

Fan Mengxue a Leng, do not understand Xue an this is to do what, but also quickly followed up.

At the moment, Xiaorui in black is standing quietly in the corner.

Xue an came to her and stopped slowly. Her eyes were full of pity.

An Yan on one side also recognized Xiao Rui and exclaimed, "husband, she Is she Xiao Rui

Fan Mengxue is also a Leng, "Yan elder sister, do you know Xiaorui?"

An Yan sighs, then will pass probably narrate once.

After hearing this, fan Mengxue finally understood what was going on.

At this time, Xue an quietly looked at this has been transformed into the strongest killer of small Rui, eyes of anger is gradually burning. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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