"I picked her up!" Fan Mengxue whispered.

Hear this sentence, think and read read open eyes, and then look at Xue an.

"Dad, this sister is so old, how can she get lost?"

"Yes! Neither of us will get lost now

Xue an did not speak, just sighed, and then quietly looked at the small core standing in the corner.

Somehow, when Xue an stands in the field, Xiao Rui becomes unusually quiet.

But she still did not speak, not even a trace of unnecessary expression.

At this time, fan Mengxue went on to say, "when the master disappeared, she appeared outside the castle where I lived. I still remember Xue an taking a deep breath, then lifting his hand and drawing a dense seal script in the air.

Then Xue an stepped forward and engraved the seal seal on the forehead of Xiaorui standing in the front.

Small Rui stuffy hum, the face appears the color of pain, and then on the top of the head there is a divine light.

Light to, the rest of the eight small pistil will be Qi Qi roar, overhead have appeared a virtual image.

Xue an step forward, tongue bloom spring thunder, a big drink: "close!"


The eight virtual images converge on Xiaorui in the middle.

And the light came out.

Xue an's eyebrows droop, raises the hand is a palm clap.

It has been solidified a lot, Xiaorui virtual image is thus taken into the sea of knowledge by Xue an.

But this is just the beginning. The violent force is coming out in an instant. Xiaorui's face looks painful, and his body begins to expand. It seems that it will burst at any time.

Xue an did not hesitate, raised a hand to point in the heart of Xiaorui's eyebrows.

The forces that were raging were directly suppressed. Although there were several struggles, all of them were suppressed by Xue an.

In the end, these violent forces were meekly subdued.

After all this, Xue an took a breath, then stepped back and said, "OK, you can handle the rest."

Then Xue an turned and left.

When he came out of the room, the light of Xiaorui's body suddenly dispersed, and then she fell to the ground, completely unconscious.

An Yan and fan Mengxue this just understand why Xue an just let people out, the original is for this reason.

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