Ying Weiyang was scared to step back a few steps.

Because at the moment, Xue an's momentum is really too terrible.

Especially just now his expressionless will be Wen Linglong directly smashed into meat mud, let people see then shudder.

However, Ying Weiyang was also a disciple of a famous school, so he soon regained his composure, and then gradually became gloomy.

"Who are you? How do you know my school? "

"Ha ha, I not only know your school, I also know that your master's name is Shang Liang, right?" Xue an said lightly, while saying, he gently wiped the blood on his face with his hand.

This is not changed.

Qian Tian Yuan is a clan gate that can be called in all the heavens. It is not surprising that it was called broken name.

But the name of the owner is not known by everyone.

In front of him, the young man in white dares to call him by his name. Is there any origin between him and me?

Just when he was in doubt.

The earth suddenly began to tremble, and then in the pit behind xue'an, a strong and absolute power rose from the sky.

There was a howl of bitterness in the power.

"How dare you hurt me? I will kill you

With the voice, a figure went straight to Xue an.

Speed, and even the space to plow out a deep gap.

"Be careful!"

"Be careful, my Lord!"

The crowd screamed.

But Xue an didn't even return his head. He just gave him a hand at the critical moment.


Xue an's palm blocked the direct attack of Wen Linglong and shook it out.

It's only when the body is connected with the body that it can be regarded as the warm dragon's steady form in the air.

At the moment, his eyes are full of crazy.

That's right!

At the moment, wenlinglong is really going mad.

He has never been so humiliated since the day he was born.

Especially in front of so many people, it's a shame.

So he just recovered from being forced to burst his head. Zhang Xiaoyu, who was in the crowd, looked dull and couldn't help but open his mouth. Then he couldn't help but sigh.

"Crouching trough is an octopus

Then she looked at Wen Linglong with admiration. She couldn't help thinking, why are people so powerful as octopus?

The virtual image of the octopus waving huge tentacles, where the space has been faintly shaken out of cracks.

This scene makes a lot of people to see is heart shaking.

After all, they have never heard of such power.

Xue an did not have any facial expression, just looked at quietly.

Of course, he knew that it was impossible to kill Wen Linglong with just one fist.

As for the giant octopus, others were afraid, but he didn't even blink his eyelids.

Even the corners of the mouth are gradually raised, showing a cold smile.

Seeing this scene, Wen Linglong's heart was even more furious. He had never seen such wordless contempt, so he hissed and roared: "boy, I don't care who you are, today You are dead! "

The voice has just dropped.

This giant octopus virtual image is combined with Wen Linglong, and then the giant tentacles are waved and compressed back like springs.

The atmosphere suddenly became dignified.

Xue an smiles, "that's what I want to say! And... "

Xue an slowly raised his head, and his eyes were as bright as stars. "It was just a dish of appetizer just now. Next, it's the main play."


That is, when Xue an's voice just fell, the octopus tentacles were compressed to the extreme, and then suddenly released.

Under the huge pressure, Wen Linglong is like a cannonball, and the space is like fragile paper, which is folded and compressed layer by layer.

The speed is so fast that even the reaction is too late, they have rushed to Xue an's near.

The violent air flow caused by the great pressure blows against Xue an's hair.

But Xue an didn't do anything.

Wen Linglong is happy in his heart.

You're still alive!

At this time, Xue an's head was raised slowly, but his eyes were on the top of his eyes.


Some people who were close to me were shocked by the huge noise and vomited blood and then retreated in horror.

And the violent airflow swept the whole venue.

But it is in such a huge power, Xue an's body still does not have any shaking, but the ground under his feet is cracking a huge gap.Wen Linglong felt as if he had bumped into a hard wall, which made him dizzy.

However, as an abyss race, and at the same time, how could he admit defeat so easily.

At the moment of being blocked by Xue an, the octopus tentacles immediately came up behind him, and then they wrapped Xue an in layers.

Then there was a frenzied strangulation.

Until hearing the clucking sound coming from the package of tentacles, Wen Linglong was relieved and then laughed.

"How dare you to meet me? I'll make your bones crumble

Standing in the middle of the sky, he could not help but breathe.

Although Wen Linglong is stupid, he still has some strength.

No matter who the boy is, he is dead now!

Then Wen Linglong then looked at fan Mengxue with pride on his face.

"Ha ha, fan Mengxue, is this the person who wants to wait? Unfortunately, he is dead now! And died in my hands, but you are different, as long as you surrender obediently, I can still let you go! "

But Wen Linglong did not see the expected sadness on fan Mengxue's face. On the contrary, he showed a cold sarcasm.

"Oh, do you really think you've won?"

"Nonsense, this guy is dead, so of course I won..."

The last word has not yet been exported, you can see that the tentacles of layers of packages are suddenly expanding outward.

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