Wen Linglong was just stunned. At this time, he saw a fist burst out of it and hit Wen Linglong's head.


This fist is very powerful, and Wen Linglong didn't have time to react because he was smashed.

Wen Linglong then flew backwards.

Then these tentacles began to wriggle painfully and finally burst apart.

Xue an walked out slowly, without even a trace of blood on his body. He took a cold look at Wen Linglong, who had already been blown out. Then he gave a slight smile and gently blew his fist.

"That's it?"

Seeing this scene, all the people who had just worried about it were relieved.

When he mentioned it, he was shocked.

How could that be possible?

He didn't use a lot of accomplishments in the whole process. He fought with Wen Linglong from the abyss with the strength of his body?

What kind of strength is he?

Isn't it the half step fairy king in appearance?

Or is he a rare form of physical cultivation in the heavens?

These ideas entangled in Ying Weiyang's mind, which made her confused into a pot of porridge.

At this time, Wen Linglong, half of his head was almost smashed by this blow. Although he was hard, he did not feel well.

For example, his mouth and nose are flowing with blood mixed with brain.

It was obviously a severe concussion.

It would cost him a lot of energy to recover.

So at the moment, he can only look at the opposite of Xue an, eyes show a touch of dignified color.

He had never suffered such a loss.

The key is that from the beginning to the end, he was beaten by this young man in white.

This feeling is too oppressive.

Wen Linglong took a deep breath and said coldly: "I have to admit that your strength really exceeds my imagination! But do you really think you can knock me down with your body alone? "

Xue an took the time to pull out his ears, "eh? What do you think? "

"Ha ha, I understand that you must be the body training of the Terran! But although your physical strength is strong, you still have to lose! For what I say is the law

In the last eight words, Wen Linglong pronounced it in a very ancient language.

As soon as this is said.

The world changes color.

Countless Qi machines all gathered on Wen Linglong, setting him off as if he was the master of everything.

With a dignified look in his eyes, he said in a low voice, "what you say follows what you say. This is the real reason why the Wen family in the abyss can stand firm."

That's right!

At the moment, what Wen Linglong shows is the talent that can be awakened in the blood of Wen family. What he says goes with what he says.

This talent, as the name suggests, will achieve whatever he says.

It's a talent that's so powerful that it's almost impossible to understand.

It is also for this reason that Wen Linglong was able to achieve the throne of fairy king at this age.

At the same time.

Wen Ling's face was as dignified as an ancient god. He raised his hand to xue'an and said, "your body should be destroyed, and all gods and spirits will fall!"

The law of heaven and earth was established in an instant and began to strangle Xue an crazily.

Wen Linglong's heart was secretly relieved!

All right!

It's over at last!

Although exerting this kind of talent to oneself also caused not small pressure, but is to destroy each other.

When he tried to kill Xue Wan ran, he didn't think of these rules.

Xue an smile, "this kind of talent ability, also means to say what you say and what you say?"


How could it be?

Wen Linglong's eyes widened instantly.

How can someone be able to speak as if nothing had happened after being in his natural ability?

At this time, Xue an suddenly took a step forward and said in a cold voice, "where I am is heaven and earth. How can you hang me?"

After all, xue'an's body directly broke through the Qi of the heaven and earth that bound him. He instantly appeared in front of Wen Linglong, and then raised his hand to make another fist.


Wenlinglong stumbled back and forth, and there was a big bag on his head.

He was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

What's the matter with you today?

The head seems to have become a wooden fish, and the Terran teenager keeps knocking.

"I'm fucking..." Wen Linglong also wants to say something cruel.

But Xue an obviously didn't intend to give him this opportunity. His body flashed and his hand raised again.

Bang bang bang!The next is Xue an's own performance time, but when he sees Wen Linglong being blown around by Xue an, he often flies out again before he can stand firm.

Everyone was staring at this dazzling scene.

Who am I?

Where am I?

Is this a dream?

These three question marks appear in many people's minds.

Because it's just incredible.

Wenlinglong, who had been on the throne for 13 days before, was beaten by a half step fairy King's Terran youth at the moment.

It would have been like a dream if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes!

He is the boss with his mouth open.

At this time, Wen Linglong suddenly cried with a cry.

"No No more slapping in the face

And then people saw something even more bizarre.

But see the head has been beaten foot swelling four or five circles of Wen Ling long lying on the ground, powerless shouting.

"Please, don't hit me on the head again!"

Xue an stood in front of him, looked down at him from a commanding position, and said faintly: "Oh? I beg your pardon? I didn't hear you! "

With that, Xue an raised her foot and stepped heavily on his head.


This foot let Wenling dragon all over a tremor, hands and feet is a burst of convulsions, and then he cried out.

"My head hurts, please don't hit me on the head again!"

There was no word in the room.

Xue an but smile, and then squat down to look at the tearful Wen Linglong.

"What? I've just warmed up and you can't hold on? "

Seeing the smile on xue'an's face, wenlinglong is shaking all over the body just like seeing the devil.

He had never met a man like Xue an.

Calm, but powerful and terrifying at the same time.

From just now, I don't know how many heads he hit, but I have no strength to fight back.

This desperation soon knocked down Wen Linglong, making him collapse completely.

"You can do anything as long as you don't hit me on the head! Please, please. I don't want to fight! " Before that, the image of the two men was extremely arrogant.

There was no expression on xue'an's face. Instead, he raised his hand, pulled his hair and lifted him up.

Then Xue an came close and said with cold eyes: "it's OK to admit defeat, but you have to tell me, the Lord of unhappiness, tianzhana Where is it now? "

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