At this time, Yu Ran has completely faded from the past and become mature and capable.

In addition, the sword idea flows between the eyebrows and eyes, and it is obvious that he has already had a good cultivation of kendo.

Usually when her brother Yu Ming is away, she is in charge of everything at home.

Therefore, in Lingnan, she also has the title of xiaojianxian.

It's just that people are puzzled that, although she is already old enough to talk about marriage, she never talks about any man.

There are many young Junyan in the younger generation, because they admire her cultivation and appearance, and try their best to pursue her, but they all fail in the end.

For a long time, there are rumors that she doesn't like men!

Of course, only her brother Yu Ming and a few people know what the reason is.

Yu Ran of course does not like men, but she likes the people, is a simply untouchable existence!

After hearing these rumors, I can only sigh.

However, Yu Ran has become a respectable and fearful existence in Yu's family.

This is an example.

Many swordsmen of the Yu family scattered around and sealed off the surrounding world.

Then Yu Ran stepped out, his eyes like a sword, patrolling around to see if there was anything unusual.

The whole scene was quiet, only the sound of the wind howling.

Just at this time, I suddenly picked a show eyebrow, slightly light Yi.

Because she could feel that the aura of the surrounding heaven and earth was extremely scarce, and the qi movement was very disordered.

It was as if someone had scooped away all the auras of heaven and earth within a hundred miles with great magic power, leaving only such a huge void.

This is also the reason why the world has just fluctuated so violently.

But the key is, who has such a great power to do such things?

Yu Ran's face was as cold as ice, trying to feel the strange in the disorder.


There was a sudden flash of light in her eyes.

This silk breath Why are you so familiar?

No! impossible!

It can't be him!

He is not in the earth at all now, how can his breath appear here!

Yu Ran's body trembled slightly, his face showed a color of excitement, and at the same time, he was strongly denied in his heart.

And when she was ready to feel it again, the subtle invisible breath had disappeared.

The disordered Qi of heaven and earth is gradually recovering.

Yu Ran stayed in place for a long time, finally dropped his eyes and said in a low voice: "the man has gone!"

Having said that, she did not speak to the crowd, but turned and left.

The swordsmen of Yu's family are left in disorder in the wind.

What's the matter, miss?

Why just suddenly face excited color, and then leave without saying goodbye?

But anyway, the storm passed.

At the same time, Xue an was crossing the territory of China.

At this time, xue'an had already made up half of the strength he had lost by crossing the road because of the one who took part in it, and the rest would recover in a few days.

In fact, with his current strength, one finger may fly out of the earth.

But he was not in a hurry, but walking in the high altitude.

Finally, he came to the sky of a prosperous city.

When seeing the lights at the foot of the house, Xue an's mouth appeared a faint smile.

"It's interesting. I came to my hometown!"

That's right!

The city under Xue an's feet is the Beijiang River.

And he came all the way to find the breath.

So when he saw Beijiang under his feet, he didn't even return to villa tianzi-1. Instead, he went straight down to the ground and stepped into the prosperous city.

Xue an has been away for three years.

In the past three years, the earth has changed a lot, especially in Beijiang.

There are new high-rise buildings everywhere, and the economy is obviously booming.

Walking on the street, people who have been practicing themselves can be seen everywhere.

Real people have become the standard configuration. It's not uncommon to be in a happy place. There are people everywhere, and immortals are wandering in the street.

Even a street sweeper has strong accomplishments.

Such a scene has even become the norm.

No one was surprised.

After Xue an stepped into it, there were not many people paying special attention to him, except that he attracted some sidelights because of his uncommon temperament and handsome appearance.

No one knew that he was the one who created this magnificent spectacle.

Xue an didn't care about it, because it was exactly what he wanted to pursue, otherwise he would have revealed his whereabouts directly.But there was something on the street that caught Xue an's eye.

For example, the picture on the electronic screen of a high-rise building on the street.

In the picture, Tang Xuaner and an Qing are fighting.

Although it's just a snapshot, it can be seen that the photographer's skill is very deep. A simple photo can show Tang xuan'er and an Qing's demeanor vividly and vividly.

And you can hear people talking excitedly around the streets.

"Last night, goddess Tang killed three demons by herself. The battle scene was just too exciting! It is indeed my goddess

"Yes, that's right. I think so too. So today I bought a ranking for Goddess Tang. We have to have a table for Goddess Tang!"

"Ha ha, you just know! I have already joined the Tang goddess's support group for a long time

On the other side, he talked about an Qing's deeds with great enthusiasm.

"When general an turned into the Zerg queen, he was so handsome, especially when I was the Zerg, I was excited to think about it!"

"Well, I didn't get my name. I really don't know when I can take part in the blocking battle in outer space and see with my own eyes the battles of your lords."

There are many similar conversations, and basically the people who talk about them are fans of all the strong people.

But not all the discussions are so friendly. For example, a group of people got together and were arguing fiercely.

"I think it's still the goddess of Tang! The strength is absolutely strong, and it is also beautiful

"Is general an ugly? And it's not that the goddess Tang is not powerful, but it's just that compared with general an's Zerg power, it's still very poor! "

"I think Jingjing goddess is also good!"

"Miss LAN is so powerful!"

In these shouts, someone suddenly said in a deep voice: "I think Lord Xue an Xue is the most powerful! After all, he taught them all

This sentence made everyone silent immediately. After a long time, someone whispered, "but when will this adult come back? And after coming back, can he really compare with these adults? After all Now, the strength of all the adults on earth is soaring

Some people wanted to refute this sentence, but suddenly found that they didn't know how to say it.

At this time, Xue an suddenly photographed the speaker.

The man was so frightened that he turned his head and looked, "what's the matter?"

Xue an smiles. "It's OK. I just think you have a point."

After that, Xue an turned away with a smile.

The man looked at Xue an's back in a daze, and suddenly some doubts.

This man's back Why do you look so familiar? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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