It's like a place left out of time.

Although the surrounding low shantytowns have long been demolished, replaced by tall and clean buildings.

But the old Xie hotel did not change at all. It was still the three houses facing the street, and even the signboard did not change.

On the signboard, the word "Hotel" has been blackened by lampblack smoke. Only the word "Lao Xie" is still clear, which is very eye-catching in the night.

Such a look can be called a shabby appearance of the hotel, so quietly standing in the bustling city center, it seems so out of place.

But no one wanted to touch it.

Even passers-by are used to it.

Not only that, when it comes to dinner, the door of the hotel will be full of luxury cars from all over the country.

However, no matter how big the boss is and how powerful he is, he will get off the car in front of this small hotel and dare not make any mistakes.

Because of this hotel, but already famous at home and abroad, by countless people respected Xie Jingjing, Xie goddess's home!

If that's all, it's all right. The key is that the owner of the hotel still stepped forward in the last catastrophe and swung a kitchen knife with those evil spirits. Now he still has a lot of injuries on his body.

In addition, there is also a faint rumor that the man who helped to turn the tide and save the earth from the fire and water, and created such a prosperous age by himself, is also very close to the owner of the hotel, and even calls him uncle and aunt.

Who dares to be disrespectful against such a background?

As a result, the old Xie hotel has become a legend in Beijiang city. It is listed as a scenic spot to visit when you come to Beijiang with Villa No.1.

However, no matter how hot the business is and how honored the guests are, Lao Xie always insists on one principle: no price increase.

Today, in the Laoxie Hotel, the price of food is still at the level of five years or even ten years ago.

Such cheap and delicious meals naturally attract many low-income workers.

The hotel will not refuse to see it again.

Whether you are a rich man with a fortune of 10 billion or a poor man with no money, you will be treated equally here without any difference.

So there was such a spectacle in Laoxie hotel.

When working together, this may be the boss of a listed company, and there may be a street sweeper next to him.

The key is that no one thinks there is anything wrong with it. Even when they are in high spirits, they will have a drink together if they don't know each other and their identities are very different.

Such a fantastic scene can only be seen in Laoxie hotel.

Today, of course, is no exception.

As soon as the sun set, Lao Xie Hotel began to be busy.

Diners from all over the country gathered together, but few urged.

Nevertheless, the fat aunt is still busy, running between the front hall and the back kitchen.

"Lao Xie, a dish of spicy tofu!"

"Lao Xie, stir fry the three delicacies!"

"Minced fish head with pepper!"

Every time he heard the news, Lao Xie, standing in front of the kitchen stove, would turn his head and laugh at the fat aunt running in.

But because half of his face is mechanical, his smile will look strange.

But the fat aunt always laughs and scolds at this time, "what are you looking at? Do a good job!"

The scolded old Xie would turn around happily and continue to cook.

And this kind of speechless little warm, often let fat aunt in imperceptible then wet eye socket.

Because she knew that this was old Xie expressing his love for himself.

Although the smile looks strange to outsiders, it is the most humanized expression that Lao Xie can make to himself.

At the beginning, he held a kitchen knife to confront the evil spirits in the sky. Half of his body was destroyed by a blow. He was undoubtedly doomed to death, but he was resurrected by Xue an in a way against the heaven.

But since then, half of his body has been replaced by Alchemy machinery, and he can no longer speak, and even his IQ has regressed to the appearance of a seven or eight year old child.

But fat aunt is very happy, because she doesn't care whether Lao Xie can speak or not, and what he has become.

As long as he is still alive and can accompany himself, that is the best!

As the moon sinks, diners disperse and the busiest part of the day comes to an end.

In fact, in terms of the price of dishes and the quality of the food provided by Laoxie Hotel, it is impossible to earn any money at all.

Sometimes the busier you are, the more money you lose.

But the fat aunt persisted.

Because she firmly believes that one day Lao Xie will return to normal.

That's why she was able to fight back and reopen this small hotel.Don't care about making money or not. The key is that only in this way can Lao Xie continue to be his cook, and his fat aunt's heart will feel secure.

While aunt's silence, she began to clean up the table.

The tacit understanding of the two people is just like a person.

Just at this time, the door of the hotel suddenly came a burst of clear copper bell.

Hearing the bell, the fat aunt didn't even raise her head to know who was coming. She couldn't help laughing and said, "old man, you're late today!"

"Cough! Today, I happened to meet a man who was about to suffer a great disaster. I was so kind that I could not bear to see the disaster. So I told him a few words, so I came late! "

With the voice, the door of the hotel was pushed open from the outside.

An old man in a shabby Taoist robe, with a ragged beard and sparse hair tied in a bun behind his head, then pinned with a disposable chopstick, walked in at random as a hairpin.

He also held a pole in his hand. There was a tattered mask floating on the pole with four big characters embroidered on it.

Zhuge magic plan!

But this should be golden characters have faded because of the wind and the sun, appears very gloomy.

The top of the pole is also hung with a string of copper bells, which jingle and Dangle as soon as you walk. This is the source of the bell just now.

The fat aunt smelled the speech but turned her lips, "bah! I don't know you, running train all day, not a word of truth! I guess you haven't eaten yet. "

Lao Dao showed an embarrassed smile, "I'm in a hurry, I haven't had time to eat yet!"

"I really don't understand. What are you doing all day long when you are so old! Now the aura is revived, and there are practitioners everywhere. You are a bad old man who is still divining for others. Isn't that your own punishment? "

The fat aunt resented iron and steel and mumbled two sentences, and then said in a bad mood: "OK, hurry to sit down. There are some leftover ingredients today, let Lao Xie fry you!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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