Xue an seemed to have expected this for a long time, and sighed: "I knew that things would not be so simple. If only by deduction can we know the real murderer behind the scenes, why should I explore so hard?"

Zhuge Zang was silent. After a long time, he sighed: "in fact, I have long felt that there is an undercurrent hidden under the calm surface of the heavens! It's just that I don't know who it is! "

With that, Zhuge Zang looked at Xue an with bright eyes. "Now I know that this undercurrent is absolutely extraordinary. Otherwise, we can't set up such a shocking killing Bureau before Wanzai to kill your Chinese people!"

Xue an sneered, "no matter how small, how can it be? Since we have done it, we have to pay a price. This is what I said. It's useless for anyone to come! "

When he said this, Xue an's eyebrows were full of cold and murderous intentions, and his fierce momentum was even more changeable around his body, which made him pale.

Zhuge Zang nodded, "I understand this naturally! If you give in, you will not be the Honglian immortal who oppressed the heaven at first! "

Speaking of this, Zhuge Zang suddenly asked, "what kind of situation have you recovered to now?"

"Above Daluo, the fairy king is not full!"

"What? Are you not a fairy king yet

Zhuge Zang could not help but take a breath of cold air, and his eyes were full of horror.

He thought he had already broken through the realm of fairy king when he saw Xue an's actions and actions!

I didn't expect that it was just the peak of Daluo.

It's just terrible.

Because only the realm of Da Luo has such prestige. If it breaks through and becomes the king of immortals, then it will be all right?

And if Return to xianzun fruit position?

Thinking of this, Zhuge Zang couldn't help but excite Lingling and shivered.

I am afraid that at that time, the whole universe will not be calm again!

Xue an faint smile, "in fact, I can break through long ago, but I always feel that there are still shortcomings, so I have been waiting for it!"

"Waiting for what?"

Xue an picked up the tea cup on the table, and his bony fingers darkened the white porcelain cups.

Then Xue an took a sip and whispered, "wait for an opportunity!"

This was ambiguous, but Zhuge Zang understood.

He was silent for a moment, and then nodded, "brother Xue, no matter what, you always remember a word, I will always stand behind you to support you!"

Xue an smiles and raises his cup. "Thank you very much."

Thanks, Xue an is from the heart.

Because I had been helped by this old man many times in my last life.

He didn't want Zhuge Zang to shake his head, "what thank you talk about between you and me! Light, light! "

Xue an knew that the old man was a child, because he laughed, "in fact, you still owe me a favor."

"Oh? How do you say that? "

So Xue an met two descendants of Zhuge family in Tianzhao Xingyu, Zhuge Xuanqing and Zhuge banzang!

And then how to help them out of the control of the heavenly king and so on.

After that, Xue an looked at the old man in the opposite with a smile. "ZHUGE banzang's talent is good. It can be said that Zhuge banzang is a rising star of Zhuge family, but he almost died in the hand of Tianzhao Shenwang. Now he was saved by me. How can you thank me?"

"This one..." Zhuge Zang can't understand Xue an's temper any more. If you really follow his words, you can't keep any of these things.

So he turned his eyes and waved his hand indifferently. "In fact, I am not a member of Zhuge family any more. As for the affairs of these descendants, I don't want to get involved! But you can save them, it's their nature, so I'm here to thank you for them! "

Looking at Zhuge Zang, who opened his eyes and told lies without blinking an eye, Xue an could not help laughing and swearing: "no wonder people always say that people are always cheating and horses are slippery. It seems that you are really crafty."

"Hey, tea, tea!"

"Come on, I don't really want your things. I'm scared of you!" Xue an said with a smile, and then the conversation turned.

"Old man Zhuge, was it you who told Zang Xueling my true identity in the ghost world?"

Zhuge Zang was not surprised that Xue an would ask about this, so he nodded, "yes! It's me

"What are you doing in the ghost world when you're free?"

"At that time, I happened to pass through the ghost world, only to find that ye hanshang was reincarnated and rebuilt, and he became a big fool! Therefore, he made a divination, which showed that you would be a turning point in this matter, so he told Zang Xueling the news by the way! By the way, as soon as you said this, I remembered that ye hanshang was recovered? "

Xue an nodded. "It's recovered, and I helped him to recast the ghost world and build an alchemy hell. It's also a place for those ghosts to go!"

With that, Xue an talked about the events at that time!After hearing this, Zhuge Zang sighed with deep admiration: "brother Xue, I am not satisfied with anything else, that is, I obey your courage when doing things, and integrate the alchemy civilization with the ghost world, and build a world. You are the only one among the heaven who has such a big hand and vision!"

Xue an laughed, "don't give me ecstasy soup. You're a bad old man!"

After that, they both laughed at the same time.

In the laughter, the silence of the whole hall was also shattered, and the noise from the outside came in again.

At the same time, sitting on the side is eating Dufan suddenly noticed a trace of strange.

How suddenly feel in the heart some uneasiness?

And this feeling is still so familiar.

Du fan had some doubts in his heart, so he turned his head and looked at Zhuge Zang.

Xue an was sitting with his back to him, so at a glance, Du fan could only see the back of a young man in white.

But it is this figure that makes Dufan's eyes open gradually, and his heart rate begins to accelerate madly.

This back, this temperament.

Why are you so adult?


No way!

Adults are not on the earth at all, how can they suddenly appear here?

But what's the matter with this extraordinary temperament?

At this time, Xue Anyi felt something and couldn't help turning her head to look at Du fan and then smile.

"Good evening, Dufan!"

When he saw this smile, Du fan's whole person was like being struck by lightning, and he was silly in situ.

"What? Are you coming to dinner? " Xue an said lightly.

Du fan's lips began to tremble, and his excited eyes were a little dizzy, "yes Yes! Big Is it really you, my lord

"What? I haven't seen you for years, don't know me? " Xue an said with a smile.

Du fan nodded subconsciously, and then realized that he shook his head like a fan. "Of course not. I can't forget your kindness forever. I just can't believe it."

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