Speaking of this, Du fan's eyes were red, and his tears came out.

Xue an was also quite touched.

The once big brother in the river and lake was a benefactor. He just rewarded him with a few pieces of Longgan, which he firmly remembered in his heart.

Looking at today's situation, he should also be in accordance with his orders and came to take care of the fat aunt.

Thinking of this, Xue an smiles and hands over a cup of tea.

"Well, you're also a big brother now. What do you look like! Have a cup of tea

Of course, Xue an has diluted this cup of tea. Otherwise, with the spirit of jiuzhuan Lingwu tea, a cup of tea will make Du fan explode.

Du fan rushed forward and took the cup of tea with both hands.

Although I don't know what kind of tea it is, it can be seen from the dense aura over the teacup that it is not ordinary.

So he once again excited tears in his eyes, looking at Xue an did not know what to say.

Seeing this, Zhuge Zang said in a funny way: "OK, I'm not happy. Thank you, brother Xue. If you can get two rewards from him, it's your fate."

At this time, Du fan realized that the old Taoist who was regarded as a charlatan was also an expert in the world. He could not help but look at Zhuge Zang with shame.

Zhuge Zang smiles and doesn't care.

In fact, with his years of age and experience, he has long been no longer taking these external honors and Disgraces seriously.

Du fan took a deep breath, and said to Xue an with a serious face: "my Lord, I don't want to say thank you. You have made me a new favor. After that, my Dufan's life will be yours!"

After that, Du fan drank the cup of tea.

Xue an indifferent smile, did not say anything.

At the same time, the fat aunt who is washing the dishes in the back kitchen hears Du fan shouting in front of her and steps out.

As she walked along, she said, "Xiaodu, why are you shouting so loud? The old man finished eating and

Fat aunt just want to say Zhuge Zang finished eating and left, don't be difficult for him, but the words behind suddenly stopped.

Because she saw Xue Anye standing up and smiling at her.

"Fat aunt!"

With a clang, the plate in the hands of the fat aunt fell to the ground, smashed into pieces, and then exclaimed, "Xiao an?"

Xue an smiles and nods, "yes, it's me! Fat aunt, I'm back! "

As soon as this sentence came out, the fat aunt jumped over and grasped Xue an's wrist.

"Is that Xiao an? I'm not dreaming, am I? "

Xue an's heart gushes a warm current, this is the family member.

Then he chuckled: "of course not a dream! I'm really back! "

The fat aunt cheerfully called out to the kitchen, "Lao Xie, don't be busy, look who's back!"

Lao Xie walked out of the kitchen slowly and gave Xue an a smile.

It was the strongest feeling he could express.

Xue an sighed in his heart. Lao Xie was broken half of his body last time, and even his spirits were scattered between heaven and earth. Although he recovered some of his body, he was severely damaged, so it is what he is now.

Xue an nodded, "Uncle Xie!"

"Come on, sit down! Xiao an, when did you come back? What about Yan'er and those two little girls? "

Until after sitting down, the fat aunt's hand all tugged Xue an's hand not to loosen.

Xue an said with a smile: "they are all OK, but I just came back and haven't had time to untie the seal, so I haven't come out yet! You'll see them in a moment

"Good! Good! Just come back! Just come back Fat aunt was overjoyed, and then she saw Zhuge Zang sitting opposite.

At this time, Zhuge Zang had removed all the camouflage and suppression. Although he still looked like an old man with white hair, there was more arrogance between his eyebrows and eyes.

Fat aunt can't help but be surprised, "this..."

Xue an said with a smile: "I'd like to introduce you. This is my best friend, Zhuge Zang, who came from the heaven!"

Only then did the fat aunt understand that the old Taoist who often came to eat and drink here was a peerless expert.

She could not help but feel a little ashamed and was about to say something.

Zhuge Zang waved his hand with a smile, "OK, don't introduce me. I'm already familiar with fat aunt! Right, Auntie! "

Fat aunt happy already did not know what to say, suddenly saw the leftovers on the table, this just patted the forehead, said very upset.

"Xiao an, you just came back. You haven't eaten yet! I'll let your uncle Xie do it for you. I'll make sure it's all your favorite food. You wait

Then the fat aunt couldn't help but say, and led Lao Xie to the back kitchen.

Xue an quietly looked at their back, did not speak.

The opposite Zhuge Zang sighed, "good man!"

Then he looked at Xue an with a smile, "what? Are you not going to let me meet my sister-in-law and the two little princesses? "Xue an sprinkles ran a smile, "of course not!"

With that, Xue an raised his hand and pressed it on his brow. After a flash of brilliance.

The seal that was added for the sake of safety when crossing the passage of time and space was broken.

Then he saw an Yan led to think about Nian Nian, and then fan Mengxue and Hu Ying, Zhang Xiaoyu and Luo Lanting.

Even Xiao Rui came out at last.

For a time, the scene became very lively.

With the appearance of the crowd, Zhuge Zang's eyes gradually became surprised.

At this time, Hu Ying did not know when he appeared beside Zhuge Cang. Then he grabbed the small bun behind his head and exclaimed with joy: "Grandpa niunose, are you here?"

"Little fox Xiaohuying Zhuge Zang's eyes widened gradually.

"Yes, it's me! You didn't expect that, Grandpa Niu nose Hu Ying was very happy with her smile.

"Oh, Grandpa Niu nose, how come your bun is much smaller? Is it going to be bald soon As she spoke, Hu Ying pinched the bun of Zhuge.

Zhuge Zang's face suddenly became more bitter than bitter gourd.

Because he never dreamed that this little enemy would appear here.

"Xue an, how could she be here?" Zhuge Cang endured the torture of fox Ying and said with a confused face.

Xue an said with a smile: "she is here!"

"Then why don't you tell me?"

"The key is that you didn't ask!"

Zhuge Cang said

Then he took a deep breath, turned his head and squeezed out a smile even worse than crying at Huying.

"Grandma, can you stop worrying? That's all I have left

"Grandpa Niu nose, I just want to pull this bun! Ha ha ha Hu Ying was very proud of her smile.

Think of Niannian, a little dazed at this scene, and then gently pulled Xue an's clothes.

"Dad, sister fox, what's the matter? Why are you so happy? "

"Yes! Who is this grandfather

Xue an said with a smile, "well It's a long story to talk about! "

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